The Tangle fall in line with me
85 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Things had been different at Eresta. Different, but not better. Raelle had worked hard to help Sapphique's sister pack gain its bearings in those first weeks out by the sea, to carve out a place of her own among their gem-wrought ranks. But it had never really felt like home.

So she hadn't questioned it too much when Mercy sparked into her life like flames bursting from the brush. She hadn't questioned their friendship, nor her own inexplicable desire to follow when Mercy professed her desire to find her family. She'd simply gone with it.

Rae had left Eresta with promises to return — if not to them, to Sapphique. One day. Maybe by then she would know herself a little better.

For today, though, she was happy not thinking too hard about any of it. Easier to focus on Mercy, to zero in on that rare flicker of emotion crossing her features as she spoke. Yeah? Rae's voice was low with sympathy. She'd never been too good with words, though. Careful. Mireille keeps her den 'round here.

She was being a lame friend, wasn't she?

So like... this place is special to you, then, huh?
Messages In This Thread
fall in line with me - by Mercy - May 30, 2024, 07:05 PM
RE: fall in line with me - by Raelle - May 30, 2024, 07:30 PM
RE: fall in line with me - by Mercy - June 01, 2024, 12:14 PM