Duskfire Glacier If I never see your face again

"Bet you a hundred moths you won't lick it!" jeered #64. This bet was met with raucous agreement from #74 and #79, who were also notorious cowards. All four of the bats hovered near a glistening, icy wall that originally drew their attention for the way it lit up like a Christmas tree in their echo vision.

Nearness explained that phenomenon. Even with their weak eyes and the dim dusk lighting, the bats could tell it was a reflective and perfectly smooth surface. It was no wonder it returned such strong echoes.

#97 wasn't a coward like his comrades. He was younger than them by nearly a full year, but had yet to back down from any of their challenges. They kept trying to come up with harder and harder things, but #97 faced them all, and this was no different. He fluttered down toward the ice wall, closer to the ground so a potential fall wouldn't kill him (fearlessness aside, he didn't ever do anything that could kill him), and hooked his claws into the wall. Without waiting, he stuck his tongue out and planted it on the wall... and was surprised it stuck when he tried to pull it away.

#64, #74 and #79 howled with laughter as he tried to free himself. When he was unsuccessful, the bats hooted even louder, fluttering around each other and using their long wing-tips to issue batty high-fives while #97 tried to moan words past his tongue.
Messages In This Thread
If I never see your face again - by #97 - February 04, 2015, 07:16 PM
RE: If I never see your face again - by Maera - February 04, 2015, 08:38 PM