The night was supposed to be of silence, with the occasional sound of crickets near. Though what was supposed to be a night of rest for a poor silver dame, became a night of terror as she ran out of Blackfeather Woods in a cry. Shisu was in pure fear as she put in every effort to run with her weak legs, "s-stop it!" she desperately cried out to behind her, only to be met with mocking caws.
There was a mass of black following a gray agouti wolf, a flock of crows was chasing after her attempt to flee. She wasn't sure what she did to upset them, but the flying fiends did not want to leave Shisu alone. Her crying and yelling to get them to stop only was returned with caws of amusement that continued with their chase, perhaps they found amusement in her delicate nature.
Shisu did not find this fun, she ran through the meadows with a flock of horror coming after her. She kept looking back at them in fear, which only added to their eager chase. She only wanted them to stop- she only wanted to sleep! Her distractions, her thoughts, was her inevitable downfall as the female did not pay attention to her own pace, and crossed her legs in a stumble. Tripping over her own paw, she tumbled downward in horror, as that moment of falling made the crows get closer.
They were prepared to attack, and Shisu could only cower in fear.
September 17, 2018, 03:32 PM
Where one might have avoided such a disastrous situation, Behemoth was beckoned forth by the swarm of black against a blue-black sky and the running form of grey. He was hoping that perhaps what they were chasing could be his next meal but it became apparent that it was another wolf. He sighed and rolled his yellow eyes as they seemed to take a tumble.
Well if they weren't going to take a strike at the birds, he was more than happy to do so.
He eagerly ran towards the scene without much of a sound in order to not startle off the birds. When close enough to need to do so, he lunged over the fallen female and thrusted himself up. Jaws opened with a hungry need to catch something. Alas he only managed to snag on a wing and while he pulled one of the crows down with him, it quickly made a get away when he tried to get a better grip on it.
This reasonably upset the other crows and it seemed for the time being their attention was drawn onto the ebony male who offered plenty of snaps of his jaws to them.
Well if they weren't going to take a strike at the birds, he was more than happy to do so.
He eagerly ran towards the scene without much of a sound in order to not startle off the birds. When close enough to need to do so, he lunged over the fallen female and thrusted himself up. Jaws opened with a hungry need to catch something. Alas he only managed to snag on a wing and while he pulled one of the crows down with him, it quickly made a get away when he tried to get a better grip on it.
This reasonably upset the other crows and it seemed for the time being their attention was drawn onto the ebony male who offered plenty of snaps of his jaws to them.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 03:52 PM
Shisu at the very least tried to protect her head by curling as the claws started to descend. Though they never came, and she only felt the cold air of the night, along with the sounds of jaws snapping and the angered caws that came from the flock. Was... Was she saved from their terror?
The dame opened her tear stained eyes as she gave a glance to the figure that hovered above. She saw a dark figure, who should've blended into the night but the moon above outlined his radient figure. He portrayed like a dark knight, as the male before her snapped at the crows who no longer paid attention to her fallen figure, and went full throttle toward the mysterious savior. Shisu felt a flush creep upward, as she gave a dazed gaze to him.
A hero of the night, she was too thankful... He fought amongst the black cloud, and hoped he could hear her words of gratitude as she watched this battle, "thank you.."
The dame opened her tear stained eyes as she gave a glance to the figure that hovered above. She saw a dark figure, who should've blended into the night but the moon above outlined his radient figure. He portrayed like a dark knight, as the male before her snapped at the crows who no longer paid attention to her fallen figure, and went full throttle toward the mysterious savior. Shisu felt a flush creep upward, as she gave a dazed gaze to him.
A hero of the night, she was too thankful... He fought amongst the black cloud, and hoped he could hear her words of gratitude as she watched this battle, "thank you.."
September 17, 2018, 04:03 PM
Truthfully, it was damn near impossible to hear the woman's words. The crows cawed in his ears and tried to peck at him in retaliation. Behemoth was bound to lose a few tufts of fur after this but his hungry belly would let him stop. When one went for his face his jaws snapped quicker than before. There was a quick crunch and drowned cawing.
While the other birds seemed distraught and perhaps even angrier, they backed up a bit from the wolves. Behemoth was quick to try and get some of the bird down before he was possibly attacked again. If he had known the female had thought he was some kind of knight perhaps he would have cackled with a mouthful of bird. Yet he was a bit politer than that and swallowed it down before he did anything else.
Loudly he barked and snapped, even gave a few lunges more. A few crows seemed to scatter for good and Behemoth could only feel his chest swell with a fulfilled ego.
While the other birds seemed distraught and perhaps even angrier, they backed up a bit from the wolves. Behemoth was quick to try and get some of the bird down before he was possibly attacked again. If he had known the female had thought he was some kind of knight perhaps he would have cackled with a mouthful of bird. Yet he was a bit politer than that and swallowed it down before he did anything else.
Loudly he barked and snapped, even gave a few lunges more. A few crows seemed to scatter for good and Behemoth could only feel his chest swell with a fulfilled ego.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
She felt relieved that the mob of crows was decreasing. Though the memorizing view of this wolf, who was like her very own knight, made her tune out the sound of bones cracking. She was entranced by the dark knight steering the terrorizing crows away and bringing them down, she didn't realize that he wasn't their to help, the mysterious 'savior' was there to decrease his empty stomach. Shisu was too amazed on his heroic deeds.
"T-Thank you so much." She had to express her gratitude once more as the black fiends started to disperse with his attacks. Though she yet to get up completely, and stayed submissively downward. Shisu was terrified if they would come after her, that her voice and body shaked a little.
"T-Thank you so much." She had to express her gratitude once more as the black fiends started to disperse with his attacks. Though she yet to get up completely, and stayed submissively downward. Shisu was terrified if they would come after her, that her voice and body shaked a little.
September 17, 2018, 06:39 PM
Behemoth managed to snatch one more for good measure and gave a quick shake of his head. As the birds lightened up around them he finally managed to hear the female's words. He turned around to face her, smirking with a crow hanging by the wing between his jaws.
He did not answer and instead opted to toss the crow at her.
It was natural for someone so alone to want the company of another. If even for just a little while.
He did not answer and instead opted to toss the crow at her.
Eat.He ordered as he settled onto his rear. Now that he had time to admire her, it was easy to see the beauty. Although perhaps he thought about it more primly than others. While the scent of others lingered on her, his thoughts were not deterred.
It was natural for someone so alone to want the company of another. If even for just a little while.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 06:50 PM
Shisu was flustered, feeling a bit flushed when he smirked at her. She was very grateful someone saved her from the flock, that her view toward him was much like a hero; one that she'd she surely worship over time. One kind interaction greatly caused a positive view on this mysterious male. At least, that's how the dame saw it. A kind stranger helped a delicate female from her troubles... Truly like a fairytale.
Rather shakily, she got up and bopped her head toward him in gratitude. Shisu was still a bit shaken up from the odd attack... "o-ok." She obediently listened, and bent down to take a bite out of one of the many crows he took down. She couldn't help but feel a bit... The lass didn't even know how to describe it, as she was eating one of her tormentors. It was simply odd.
As Shisu ate she felt nervous by his studying gaze. She felt it would be best to introduce herself, as well as express her deep gratitude toward him, "U-Uhm! Thank you, again..." She of course had a high pitch for a moment out of sheer anxiety while stammering her words. The usual of her personality, "I am, Shisu. Shisu Marisol Beliveau."
Rather shakily, she got up and bopped her head toward him in gratitude. Shisu was still a bit shaken up from the odd attack... "o-ok." She obediently listened, and bent down to take a bite out of one of the many crows he took down. She couldn't help but feel a bit... The lass didn't even know how to describe it, as she was eating one of her tormentors. It was simply odd.
As Shisu ate she felt nervous by his studying gaze. She felt it would be best to introduce herself, as well as express her deep gratitude toward him, "U-Uhm! Thank you, again..." She of course had a high pitch for a moment out of sheer anxiety while stammering her words. The usual of her personality, "I am, Shisu. Shisu Marisol Beliveau."
September 17, 2018, 07:04 PM
His gaze never wavered from her plush form. Where some might have learned it was rude to stare for so long, it was obvious Behemoth never learned such manners. He didn't comment on her thanks. It was likely because he had never received such words before. So rarely in his life had he been thanked for anything. Genuinely at least.
Shisu...He murmurs back in tones that seem a bit too deep for his youthful appearance.
Behemoth.He returned with half a grin. She's pretty. He's alone and in a better mood with his fixed sleeping schedule. He has it in him to play nice, at least for tonight.
Where are you from?The ebony male inquires with ease, a brow arching. It was obvious none of her pack mates were close enough to rescue her from the murder of crows.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 07:19 PM
If she knew what he thought of her, she'd be over the moon. She already had a fluttering feeling from his smile, that she gawked for a moment. Embarassed by her own act, Shisu turned her cloud blue gaze downward and shuffled her paws. The thought to continue to eat the crow slipped away, as she focused on her black knight.
"Behemoth..." Like he did, she repeated his name and nodded shyly. It suited him, he was a large male with a black as night pelt. She was curious on who named him, or how he got that name. Of course, Shisu was too anxious to actually ask and only let her question float in thought.
"O-oh, uhm. My home is... Blackfeather Woods." Her eyes trailed to where her forest was located; west but mostly downward into the south. They were quite close to it, as she did promptly run out from being chased. The dark forest near was where she came from, and where her current Pack lives.
Though where was he? "Are you... from around here?" She hesitated to asked, but nervously questioned him. Behemoth seemed to appear out of thin air to save her, and while she did not smell others around, perhaps he lived near.
"Behemoth..." Like he did, she repeated his name and nodded shyly. It suited him, he was a large male with a black as night pelt. She was curious on who named him, or how he got that name. Of course, Shisu was too anxious to actually ask and only let her question float in thought.
"O-oh, uhm. My home is... Blackfeather Woods." Her eyes trailed to where her forest was located; west but mostly downward into the south. They were quite close to it, as she did promptly run out from being chased. The dark forest near was where she came from, and where her current Pack lives.
Though where was he? "Are you... from around here?" She hesitated to asked, but nervously questioned him. Behemoth seemed to appear out of thin air to save her, and while she did not smell others around, perhaps he lived near.
September 17, 2018, 07:30 PM
He wasn't sure he had heard anyone utter his name for some time. Especially in a tone that was not disgust, anger or anything else negative. It caught him off guard just the slightest. Pale gaze briefly traveled elsewhere. Behemoth was feeling something he couldn't describe nor could he figure out if it was good or bad.
Eventually he yellow gaze found her features again. The knowledge of where she was from was minimal. He knew nothing of the name she spoke. Although it sounded dark. Almost too dark for someone who had been cowering from a murder of crows. Blackfeather...crows, well it seemed intertwined to him.
Eventually he yellow gaze found her features again. The knowledge of where she was from was minimal. He knew nothing of the name she spoke. Although it sounded dark. Almost too dark for someone who had been cowering from a murder of crows. Blackfeather...crows, well it seemed intertwined to him.
I'm from nowhere.He answered plainly as his gaze roamed over her before looking to the lands around them.
I travel freely.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 07:38 PM
'Oh gosh,' it was taking a lot of effort to not simply run away and hide. He kept staring at her! Shisu felt self-concious, as well as an unusual fluttering feeling; all of this kept making her shuffle and twitch. She couldn't keep still, she felt so anxious. Please stop staring.
She couldn't meet his yellow eyes and only awkwardly looked around, unsure where to focus. Shisu looked up and glanced at him when he mentioned he was from nowhere.. For a moment she held a pitiful gaze toward him, before doing the obvious and looking back at the ground, "If you... Need a place I can, offer a place? Blackfeather Woods is friendy.. O-Or," her paws felt wet from sweat, "keep you company for a while?" The least she could do for her savior was accompany him for a while, before she would have to get back. Her bedtime was usually around now though...
She couldn't meet his yellow eyes and only awkwardly looked around, unsure where to focus. Shisu looked up and glanced at him when he mentioned he was from nowhere.. For a moment she held a pitiful gaze toward him, before doing the obvious and looking back at the ground, "If you... Need a place I can, offer a place? Blackfeather Woods is friendy.. O-Or," her paws felt wet from sweat, "keep you company for a while?" The least she could do for her savior was accompany him for a while, before she would have to get back. Her bedtime was usually around now though...
September 17, 2018, 07:59 PM
Her next string of words...intrigued him. Behemoth had considered settling down somewhere. It had always just rather been a question of where or when. While a pretty face could do plenty, he wasn't sure if it could convince him to settle down just yet. Instead he teasingly turned the tables.
Why don't you just come with me?His tones teasing as he leaned forward a bit, brow arching above pale yellow eyes. If she really wanted to keep him company why not come along on his journeys? From his point of view she was already accustomed to nightlife and it looked like she could use someone to fight off...flocks of birds.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 08:08 PM
Shisu raised her blue gaze toward his, eyes widened toward his question. It was the second time someone offered her... Well, perhaps first for companionship, but Kove offered her a home firstly. She held a rather shocked but sad and embarrassed expression, "b-but..."
"I can't... Leave my home... He offered it, I can't, abandon what I been searching for..." Shisu was extremely grateful toward Behemoth to saving her, but it wasn't enough just yet to wisk her off like the Prince she saw him to be. She also felt grateful toward Kove and the Blackfeather Woods for finally giving a place. However she knew, as the thoughts been haunting her for days... It still did not feel like home. Even the crows showed she did not belong there, by physically chasing her off. Though they might've tried to drive her away, she will always go back. The silver dame wanted to make it work.
"I can't... Leave my home... He offered it, I can't, abandon what I been searching for..." Shisu was extremely grateful toward Behemoth to saving her, but it wasn't enough just yet to wisk her off like the Prince she saw him to be. She also felt grateful toward Kove and the Blackfeather Woods for finally giving a place. However she knew, as the thoughts been haunting her for days... It still did not feel like home. Even the crows showed she did not belong there, by physically chasing her off. Though they might've tried to drive her away, she will always go back. The silver dame wanted to make it work.
September 17, 2018, 08:17 PM
He should have known better. She was too soft to take risks it seemed. It was now his interest seemed to die down. Her looks were about all he could be into when she thought like that.
Pale yellow eyes looked out to the vast lands in the distance.
Truthfully, he had no idea what he stood to gain from this other than some entertainment.
No, no.He uttered with a thick apologetic tone, it was all a facade though. He stood and moved a bit closer to her. If she didn't pull away he would brush his shoulder against hers. In his mind it was a disrespectful move to her pack, marking her with his loner musk.
It's okay.He cooed lazily as he pulled away from her and back into his own personal space (assuming he got close to her in the first place).
Pale yellow eyes looked out to the vast lands in the distance.
I suppose I just thought you were the adventurous type but I understand. He offered first after all.Behemoth had no clue who the he she had mentioned was but he was ready to play with her emotions on that.
Truthfully, he had no idea what he stood to gain from this other than some entertainment.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 08:30 PM
She felt her heart stop when he came closer, unsure what the intentions were. Though she didn't pull away, but started to hear her own heartbeat thump wildly as they touched, "oh gosh." What should've been a shy and embarased thought mirrored itself outloud while nervously staring at him.
Shisu would never suspect ulterior motives or a lie if it was said. He saved her once, and that alone gave her complete trust over him. She felt a tinge of guilt not meeting Behemoth's expectations, but the delicate nature was simply who she was. She felt this weird need to explain who Kove was, "m-my Alpha found me... He offered a home when I, wanted one for so long... Though I havent seen him much since."
She didn't express how empty her Pack was, but the statement she hasn't seen her Alpha much could be the key. She really hasn't met many of her packmates, nor' talk to them regularly. Met Relymna, a pup (Astara), Mou, and someone new joined up, but only a one-time event so far for each. She did see Kove there though.
"They're nice... Just a little scary." She confessed one of her doubts about the place, that it is rather scary. She got chased by crows for gosh's sake.
Shisu would never suspect ulterior motives or a lie if it was said. He saved her once, and that alone gave her complete trust over him. She felt a tinge of guilt not meeting Behemoth's expectations, but the delicate nature was simply who she was. She felt this weird need to explain who Kove was, "m-my Alpha found me... He offered a home when I, wanted one for so long... Though I havent seen him much since."
She didn't express how empty her Pack was, but the statement she hasn't seen her Alpha much could be the key. She really hasn't met many of her packmates, nor' talk to them regularly. Met Relymna, a pup (Astara), Mou, and someone new joined up, but only a one-time event so far for each. She did see Kove there though.
"They're nice... Just a little scary." She confessed one of her doubts about the place, that it is rather scary. She got chased by crows for gosh's sake.
September 17, 2018, 08:45 PM
He tried not to chuckle at her soft "oh gosh" and instead opted for a half-smile. She was meek and mellow, not his usual type. Then again it didn't seem like he could be very picky when he didn't have many options in the first place.
Her words amused him but he didn't let it show. Behemoth didn't want to startle her or scare her off but laughing at her. His toying wasn't over just yet. They would both know when it was over — regardless of what the results were.
Her words amused him but he didn't let it show. Behemoth didn't want to startle her or scare her off but laughing at her. His toying wasn't over just yet. They would both know when it was over — regardless of what the results were.
Is it really home if it's scary? And what of your alpha? Not seeing him doesn't sound like a good sign to me...Behemoth questioned and commented with a soft shrug of his shoulders.
You deserve better.And although he said that, he had his doubts.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 08:54 PM
There was clear hesitation on her face, because he voiced out a doubt she dare to not even think. 'Is it really home if it's scary?' Blackfeather Forest really did terrify her, and if she wasn't scared, she always felt uneasy. The darkness that seemed to always haunt her, and the silent, judgemental stares of the various of flocks that hung around. It was eerie, she sometimes found herself unknowingly walking out just to feel at peace. Every other wolf there seemed to be born and raised within the area, and it was all they knew. Shisu knew they wouldn't understand, and she herself is trying to understand. She really did want to make it work.
Shisu didn't deny it, but found it too difficult to nod along, but her fustrations on the topic brought tears to her eyes "b-but they done so much. They gave me, a place to stay." It started to sound more she was convincing herself then him; she always done this in thought. It seemed harder now since the doubts she faced were openly voiced. She felt that Blackfeather Woods was something she did not deserve.
Shisu didn't deny it, but found it too difficult to nod along, but her fustrations on the topic brought tears to her eyes "b-but they done so much. They gave me, a place to stay." It started to sound more she was convincing herself then him; she always done this in thought. It seemed harder now since the doubts she faced were openly voiced. She felt that Blackfeather Woods was something she did not deserve.
September 17, 2018, 09:01 PM
He was getting exhausted a bit of trying to convince her but he had one more card to play.
Had he made her cry? It was exciting and uncomfortable. While he usually revealed in making others feel bad, that had not been his main goal with her.
Spend the night with me...test the waters and see how you feel. Nothing permanent and you can leave at any time.Maybe. He rounded her to come back near her shoulder but didn't touch her. The tears in her eyes were obvious and they made his insides squirm with disgust and delight.
Had he made her cry? It was exciting and uncomfortable. While he usually revealed in making others feel bad, that had not been his main goal with her.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
September 17, 2018, 09:07 PM
(This post was last modified: September 17, 2018, 09:08 PM by Shisu.)
"U-Uhm, okay.." She felt more inclined after giving a choice- she was the type of wolf to stress over permanent decisions, and usually it did not end up good. She felt slightly tired by the mental exhaustion of thinking this, and the fact it was past her usual bedtime. However there was a strange excitment she felt to his proposal, and nodded her head, and giving the ok to it. Tears had stopped once the mental battle was gone, now they were simply moist and slightly irritated. Shisu gave a swipe at her eyes.
Though... Why does he keep getting closer!? 'Aaaaaaaaa,' she couldn't help but internally scream as her heart screamed with.
Though... Why does he keep getting closer!? 'Aaaaaaaaa,' she couldn't help but internally scream as her heart screamed with.
September 17, 2018, 09:14 PM
feel free to respond or archive, last post for behemoth<3
He motioned gently with his head for her to follow him now that she had agreed. While usually nighttime was his prime time to roam, he wanted to find somewhere for them to settle down and rest. He was slightly worn out from jumping after crows and he couldn't imagine how she felt after being chased by them.
note: behemoth is primarily nocturnal
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
as such, his threads will take place at sunset or night
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