@Depp ehehe, of course she'd try to escape
Lingering along the pack's borders had become her top priority each and every morning, often tiring her out come nightfall. It'd been early into the night that she'd fallen asleep this evening, only to be woken a few hours later by an uncomfortable feeling. In her groggy state, she'd not the capacity to full recognize what it was that ailed her, thus allowing her to fall back into a restless slumber. That is, until she was struck by a sudden realization, forcing herself awake and to her feet. That scent. It was distinct, easily recognizable—and, worst of all, it was coming from her. Lowly, she'd growled, irritated by the sudden heat; though, given the turn of the weather, she knew she should have been expecting it. It had been scheduled to arrive, but Sen being Sen, she'd almost believed mother nature would ignore her existence. Of course, the world could never be so kind.
The Gorgon had been forced into a battle with herself, her mind seeking a place to hide away in and wait the week out, while her body craved the touch of another. It was, without a doubt, the worst possible thing to happen. The idea of children sickened her, and the idea of her having a litter of her own was frightening. It was something she was loath to let happen, inspiring the serpent to begin her trek towards the borders. She walked with the wind, rather than against it, hoping that doing so might better her chances at making a clean escape. As much as she despised the marsh, it was, currently, the only safe location that came to mind. With how strong it's odour was, the woman believed it would conceal her well. Little did she know that she'd never even make it to the borders, let alone the neighbouring territory.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 15, 2016, 11:42 PM
So excited!!
Depp had just awoken from rest himself, and was caught off guard when the smell of a wolf in heat came his way, it was faint—for the time being—but he of all wolves knew one when it hit him, leaping to his feet his instincts were to follow, and his mind did not disapprove. It had been awhile since he got his own release, including both alcohol and sex. Teekon may be a great place to start a pack, but he'd come across little luck with two things he favoured greatly. It wasn't long until he saw who had been emanating such a smell, and everything seemed to be put on pause. It was Sen? Being who he was, the alpha hadn't delved to discover who's scent it was and was more focused on the fun part. The biggest smile took over his maw, marched on. Noticing how she was walking toward the border was even better, hoping to catch her off guard. From his point, Depp was looking at the side of her, and closing in. Not seeming to be noticed yet.
Seeing her quicker pace, when coming close enough he spoke. "What's the rush?" The dark brute asked, his tail flicking like one of a feline. Even if nothing were to happen, messing with her was fun. Although last time her threat scared him, so he silently warned himself not to go too far.
March 15, 2016, 11:57 PM
The plan was simple, really: get up, leave the territory, head to the marsh, then camp out there for the next few days. The steps were all there, begging her to pursue them and carry out her self-given mission. The possibility that she might be caught en route had never presented itself, the idea that someone would catch on before she had gone away unthinkable. But, like many things out there, her metaphorical capture was not impossible, and such was something she'd come to realize the moment Depp's voice had reached her ears. The sound had been enough to cause her body to jolt upwards a bit, having been far too focused on her current goal to have heard his approach. He had, quite clearly, caught her by surprise, earning him a narrow-eyed scowl.
"Is there really a need to even ask that?" she'd thrown back, eyes never leaving his own. An internal war was raging onward within her, all the while she tried her best to keep the upper hand on the situation externally. It was problematic, her mind telling her to search for the best escape route while her body encouraged her to close the distance between herself and the man before her. Managing to maintain some of her rationality, she kept herself firmly planted to the ground on which she stood, her entire self visibly tense.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 16, 2016, 12:07 AM
Her comment earned a tilt of the head, and a hum inside his throat as though he was truly delving on the subject, which the two both knew was all an act. Rolling his shoulders a bit, to release any of his tension, and encourage her to do the same, the male placed his gaze upon her once more, smile shining bright as ever. The alpha began to circle her a bit, hoping to cause her more stress or panic, seeing her jolt from before. If his eyes just enclosed her, perhaps she would just give in? It was only natural. Of course, pups weren't on the mans mind at the moment, despite his usually rational thinking. For a moment he considered nudging her, but was afraid of her snapping from anxiety and he definitely didn't need blood shed. Such an act would be used later, when he was more positive of the outcome.
"It's nothing to run away from, Sen." Her name was especially drawn out, just to add more feeling to the word. Circling back so the two were face to face, he lifted an invisible eyebrow, his crooked grin turning into a smirk. It was obvious she was going through a difficult time just standing there, only fueling his aspiration even more.
"It's nothing to run away from, Sen." Her name was especially drawn out, just to add more feeling to the word. Circling back so the two were face to face, he lifted an invisible eyebrow, his crooked grin turning into a smirk. It was obvious she was going through a difficult time just standing there, only fueling his aspiration even more.
March 16, 2016, 12:21 AM
There was no way for her to release any pent up tension, her legs ready to run at any given moment. The look on his face, the way he moved his head and tried to pretend he was giving her words some thought—it all infuriated her to no end. When he began circling her, that very same irritation multiplied tenfold, as did the tension within her muscles. She could have run, she could have lunged forward and left him in the dust the moment he'd moved out of her way, but she hadn't. Her paws had remained rooted to the ground instead, head moving to each side slowly as she followed his every movement. Sen did not trust him, nor did she trust herself, and that was, perhaps, what bothered her the most out of everything else.
His words had seeped into her at record speed, fueling that which her body desired, giving it more ammunition to use against her conscious self. "It's plenty to run from," the woman had managed to retort, ears falling back as her eyes became slits. By some miracle, she'd succeeded in taking a step backwards, lengthening the distance between them. Thereafter, her eyes had slid to either side one right after the other, searching for a way out of the trouble she'd thrown herself into.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 16, 2016, 12:30 AM
Depp look at the opened space, lingering for a moment before reclosing the step and leaning his head forward a bit. The girl hadn't left, and he'd given her plenty of chance to before, he knew a side of her longed for them to be intertwined, even if it were just instincts the thought made him want to laugh. Truthfully, he felt somewhat sorry for the girl—well, woman—knowing it must be difficult to go against your body. Even though he continued on, taking in her scent. It was practically like heroin to the male, it took much to keep him from just tackling her down. Luckily, he did possess manners even if they were bit rugged, considering leaping atop a female was "manners". Clearing his throat a bit, he licked his lips.
"You don't fear me, do you?" He asked, furrowing his features to of a more questionable expression.
"You don't fear me, do you?" He asked, furrowing his features to of a more questionable expression.
March 16, 2016, 12:44 AM
The single step she'd managed to take became nothing more than a waste of energy, for he'd matched it naught even a moment later. From there, he'd moved his head forward, too, practically begging her to lash out at him. The temptation was certainly there, the only thing holding her back being the numerous possible outcomes of her actions. Doing so would mean shortening the distance even more, given him ample room to retaliate. Having worked well to avoid confrontations for the majority of her life, she wasn't yet ready to fall off the wagon—or, so had been what she'd originally believed. While she had yet to act against him, she could feel herself beginning to gravitate towards his form, unknowing that which might arise from doing so.
"Fear you? I don't trust you," came her correction, blunt as usual. "I don't trust this—myself." The cat was out of the bag, the momentary confusion of her mind giving her instincts the chance to take the reins, if only for a moment. During their brief ruling, she'd taken another step, though this time it was towards him. She'd regretted the movement right after, but it went by uncorrected nevertheless. Instincts, her body, they were beginning to win the match against her mind, something she had expected to never happen.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 17, 2016, 08:38 PM
She had taken a step towards him. Depp was astonished, although his goal was to gain some form of intimacy with the female he never expected her to edge it on, at least that's how he took the slimming of space between the two. His surprise wasn't seen to its full extent, but his ears lifted and eyes widened the smallest amount. So her body was taking over, doing what it was made to do. He knew his comment would be rejected and a new point would be made, the thought of her fearing him was practically impossible. In his mind that is. "What is there not to trust?" In all truth, Depp would never think about doing something without her permission, no matter how much he longed for it. For the time being, it was a matter of convincing her and he had the upper hand.
Sen had spoken of wanting to pass her family's traditions or something like that, he hadn't been enlightened very much on the subject, and she was older than him, why not now? Of course, pups weren't on the male's mind and more the benefits of the present, as the perusal. Moving his face a bit closer to her own, taking in the scent of heat. Intoxicating him to some extent.
Sen had spoken of wanting to pass her family's traditions or something like that, he hadn't been enlightened very much on the subject, and she was older than him, why not now? Of course, pups weren't on the male's mind and more the benefits of the present, as the perusal. Moving his face a bit closer to her own, taking in the scent of heat. Intoxicating him to some extent.
March 17, 2016, 10:16 PM
Thoughts of reason where lessening in frequency within her mind, instincts moving forth and revealing it's strength—after all, nature always won in the end. It helped, perhaps even a bit too much, that Depp was a healthy fellow. Slightly younger than her, as well as a bit eccentric, but he'd never shown any indications that he carried an illness. A suitable partner, really, not that anything official was on her mind. No, her thoughts had been clouded already, previously logical notions replaced by the pull to reproduce. "What is there to trust?" she'd returned on a whim, mustering up just enough of her previous self to speak. It was an odd thing, the loss of her stoic mask. Letting even a flicker of emotion slip through her cover had been viewed as a grand flaw in the past, yet there she presently was, unable to hide herself away.
When his face had drawn closer, Sen did not move away. Instead, she found herself inching closer, the haze of her heat and instincts having grasped hold of her. Tentatively, she'd stretched her neck out, unsure of herself until her muzzle had brushed by his own. It was with a slow movement of her head that she'd lowered it, then, nosing his chin right after. She was not inexperienced in the joyous side of sex, but the current situation was far different from previous encounters. It was not something to do just to pass the time, but an act meant to prolong the life of nature itself.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 19, 2016, 12:02 PM
His heart began to gain speed, and he shifted his body a bit impatiently, her touch was something he would never had expected but even with her comment he took that as consent to go a bit farther, he moved his nose to her neck and prodded slightly before making his way to her side, taking in her potent smell. "You'd be surprised," Depp mumbled soft spokenly. When seeing Sen's mask fade away he felt accomplished, even if it was only because nature was taking control over her thoughts and actions it was still special to him. This was a step closer to knowing her, so any consequences were far from his mind.
Ears splayed back against his skull, Depp continued to poke and prod at her side, inching closer and closer to her rump, leaving space and time for her to back away or decide otherwise.
Ears splayed back against his skull, Depp continued to poke and prod at her side, inching closer and closer to her rump, leaving space and time for her to back away or decide otherwise.
Ahh sorry for the short post!
March 19, 2016, 12:29 PM
No further comments had come to mind, focusing instead upon his actions rather than his words. Her small gesture had kicked the door wide open, welcoming him to move closer. First came his touch against her neck, causing her own heartbeat to increase, which was followed by him moving to her side. A part of her wanted to pull away, to tease him and make him work for it, but her paws had instead remained rooted to the ground. Her head, however, had turned, neck stretching out as she nipped gently at his side when he'd passed her by. The woman's tail, which had previously been slack against her hocks, swayed slowly as it raised up some. Her eyes followed his every movement, observing him to see what he might do next.
Consequences had long since left Sen's mind, her only goal currently being to ease the ache in her core. Depp's prodding had worsened her loss of sense, urging her to carry onward rather than back away.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
Mature Content Warning
The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Sex.
Once again, Sen allowed all this to happen only giving him more chance to continue and no stress to worry she'd regret this. Trailing to her rump he lingered a bit, poking her back side. Teasing was often present when it came to sex for him as well, but being in the presence of heat made it hard enough not to latch on right away. Depp took another large breath of her before placing his foreleg on her back, for a second being cautious of her rejecting his attempt, then realizing if she had let him get this far it's likely he's allowed to continue on. Depp lifting his other front leg onto her back and pushed forward to close any space between them, yet still being apprehensive to actually commence the act.
Although he waited another moment before squaring his hips against hers and finding her entrance with ease, he began with rather aggressiveness. Biting her scruff slightly, apart of him not wanting to hurt her and it be over so withholding any true force to her neck. A rumbled moved from his throat to his lips and slipped into a growl.
March 22, 2016, 10:32 PM
There came a whisper to her mind, a voice so similar to her own but sounding so far away. She'd been unable to make out the words, unable to make out the warning of what might result from her recklessness, and brushed it off as an annoyance. Little time was spent focused upon such bothersome things, for she'd not the capacity to do so presently. Her mind was locked upon one thing only, and that which he could do to ease her burdens. Though the start of it, the poking around, only worsened them, causing her to glance back at him in irritation. Finally, she'd moved her tail to the side, granting him the access he needed just before she'd been mounted.
The moment she'd felt teeth against her nape, she knew what was coming. A low growl began to grow within the back of her own throat, though it lacked any and all aggressiveness. A part of her wanted to twist away from his grasp, to carry on as she normally would, but there was no time to do so. She'd given him permission already, and her body wasn't about to let her hold it off for any longer. Sen pressed herself against him, eager to receive the release she so desired.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 23, 2016, 12:01 PM
Being as Sen and her weren't mates, or even past friendly to each other not much was initiated before the initial act, most would lick and play even a bit previous to intimacy. But they were not in a mateship, nor did she seem the person to be so...romantic. Neither was Depp, even in his past almost mates, romance was not always abundant, though he could be quite the charmer. No, not in this case. This was purely nature, no love, no romance, just procreation. All his "evolved" thoughts left his mind, and was only thinking of the pleasure of the moment. He continued on, her growl making him grow more aggressive with each thrust, while his hold on her scruff didn't strengthen.
It was different for him, he hated no being able to control himself but he did hold some. Sen probably couldn't think straight if she tried, although he could. That's what was keeping him from going to far without consent, if he put effort to think more constructive he could, nothing was particularly urging him except for her. Another instance where she had the upper hand, depending how you looked at it.
It was different for him, he hated no being able to control himself but he did hold some. Sen probably couldn't think straight if she tried, although he could. That's what was keeping him from going to far without consent, if he put effort to think more constructive he could, nothing was particularly urging him except for her. Another instance where she had the upper hand, depending how you looked at it.
March 23, 2016, 12:29 PM
He was not gentle, but she couldn't be bothered to care about that. She had not expected a soft touch, just whatever was necessary to get the job done. She adjusted to his aggressive thrusts, legs slowly moving apart as her posture was made sturdier. Somehow, it felt better to her than past experiences, perhaps because there was a purpose behind it. A purpose presently unknown to her, of course, but no less of a reasoning. It was her body that had called for the deed, not her mind or, dare she say, her heart. It was nature's doing, which only seemed to increase the pleasure for her.
It wasn't long before she could feel herself growing taut, her walls beginning to constrict as her body prepared itself for the actual act nature had urged. Her sense of self remained lost, another low growl rumbling in the back of her throat. The notion of being tied to him for a short while was the one thing that had managed to encourage a response from her true self, annoyed, slightly, by the fact that she'd be left unable to depart from the scene directly after.
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 23, 2016, 03:57 PM
Depp began to feel the effects of it all, heartbeat growing faster and his speed increased until hitting his climax and pleasure swarmed, he then removed his gentle grip on her neck, and slowed his plunges until motioning his hind legs backward and fully removing himself from Sen's back. The male was only breathing a bit heavily, not wanting to seem overpowered by the performance just made, although it was tiring. He would also have to admit the satisfaction this time was greater than most others, solely because it was for reproduction, at least that's what was believed. Conceivably so, it may in fact be other factors, despite that being a large one. Possibly Sen just being a good partner or maybe something deeper—more emotional.
He moved to her side and nudged her once, only to see how she was doing. Would she hate him now? She couldn't, it'd be absurd for an alpha to hate the other. Not expecting a touch back, he didn't look her way, but a crooked smile loomed across his maw, well pleased with their intercourse.
He moved to her side and nudged her once, only to see how she was doing. Would she hate him now? She couldn't, it'd be absurd for an alpha to hate the other. Not expecting a touch back, he didn't look her way, but a crooked smile loomed across his maw, well pleased with their intercourse.
March 23, 2016, 04:28 PM
Assuming they'd untied already since this is getting long, hah
A warmth had filled her after they'd been stuck together, the achievement made unable to be denied. The mark had been hit, leaving her with a feeling of relief and, possibly, euphoria. Her legs had grown weak from the experience, begging her to take from them her weight, but she refrained from doing so right away. It wasn't until he'd dismounted her and they'd untied that she'd allowed her body to rest, sinking onto her haunches in the process. When he'd moved to her side, nudging her, she looked his way but did nothing more. She was not permitted a chance to look him in the eyes, to see the smile he wore. Sen saw only the back of his head, to which she attempted to lean towards, nipping at his shoulder—or any other part of him that she could reach.
The serpent could not hate him for something she, too had played a part in. It was her heat that had been the controlling factor, yes, but she knew it was still herself. Even still, once the incident had dawned on her, she'd moved away from him, sending in his direction a faint glare. "Go."
Notice: Sen's actions and words do not, in any way, reflect my OOC opinion.
March 23, 2016, 04:35 PM
I'll go ahead and archive this! So excited for the puppies, we can discuss adoption forum over Skype ^^
His ears lowered and he moved his gaze upon her, an obvious puzzled expression had taken place of his grin, until it soon returned and he gestured his head to the side and lifted his brow. "As you wish," Depp rolled his shoulders once, nodded in her direction and began walking away. Depp was aware she would need time alone, being who she was, it likely wouldn't be long until he saw her once again, presumably after her heat was over. Taking easy steps farther and farther away, he shot no more glances in her direction, only pleased with what just happened and priding himself in his act, seeing as she took part too. It wouldn't dawn on him until days later that she would, probably, be pregnant, as he will forget this occurrence ever happening until the dawning of.
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