Hoping for someone from Silvertip Mountain Pack but otherwise AW.
The huge male Philos was asending up the mountain through the glacier. He gripped the ice with his claws with every step carful not to slip. There may have been another way up the mountain that would avoid the glacier but Philos preferred it this way. He was used to the cold and greatly welcomed it. He was built for it with his thick coat and nails. It it was summer so their wasn't any snow and dark rocks poked their way through the ice. Philos walked going around the rocks and staying to the ice as it was more level and not too hard for him to maneuver on.
He he found a place that was flatter and he stopped and rolled on the ice. Trying to cool his back and just generally having some fun. He then lay on the ice cooling his stomach and rested.
August 15, 2016, 08:06 PM
hope you don't mind if I hop in!
It had been so long since she had visited the glacier, and the mass of ice stirred up memories of her life before Silvertip. She remembered stumbling across Phocion, catching him weeping over something she couldn't recall. It was almost if she was back in time, the glacier still cold amidst the grueling heat of summer. It was nostalgic, really.
She noticed another figure, a male as it seemed, picking his way through the ice and rock. She walked closer, fiery orange fur blazing in contrast to the colors of the glacier. She grinned when he stopped to roll around before flopping over on his belly. Well, it probably felt good.
"Having fun?" she said suddenly, standing not to far from where he laid on the ice.
August 16, 2016, 02:52 AM
At the sound of another speaking to him he quickly raised his head and turned his head toward the other. It was a wolf with orange fur with hints of what looked like black and brown. "Having fun?" she asked him and even though she did startle him a bit he looked at her with a smile.
"So much fun." he said with is voice sorta low. "You should try it, nice way to cool down." he told the female trying to be friendly to this stranger.
"So much fun." he said with is voice sorta low. "You should try it, nice way to cool down." he told the female trying to be friendly to this stranger.
Steady had been watching the male, a little unnerved that he was so close to the borders. But, understanding that the glacier was neutral territory, he simply hid in the shadows of his trees, waiting to see what the male would do. He hadn't expected he would roll on the ice, and the Alpha was a little irritated that he didn't simply move on.
Anita's scent hit him and he watched as she approached the stranger. They seemed friendly, but not as if they knew each other. Steady didn't move as he watched, remaining sitting on his back side as he waited to see what would become of this encounter.
Creepy Steady lol
August 19, 2016, 09:36 PM
Steady is like a ninja!
She settled down on the ice, coolness rushing up to meet her body as she did so. She started to wonder why she didn't come here more often during the summer; she could definitely use a break from the heat. Anita rolled over from her back to her stomach, looking the unfamiliar male in the eye."So, what do you find yourself doing here so close to Silvertip Mountain territory?" she said, cutting to the chase. So much for returning the friendly chit-chat -- but Anita felt it was her responsibility to at least ask. The girl sat up, waiting for the male's response.
August 20, 2016, 01:58 AM
Philos watched with a smile as he watched this female partake in one of his favorite activities. She seemed to like it he thought. She then turned over and asked him why he was so close to one of the packs here in the wilds. He had smelt a faded territory marking far in the distance but he only thought of it as Good I'm not trespassing.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude. I was just looking for a place with snow to cool down. The cold is my favorite." He understood why the female wasn't extremely friendly. She was protecting her border. So he responded respectfully.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude. I was just looking for a place with snow to cool down. The cold is my favorite." He understood why the female wasn't extremely friendly. She was protecting her border. So he responded respectfully.
August 21, 2016, 01:02 PM
Anita began to roll on the ground, too, but it wasn't long before she righted herself and asked the very same question that Steady had been wondering. He was glad she was thinking of protecting the pack, even if she was being friendly about it. Steady's ears were pushed forward, as he wanted to make sure he got all of the conversation, especially the male's response.
It seemed he was just looking for a place to cool off, which Steady supposed he could understand. Still, there were lakes and rivers that further out that he could have cooled down in. But, as he didn't seem a threat at the moment, Steady was content to watch and listen, instead of run him off. For now.
August 22, 2016, 11:38 AM
She dipped her head to his response, glad it was respectful instead of aggressive. "Don't apologize, I just feel kinda obligated to ask that, you know?" she smiled. This wolf obviously didn't seem to be a threat, but she didn't fully underestimate him. "I guess this is one of the best places to cool down, seeing that this is a glacier and it's hot as, well, hell out here," she laughed, stretching out onto the slick ice.
The faint scent of Steady wafted towards her, causing her to casually glance over her shoulder at the spot she thought he could be. Wherever he was, hopefully he knew she had this under control, and she was in no danger.
The faint scent of Steady wafted towards her, causing her to casually glance over her shoulder at the spot she thought he could be. Wherever he was, hopefully he knew she had this under control, and she was in no danger.
August 23, 2016, 09:08 AM
Philos laughed a bit as this female's comment about the extreme summer heat. "You're tell me. With all this fur anytime of the year is hot." he said gesturing no his extremely thick coat.
Philos then caught the scent of a possible third wolf in the area. He saw the female look toward where the scent had come from. "You know who that is?" he asked her unable to see who in fact he was talking about. This wolf was nice and he hopped the hidden one would be as well.
Philos then caught the scent of a possible third wolf in the area. He saw the female look toward where the scent had come from. "You know who that is?" he asked her unable to see who in fact he was talking about. This wolf was nice and he hopped the hidden one would be as well.
August 23, 2016, 03:53 PM
His ears pinned back to his head as the wind shifted so that he was upwind instead of down. It immediately gave away his position, and both Anita and the stranger picked up on it. He didn't have the intention of making himself known, unless the meeting went sour. Even now, he still remained hidden in the shadows, his dark pelt perfect for it.
But, he knew know that they knew he was here, it was pointless to remain hidden. So, he appeared from the edge of the forest, strolling towards the pair. His ears were perked forward, and his tail high, showing his position in the pack. As on edge as he was, he waved his tail briefly to show he was friendly. After all, the male wasn't technically on their borders, and had done nothing wrong. I'm Steady, Alpha of Silvertip Mountain. I was just making sure Anita was safe, he said, freely admitting he had been spying. Or, maybe they wouldn't realize that's what he meant.
August 24, 2016, 01:39 PM
Anita listened as the male further mentioned his reason for being at the glacier. "I bet," she responded, looking at the male's thick coat. She turned, following his gaze as he pointed out another's presence. As expected from the scent, Steady stepped out from wherever he was hiding.
She grinned. "Aww, Steady, that's so sweet of you. Spying on me to make sure I'm safe," she joked, wagging her tail in greeting to the alpha. "Well, don't worry, I haven't died yet. He's actually pretty friendly," she said, gesturing to Philos.
She grinned. "Aww, Steady, that's so sweet of you. Spying on me to make sure I'm safe," she joked, wagging her tail in greeting to the alpha. "Well, don't worry, I haven't died yet. He's actually pretty friendly," she said, gesturing to Philos.
August 25, 2016, 08:12 AM
The alpha male for the near by Silvertip Mountain pack came out from hiding showin both rank and friedlyness. After the female who he now knew as Anita exchanged words Philos continued off her statement "He's actually pretty friendly". "I sure like to think so." He said with a smile. "My name is Philos. It's a pleasure to meet you." he said to Steady nodding his head to him showing respect but nothing submissive as the alpha had no direct claim to this glacier. He also did it to be friendly and to possibly show this alpha his manners. Who knows maybe he had some opening in his pack that Philos could fill.
"So... What's the Silvertip Mountain pack all about?" Philos asked looking to get more information about the pack from either or the two wolves.
"So... What's the Silvertip Mountain pack all about?" Philos asked looking to get more information about the pack from either or the two wolves.
August 28, 2016, 07:38 PM
He should have realized Anita's quick wit would have picked up on what he was doing. He gave her a sideways glance of humor. Better safe than not, he said, before turning his full gaze back to the stranger. Nice to meet you, too, Philos. Steady appreciated the respect the other male was giving, and had no qualms about him not showing submission. This was not Steady's territory, nor even his borders, so expecting full submission would have just been wrong.
He asked what the pack was about, and Steady was happy to answer. We're family, whether blood related or not, and we treat each other as such. We're loyal, and defend our pack and each member like they are blood. He supposed it was a simple description, but, then again, their pack wasn't all that complicated. Are you apart of a pack around here? Steady asked, inquisitive of the stranger.
September 01, 2016, 02:59 PM
She returned his sideways glance with a shrug accomapnied by a grin, sitting back down on the ice as the male began to speak. Damn, the cold sure did feel good, and she was starting to wonder why she didn't spend most of her time at the glacier itself. She listened as Steady explained the values of the pack, nodding every so often to show that she agreed. What he was speaking of were not sugar-coated lies to make the pack look good, they were true. Everything he described she had experienced herself.
Anita awaited Philos' answer to the whole thing, and she was especially curious if he was part of pack or not. Admittedly, she did rather like him and wouldn't mind if he joined the ranks of Silvertip. However, that decision was up to Steady, assuming Philos was a lone wolf in search for a pack.
Anita awaited Philos' answer to the whole thing, and she was especially curious if he was part of pack or not. Admittedly, she did rather like him and wouldn't mind if he joined the ranks of Silvertip. However, that decision was up to Steady, assuming Philos was a lone wolf in search for a pack.
September 01, 2016, 03:06 PM
As Steady began to explain the pack values and characteristics he couldn't help but imagine it. I sounded like a fun and loveing pack. He always admired how others could become freinds and even family despite blood relations. This is what he strived to preserve, he wanted to make as many friends as possible and protect those he cared for both physically and emotionally.
Stead asked if Philos was in a pack so Philos replied "Sadly I am not. I was hoping to find a pack to join within these wilds." He was considering the idea that he may be able to join this pack but didn't want to ask so eagerly, too soon, or off of their territory.
Stead asked if Philos was in a pack so Philos replied "Sadly I am not. I was hoping to find a pack to join within these wilds." He was considering the idea that he may be able to join this pack but didn't want to ask so eagerly, too soon, or off of their territory.
September 04, 2016, 11:53 AM
The other male admitted that he was looking for a pack to join. Steady knew they weren't at capacity, and another large male would be an asset, especially with their upcoming move. He wondered, silently, if he was a fighter, given his size, but refrained from asking. He did seem nice, too. Well, we have a few spots open, if you don't happen to join anywhere else, he mentioned casually. He didn't want to pressure Philos into joining simply because he had mentioned wanted to find a pack to join.
He glanced to Anita, trying to read whatever expression might be on her face. She was quiet, and he wondered what she thought of the male possibly joining. Steady liked that it seemed most of his family all got along, and he didn't want to screw that up by allowing someone entry that would wreck havoc. Thankfully, though, Philos didn't seem like the wrecking type.
September 10, 2016, 10:42 AM
Anita sat silently, and only did she intervene when she heard Philos' hope to join a pack. She was about to say something along the lines of an offer to join Silvertip, but held her tongue as Steady did just the same. It was his job to offer spots in the pack, not hers. The alpha gave her a glance, and she returned a look, accompanied by a nod to show that she certainly had no problem with Philos. The thought of a new pack member was exciting, as she was always open for more company.
"I think he'd make a great addition..." she trailed, her gaze back in Philos' vicinity. She didn't want to pressure him to make any decisions, but she was all for the addition if he chose Silvertip as his new home.
"I think he'd make a great addition..." she trailed, her gaze back in Philos' vicinity. She didn't want to pressure him to make any decisions, but she was all for the addition if he chose Silvertip as his new home.
September 11, 2016, 12:28 PM
Trying to end this so it ties into the next thread
Philos wagged his tail rapidly for a few moments before realizing and stopping. He was excited to here that they would be willing to think of accepting him into their pack. But he didn't wnt to look too eager. He also thought for a bit. Its possible that another pack might be interested in his skills. He wanted to keep his mind open but hey he thought if you find something good why look for something that might be better.
"That sounds great. I'll for sure think about it." he said wanting to sound interested but not give away his shear excitment.
Philos wagged his tail rapidly for a few moments before realizing and stopping. He was excited to here that they would be willing to think of accepting him into their pack. But he didn't wnt to look too eager. He also thought for a bit. Its possible that another pack might be interested in his skills. He wanted to keep his mind open but hey he thought if you find something good why look for something that might be better.
"That sounds great. I'll for sure think about it." he said wanting to sound interested but not give away his shear excitment.
September 12, 2016, 04:15 PM
Anita seemed to agree that Philos would make a good addition to their family, and Steady returned her nod before looking back to Philos. While it seemed he was not ready to make a decision, Steady didn't hold that against him. He understood the need to find a pack that he was sure he belonged in, and sometimes that meant visiting several before choosing.
With a nod, Steady accepted his answer. Good, he said, smiling at the other male. I'm going to get back to my work, he said before turning to Anita. See you later, he said. But, before walking off, he turned back to Philos. Good luck in your search, he said genuinely. Even if he didn't join Silvertip, Steady hoped he found a place he could call home.
Steady made his way back into the forest, this time not stopping to make sure all went well, as he felt he got enough proof that Anita would be safe.
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