the waning sun does not help to combat the heavy heat, laden with moisture from the afternoon's rain. it lingers in the caldera even as the yawning shadows spill like ink across the land: claiming all.
the moon is a small sliver in the velveteen colors of night: rich plums, wine reds, and navy blues.
roswell has already claimed his stargazing rock, settled upon his haunches, head tipped towards the young night sky; gaze worshipping as he greedily reads the stars, finding familiar ...and unfamiliar shapes.
the moon is a small sliver in the velveteen colors of night: rich plums, wine reds, and navy blues.
roswell has already claimed his stargazing rock, settled upon his haunches, head tipped towards the young night sky; gaze worshipping as he greedily reads the stars, finding familiar ...and unfamiliar shapes.
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Now that they were older and had a bit more freedom, Jay sometimes took the opportunity to follow his older brother around. He loved his sisters but there was something different about being around Roswell. He admired him in a way that he lacked with the others, even Sylvie and Hymnal.
Whatcha doin?Jay shattered the peaceful silence before he began attempting to scramble up onto the rock beside his brother. It would likely take him a couple of tries.
It's not gonna rain. Mama said we could sleep outside tonight.The only thing he could think was that Roswell might be trying to figure out the weather, staring up like that. He didn't know a thing about it, but if Mama was letting them sleep outside, he trusted that meant they wouldn't be getting wet.
August 06, 2022, 05:23 PM
the approaching footfalls do not draw roswell's attention but are acknowledged in a small swivel of his ears atop his skull. it is his brother's voice that draws his gaze and attention away from the night sky.
the stars were their own magic.
hey b-jay,roswell greets him with a welcoming thump of his tail.
i'm stargazing.roswell offers, giving a small pause before gesturing with his muzzle.
if you look close enough you can see shapes in the stars and if you know how to read 'em they'll tell you epic tales.a wily grin tugs at the corners of roswell's lips; leaning easily into his belief and love of magic.
the stars were their own magic.
eh, a little rain never hurt anyone.though it made for damp ( if not drenched ) fur and he can reason why their mother would not want any of his younger siblings out in the night rain.
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August 07, 2022, 01:34 AM
Bluejay squinted at the sky, then shot Roswell a slightly skeptical look. Was his brother trying to mess with him?
He was quick enough to agree on the second bit.
's just dots...Dots didn't say anything, and definitely none of the lights looked like pictures! He didn't get it.
He was quick enough to agree on the second bit.
Right!? I tried tellin her, but she just got all mad last time I went out. Prob cuz I got her all wet.He giggled as he remembered spraying his mom with water after he'd escaped last rainstorm. He could tell she wasn't that mad, even if she did call him a little monster.
You can't actually read them, can you?Back to the first part. He wanted to know if he was pulling his leg.
August 07, 2022, 08:42 AM
the desire to let out a dramatically theatrical gasp as jay states that they are just dots is strong, but roswell refrains. stargazing wasn't for everyone, but roswell wasn't quite ready to count his little brother out, despite the skepticism he was greeted with.
sure i can!roswell announces with gusto.
they all have stories to tell. some wolves even believe stars are the souls of our ancestors.but he wasn't one such wolf. at any rate, he was content finding shapes and recounting their stories it to others or himself.
you can also navigate using them. their positions shift with the seasons.
see that bright star there?roswell gestures with his muzzle.
that's the northstar. polaris. if you're ever lost, look for it and it'll guide you home. or, at least, to safety.roswell explains patiently, peering over at jay to gauge the younger male's reaction to hearing a more practical use for the stars.
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August 19, 2022, 02:41 AM
He tried to follow, he really did. But when his big brother said ancestors, Jay immediately jumped to how much that sounded like "sisters", and then he got a good giggle over "ant sisters" up there waving little lights and.... wait, what was a plaris?
Nooo. If I'm lost, I'd jus yell 'n mama'd come.He didn't exactly know what he was saying no to, but no way it was better than his inspired tactic.
D'they always run 'n hide when it's sun?Jay crouched and waggled his tail distractedly while he looked up. Seemed kinda weird. Why wouldn't they like the sun?
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