Bramblepoint when the sun is perched at it's highest peak,
21 Posts
Ooc — reu

"the pleasure is all mine. it's not often i run into friendly wanderers." he hummed pleasantly. many were defensive, and rightfully so. the world is cruel, and many wolves can be crueler. not the man cloaked in gold, though. he seems to be a calm spirit. 

seeking was what all loners such as themselves were seeking, wasn't it? though the idea filled cicero with dread. he'd left his home with the ghost of his failure and grief trailing behind. the mere thought of starting over made his chest seize tight with uncertainty. 

"mm, i haven't been seeking such. i ran into the leader of a...norse pack, i believe. forneskja, they call themselves. he took interest in my cleric skills." he paused, thoughtfully. "i do not know what will become of it."
[Image: 83219957_qXPMR3Y2oD4fOgZ.gif]
played by reu
Messages In This Thread
when the sun is perched at it's highest peak, - by Iseldur - December 12, 2024, 10:00 PM
RE: when the sun is perched at it's highest peak, - by Cicero Dvořák - December 16, 2024, 12:33 PM