Wild Berry Meadow set a beggar on horseback and he'll ride to the devil
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All Welcome 

If asked for directions to a winter wonderland, Tarantula might point someone in the direction of this strange meadow. For even in the clutches of winter, it seemed to bloom, filled with color and greenlife that stood out prominently against the palette of snow surrounding it. The sun was covered and still it was a bright here – inviting to all of his senses.

He investigated the bushes and mounds at a snail’s pace, quiet despite his colossal size. There was the scent of stoat marking the shrub branches and the ground around here, and he was concentrated on unearthing the prey from its hiding spot.
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Ooc — Decay
Despite not having the best of first encounters with the sable woman, Osleya did not wander far. Perhaps there were riches in this land that she could make use of, whether resources or able bodies. Both were necessary tools for survival, though one came with more perks than the others.

As she moved, much less with grace and more with the mien of a stalking bear, her mind had been clouded by thick fog. Her usual veil of awareness had not yet surfaced, leaving her blind to almost walking right into a familiar form.

Stumbling a step back, her icy gaze shot upwards, targeting the man. The one from the previous day. How convenient. Or perhaps not.

She was in a better mood today, though. Rather than greeting him with teeth, she did so with a quiet, honeyed trill. 

Now it was up to his reaction to see how their second attempt would go. But she would wait with patience, hoping all went well.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `
15 Posts
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He turned at the sound of another and found the sable she-wolf from the previous day, where he had tangled with his mistress and presented her with a show. His ears pressed forward, sniffing towards her with mild interest. Tarantula felt no need to defend his potential meal with her; the wolf was not above sharing, should she help him flush the poor creature out.

But the other wolf seemed suddenly disinterested, and she walked off, leaving him to continue hunting the weasel on his own.