Neverwinter Forest tiny dots on an endless timeline
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3 Posts
Ooc — almond
Listing his responsibilities, Melisande felt her heart break for her brother. He was so strong, but she knew that even the strongest trees snap when enough pressure is applied. Pressure was surely what building and running a pack felt like. Again, she was reminded that her worries for Sólhárr were no longer a burden she had to carry alone. Even with her brother's humor, she knew he listened to the both of them seriously. It was a way he showed his love, listening to those he cared for with open ears. 

His praise brought a modest flush to her ears. A slow wag of her tail bumped occasionally into his thigh. I'll take care of myself. I promise. She responded, her eyes tracing the path she walked everyday. The rut in the path told her they were close, the soft sound of water soothing her nerves.

Callyope, she is good for you. I'm glad she's finally gotten through to you, Melisande teased in an attempt to steer the conversation away from herself. It was truth though. Callyope had only brought good to their lives. Never had she felt so connected with the earth and gods. Her own shyness kept her from growing closer to the woman, but she knew that would need to end soon. Wanted it to end. While her brother was good company, she had spent too much time lost in prayer or hiding in his shadow to meet anyone else. 

Looking back to Sólhárr, she gave a soft exhale. Readying herself, though she knew he wouldn't judge her, Melisande asked, Do you think Callyope would like to pray with me sometime? Maybe share prey? 


© Elmwick
Messages In This Thread
tiny dots on an endless timeline - by Melisande - November 23, 2024, 02:28 AM
RE: tiny dots on an endless timeline - by Solharr - November 25, 2024, 11:07 AM
RE: tiny dots on an endless timeline - by Melisande - December 12, 2024, 01:46 AM
RE: tiny dots on an endless timeline - by Solharr - December 12, 2024, 08:44 AM