Raven's Watch Souärr
17 Posts
Ooc — tazi
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She crouches, listening to a fresh access of wind caught against the snow embankments, inhaling crystalline flakes and blowing free warm breath. With belly full and Faust keeping watch for black bears over their kill, it had been the first night she had some restful hours of sleep. Now her mouth thirsts and the pleasant trickle of snowmelt lures the huntress to the shimmering edge of a cornflower lake.
Ayovi regards the watershed for long moments. Her paws tense, remembering another self who would have basked freely in these cool waters. That version of her was buried with the Ashēer. Now she was wisened. She knew fear, and how all the world was an enemy to the lone wolf. The tensing of claws is only reflexive.
It is the squabbling of ravens which betray her senses, drawing her out along the banks before taking heed of what stranger lurks near.
Messages In This Thread
Souärr - by Ayovi - December 16, 2024, 11:30 PM
RE: Souärr - by Bracken - December 16, 2024, 11:49 PM
RE: Souärr - by Ayovi - December 17, 2024, 12:46 AM