Foggy Bottom Way Wraith
153 Posts
Ooc — xynien
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At last, Candle found it in herself to break away from the others. Not forever; not yet. For now she still held out hope that @Sari would prove herself a capable leader, but this hope was slim. So she made her quiet plans, and she told no one of her departure, not even @Kusuma or @Zoug.

She passed through the redoubt and headed north, searching for something she did not yet understand. A place to call her own if the need arose; somewhere she might feel at home. But where?

She knew when she found it. As the air turned misty and cool, Candle began to relax. She was still unused to the heat of the desert. And this shrouded place — it fit her perfectly, she felt. In the shadow of night, she could disappear among the drifting mists. Candle settled by the water and closed her eyes, simply taking it in for a moment.

This was it. This would be her place.