Bramblepoint Before planet Earth was here, I was riding a light year.
69 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She nodded, gesturing back towards Neverwinter Forest. Forneskja. Yes, for now. A recently settled pack. She responded. I've come here to hunt, but well, She frowned, clicking her tongue as she looked to the brambles.

The woman carried quite a few scents with her, and so Eydis could not assume that she too was a pack wolf. You're a traveler? She asked. It was interesting, for Eydis herself had not had the chance to wander far into the Teekons.
Thread titles taken from "No More Birthdays" by Sophia May
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RE: Before planet Earth was here, I was riding a light year. - by Eydís - December 06, 2024, 02:47 PM