Bearclaw Valley Am I being too greedy by even asking this question
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Pack Activity 
Pack hunt! I figured, what better time to hunt down an animal and eat its innards than V-day? Kek. This is not mandatory, but everyone is encouraged to pop in. We’ll have rounds without a posting order, with the next round beginning on February 18th—please try to limit it to one post per character, per round. According to the roll, our dinner choice is a moose (t-t-t-tasty tasty). This thread will also double as a chance to rise or fall in the ranks via eating order and challenges to that! @Laurel @Indra @Reigi @Wardruna @Sif @Poet @Phocion @Blondine @Onyx Saefyn @Dakarai @Gwen (also tagging @Akuma) (p.s. smol post because I am speedy-quick typing before leaving for class LMAO)

Within the valley there lived a herd, having existed there since the reign of his parents, and perhaps even long before that. They often kept the pack fed, yet Alexander knew that they could not be the sole source, lest he wished to drive them out altogether. Besides, some variety in meals kept things interesting. So when a lone moose wandered into the valley, meandering along without a single care in the world, his interest was piqued and he trailed after it from afar. He followed the creature until it reached—and then crossed—the river, putting it far from the entrance. Once satisfied with the distance, the albino lifted his muzzle and let out a howl, summoning the rest of the pack; the sound spooked the moose, sending it galloping towards a cluster of fir trees.

For now, the pallid leader refrained from pursing it, taking a moment to practise patience as he awaited the appearances of his packmates.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Having busied himself with familiarizing himself with the territory and the various scents along the borders of the Valley he was already out and about. He'd left his mark on a few places along the border though not enough to mask over any of the others that had already been there, simply enough to state that this was now his home. He was aware how low he and Onyx lay in the ranks so he was careful to think before each action, not wanting to do a single thing to offend those here.

When Xan's summons echoed through the Valley, his ears perked up with interest. He was quick to respond, heading toward the Alpha in a quick lope. As soon as the alpha male was in sight, he corrected his easy going posture and lowered his tail, head dropping slightly. It was a gesture of respect as he approached, remembering how the pale man had made him correct his posture upon the borders. He fell still a few feet from Xan and lifted his gaze to scope out the area, catching the hind end of the Moose heading away. He'd never seen one of them before, his prey having been limited to deer,rabbit,mountain goats, fish, and various other things. Never had he seen something that big before though. "Sir...What is that?" he asked curiously. Having never seen it before he hadn't been able to put a name to it either but he was curious as to what it was.
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
Phone post D:

She had managed a little sleep the night previously, nightmares lessening just enough for her to wake and feel less worn than she often did. The ghost had spent the morning patrolling the borders - mostly to familiarise herself with the land, but also to do her duties within the pack. Along with this, she had started gathering what few herbs grew in the winter to begin growing a stock of medicine to use in times of need. When the howl broke her from a silent trance, the woman was quick to follow it to its source, not wishing to be late after a call from the alpha.

Upon arrival she instantly surveyed the scene - the scent of moose piqued her interest, being a hunter at heart, but she was sure to not start formulating plans inside her head. That was no longer her duty. Gwen dipped her muzzle respectfully to the pale man who had summoned them, oceanic gaze sparkling with the knowledge that she might be presented the chance to aid in hunting this day. So she awaited the arrival of the others and lowered herself onto her haunches, ears perked forward to listen to when Xan might give orders.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian

it had taken her a little longer to arrive than everyone else; she had been perched on top of her rock at the mouth of the border, surveying wapun valley when her alpha's call reached her ears.

with a start, she sprung from the boulder and cantered towards the alpha; she could not understand what he wanted so she pushed past those who had gathered and brushed against him before circling around and taking her place next to the others.

the moose's tracks and scent came to her then, and she followed it with her gaze quickly to its source.

it was huge.  and brown.  and it had horns.
were.. were they gonna hunt that?  she had never attacked large game before; living on her own had meant that she only had experience killing small animals that were unfortunate enough to cross her path.

but upon viewing this creature her fur quivered and stood on end, and she began to salivate.

yeah dude, come on, let's go.

i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
the howl startled a woodland grouse indra had been carefully stalking -- it took off in a flurry of feathers, leaving swirling powder in its wake. indra looked from the spot it had been last in exasperation, and dutifully made for the summons despite an empty pang in her stomach.

as she drew closer she came across a trail of moose; her hackles prickled along her neck and she strode forward carefully. she still favored the raw wound on her haunch, and did not break into a run as several wolves congregated ahead. she gave each of them a passing glance, hoping one would be laurel or blondine. none were.

silently she trailed behind xan, nosing the tracks left by the moose with deliberation. indra knew one thing about moose -- if they stood their ground, the wolves had no chance. it was better to set them running and eviscerate their hocks over risk being flung into the snow the way puppies flung dead squirrels in play.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
i'll be damned if i end up playing Job with god's loving hand on my throat
184 Posts
Ooc — e

The priestesses at the temple, had, of course, partaken in hunting (keeping Beneath-Night's fed was a requirement and a privilege), but nonetheless the concept of a pack hunt feels new and exciting. She's still making efforts at ingraining herself within life in the valley, tentative movements. It is a slow process but she thinks she is learning.

She arrives at the source of the howl, greeting Xan with a slight dip of her head. With the exception of his wife (Venninne, no?), and Indra, she does not recognize any of the faces gathered and feels a bit embarrassed at her reclusion. Well, this will be an opportunity to learn names and faces alongside the hunt, Poet thinks, and takes up position near Venninne and awaits further instruction.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
She had begun exploring slightly after meeting the two women the day before. Maybe the others weren't as standoffish as she first thought. After doing some sniffing around in the valley, she stretched her shoulder. It was still tender and sore, but it was healing well. She had been working it, so it wouldn't go stiff, as she had seen others do.
The sound of the alpha reached her ears, and they came up and around with her head. She hesitated for only a moment before quickly running towards the sound. Dakarai wouldn't like it, she thought, but, hoping for a hunt, her feet whispered across the earth. Catching up to everyone, there were several already there. Pausing for a moment, she wondered if they needed her. 
She shook her head and stepped beside Dakarai, her eyes seeking out the source of food. Her eyes widened slightly. What...was that thing? Blinking, she sniffed the air, her nostrils flaring. She hadn't hunted these before. Her eyes went over it, her mind already thinking of possibilities. She reminded herself that she was not in charge, and she waited for his command in anticipation.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
249 Posts
Ooc — Miryam
The call rang out, and Phocion's icy eyes shimmered with glee. A hunt!

Though he was not the most talented hunter himself, he enjoyed the camaraderie fostered by wolves joining together to kill and to feast. It was, after all, one of the things they had been designed to do. And they relished in it, and the blood brought them all close, a bond of brothers and sisters, flesh and bone.

The last pack hunt in which he had participated, at least in these lands, was on Silvertip, and he had vanished shortly afterwards. Now, Phocion was determined to prove himself--and he would stick around, this time. The white priest bounded toward the source of Xan's call, coming across several wolves assembled already. He gave Indra a beaming smile and drew close to Poet, with whom he felt a special bond, especially after the night of the blood moon.

There were others, some he'd seen, some not. He would have to meet them all at some point, one-on-one. For now, he gave Alexander a curt nod, gaze waiting patiently for further instruction.
457 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Sif, unfortunately, was coming from the other end of the territory and had the misfortune of running into their dinner. With a scream of terror, she bounced off the side of the beast and immediately began tearing away, tail wagging frantically as she broke through the treeline and caught sight of the rest of the pack.

"Så du elgen?" she gasped as she reached them, dancing sideways up to Poet in order to slime the side of her face with an enthusiastic kiss. "Det var stort! Jeg løp rett inn i det!" Xan and Reigi were greeted with similar gusto, though she refrained from pushing against them overmuch and simply tried to pepper their chins with excited licks. "Vi må drepe det. Fens onkel Gustav ble utspilt med en halv størrelse!" she said seriously, finally calming down enough to stand still.

Abruptly, she realized no one here would understand her. She'd been trying to teach Poet her language, but it was going much more slowly than the effort to teach Sif the common tongue. Wardruna was not even there to hear her, and that fact made Sif feel suddenly very small. She made an attempt to hide behind Poet, which was ridiculous. She was bigger than Poet.
337 Posts
Ooc — Tweet
Blondine seemed to be one of the last responders, finding that by the time she arrived, a healthy looking group had already assembled. There were some familiar faces and some that she hadn't seen, but they all bared the scent of the Valley, so she saw no difference. It was Xan who held most of her attention, as it had been his call that'd beckoned her in the first place. Hey, y'all! she cooed in quiet greeting, a wide smile across her maw, What's with all the ruckus? Her nose then twitched with the unfamiliar scent of...a moose?

That explained it.
970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Next rounds begins on the 23rd. Anyone that hasn’t posted yet is still more than welcome to pop in. For anyone wanting to watch: click & click. Shoddy camera work towards the end (re: momma moose). Both give a pretty good visual of the struggle and dangers, though.

Alexander paced back and forth as he awaited the arrival of his pack mates, slowing down as they all began to file in, and then stopped entirely once Reigi was at his side. The dark male’s question went unanswered, hardly a glance in his direction being spared to suggest that he’d even heard it; he had, but he saw no point in answering. It mattered not what the creature was—why he knew not that it was a moose, he didn’t care enough to ask—as a meal was a meal no matter the beast killed for its flesh. When Sif ran towards them, however, she was given more than the bare minimum of acknowledgment; the albino’s brow furrowed as words he did not recognise fell from her mouth. Even after she’d fallen silent his stare lingered, a curious glint in his gaze, but this he did not act on. He had summoned them for a reason, after all.

When it seemed as if none other would be joining them, his eyes scanned over the lot of them before drifting off to focus on the direction the moose had gone. “We’ll split off into two groups. One group distracts, the other attacks,” he said, looking back towards them. “Poet, Blondine, and Dakarai—you three will act as the distractions. Everyone else, be cautious of its kicks.” If they could just avoid being kicked, then perhaps they would succeed—and, better yet, succeed without any major injuries. “Poet, you lead your group there first. The rest of us will be close behind.” He turned his head back towards the treeline and started forward at a steady lope, a flick of his tail encouraging his team to follow him, whilst his pace remained slow enough to let the distraction team pass by and move ahead of them.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
the redleaf remained silent as xan doled out instructions, her gaze flitting from wolf to wolf. phocion's beam was returned with a soft smile -- her eyes lingered on poet a moment to acknowledge her -- and then she pulled towards blondine with a gentle nudge of her shoulder given in affection. it appeared they were to separate -- indra accepted xan's command though her gaze trailed on blondine a moment futher before she skulked off into the bush after the alpha.

she kept her pace at a casual lope, though she still slightly favored her hind end. it would do her well to not overtly exert herself today -- while there was still an ugly wound where her tail had been severed, the edges had contracted and a robust layer of new tissue had formed. she was still sore and it showed in her steps, but for the first time in nearly two months indra did not feel she had to protect herself from reinjury.

the moose trail spanned out ahead and she watched as the distraction team fanned out into the snowcapped woods. indra kept low to the ground and stalked forward, waiting for blondine's team to rally and spook the moose into a flat run.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
i'll be damned if i end up playing Job with god's loving hand on my throat
184 Posts
Ooc — e

 Her slight discomfort at her lack of familiarity fades as those she knows begin to filter in. One by one come Phocion, Sif and Blondine: the first she greets a friendly nod, interrupted by the onslaught of the second. Poet attempts to follow the quickfire Icelandic phrases as they're fired off, but she has not made much progress on their studies and surrenders after a moment with an apologetic brush of the nose and a slightly amused smile as Sif uses her smaller frame as a shield. Well, she doesn't mind being the woman's security blanket. 

With the wolves gathered Xan brings them forward, issuing instructions. The leadership of her assign group falls on her shoulders. A flicker of surprise passes through her expression, replaced by understanding as she glances at her assigned lot, Blondine and Dakarai. Dakarai she hasn't met yet but she assumes he will fall into place with her as they begin to move, and so with a quick glance at Blondine the ex-priestess sets forth, daintily circling around the creature. "On my mark," she murmurs, assuming the other two are with her, "go!"
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Despite not being answered Dakarai was still in good spirits, his eyes staring at the creature still ambling away from them. He assumed Xan was just busy forming a plan on how to take it down. Quickly others began to arrive, first came a beautiful white female and then came the quiet one, several others he didn't know yet and then much to his surprise Onyx showed up. She was still healing and while he worried about her making it worse, this was no place to show weakness. He'd try to speak to her about taking it easy for now, maybe the alpha would give her a safer job.

Others spoke a bit, words in foreign tongues and friendly greeting that he responded to with a dip of his head. Finally Xan's voice rang out giving instructions and he tensed up. He couldn't help but feel a tad bit offended and angered by being given a lesser job while Onyx was chosen to attack. He wasn't given an opportunity to prove himself here like Onyx was and he was wondering whether it was personal or not. Despite this he nodded his agreement and moved toward Onyx, his temper showing in his eyes before he sighed softly. "Please be careful... Don't push it." his voice was tight but he gave her a quick nudge before he set off after the two females. 

Focusing on the one leading them he commits her name to memory. Poet. The other was called Blondine. Satisfied that he at least knew the names of two pack members he lifted his gaze toward the beast they were hunting and froze briefly. His thoughts went back to the herd master, a formidable opponent though nowhere near as huge as this thing. Shaking off his unease he quickly circled in the opposite direction of Poet and on her word, leaped into action. He snapped his jaws and snarled hoping to gain the attention of the beast, crouched low and not moving to attack or bite, just to grab it's focus away from the other team.
337 Posts
Ooc — Tweet
Blondine wanted to protest Xan's orders but something in her warned against it. The seperation from Indra was bittersweet; she was jealous of her friend but nervous for what might happen to her. At least being in the Scooby-Doo-Spook-Crew meant that her life was in less obvious danger than those of her packmates. With a sigh, she followed after Poet, body low and tail straight.

Dakarai seemed too cocky for Blondine's taste, but maybe it was just the attitude of the moment. Whatever. Either way, she knew what she was doing. With a few yips and playful leaps, Blondine began to circle in and tease the moose, aggravating it as much as she could.
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
As numbers grew, so did the old bittersweet feelings of what being in a pack felt like. Her thoughts shot through her mind, the anticipation for the hunt and hunting with others. It was so much easier than hunting alone. A strange language made her tilt her head, and curiousity perked up. Yet she stayed put, knowing now wasn't the time for introductions. 
The alpha barked orders, and the ranks immediately broke apart, yet Dakarai stopped at her, and his eyes were hot with anger. She resisted flattening her ears  and flinching as she nodded and watched him as he trotted off. Doubts echoed through her mind, and she let them stay as she rose off the ground, but only for a moment. Was it her? Did she do something wrong? Did he still...
She didn't finish that thought as she shook out her pelt softly, her concentration and focus now on the alpha that led them. Her trot matched his, yet she stayed behind him, eyes watching ahead, ears swiveled forward to catch the next words of the alpha.
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
-squeezes in-

she was confused as orders came out.  everyone, of course, understood what their alpha was telling them.  that is, of course, except her.

she ghosts towards sif, who is.. standing? behind that elegant woman, and buries her nose in her fur.  she'd just follow the brown woman's lead.

970 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Next round begins on the 28th (more like this one ends on the 28th but... WHO NEEDS SPECIFICS). Per this roll, looks like the moose is going to lash out with kicks rather than take off running.

Alexander’s pace was slow, leading his group forward whilst his eyes remained focused on where the moose had disappeared at. With ears swiveling forward atop his crown, he listened, hearing snarls and yips ahead of him. His paws itched to run forward and rush into the scene with little care for the danger that came with doing so, but he resisted the urge. Rather, he proceeded forward just a slight bit quicker than before, ears folding back with uncertainty as he cautioned those on his team. Mere seconds after and they were perked back up, the increasing voices of the other team motivating him to pick of the pace.

Seeing the creature up close, he stared in awe for a moment whilst frozen in place, until one of its hind legs rose up and kicked back. His amazement was eliminated and replaced by a new drive as he darted forward, delivering the first pinch to the moose’s side and just barely avoiding the next swing of its leg. Retreating back to his group, he gave a few eager barks to rally them, before glancing towards the distraction group as he began to circle the moose; it was given a wide berth, the distance between him and it not something so easily crossed by a mere kick of a limb. With a waving tail and a flick of an ear, Alexander encouraged the harassment of their prey—to both teams—figuring it was one way to exhaust it and make things easier for them.

Never before had he hunted with such a large group, nor had he ever taken down something so massive—he was rather ill-equipped and lacking both knowledge and experience.
I can give it all to you, will you take it all from me
If love is a joke, then use me ruthlessly
Threads are titled after lyrics from Block B's “Toy”
i will pry his bony fingers free
1,207 Posts
Ooc —
a frown worried indra's lip as their quarry refused to flee; indra shifted behind xan, concerned for the well being of her packmates. a single roundhouse kick would send any of them flying -- and if it connected with their skulls, spelled a grim future for the wolf hapless enough to get into kicking range.

she glanced at the distraction team in helpless frustration - if the moose did not run soon, they would be forced to pinch -- a dangerous maneuver for a wolf bogged down by snow.

xan was the first to drive close to the moose and her breath caught in her throat as she saw the thing swing its massive hindquarter, unfurling a hind hoof with the fatally effortless ease of a leviathan -- as soon as the moose's hind leg landed on the ground indra drove forward and tried to worry it by presenting herself at its shoulder with a series of snarls and barks designed to send it running.
now the wren has gone to roost and the sky is turning gold,
and like the sky, my soul is also turning.
337 Posts
Ooc — Tweet
Indra, what are you doing? Even from where she stood (probably in one of the most undesirable locations, given the circumstances), Blondine's focus was on the red pelage of her companion. Indra was too close to the moose's face, too close! She didn't want it to see her, didn't want it to notice how easy it would be to --

Blondine was only sent back a few feet, thankfully, but that didn't mean that she'd gotten away unharmed. The powerful kick had been enough to knock her off her feet and displace her jaw, but she was still mobile. Later on, once the epinephrine her body was pumping had worn off and she'd managed to ask Poet for an examination, Blondine would find that her injuries were more extensive than she had thought.

That would all come in due time. For now, her focus was back on the moose and tracking its steps. Her eyes moved back and forth between Indra and their prey as she snaked from one side to the next beneath it's belly. Nips were delivered anywhere she could manage without taking another blow; her steps were clearly calculated.
i'll be damned if i end up playing Job with god's loving hand on my throat
184 Posts
Ooc — e

The creature does not budge, its spirit clearly willful. Despite her and her teams best efforts it merely continues to lash out. Poet's eyes scan fast, assessing, watching as Indra darts forward (a dangerous position, Indra, your wound!) only to see Blondine flying past in her periphery. Alarmed, the ex-priestess turns to make sure she's not been fatally wounded.

It's only a moment of distraction, but a moment is all that's needed: she feels hoof connect to flesh, tearing through her skin like paper. Not so severe as Blondine's jaw but enough to send her sprawling and bloodied. With a shrill cry she scrambles to her feet, lacking her usual grace in the adrenaline-and-pain fueled heat, and makes a series of short sharp moves towards the moose's face, dancing back and forth with speed, aiming to keep its attention on her and away from the others.
447 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Within moments the other team came running forward. In a mother several moments two members of his team had been sent flying by kicks. He balked at the sheer strength of one beast and turned to Blondine who was already back at it and Poet, who's body was reeking of blood. Eyes glimmering with respect he too leaped in again going for a dangerous choice of nipping at the hocks of it's legs. He darted back out and away from it again as it pawed at the snow, shying nervously and giving a toss of it's head in his direction. He ducked low and avoided the massive rack of antlers eyes wide before lunging at the back end.

Once there he went for a spot that he was almost certain would get it's attention away from the girl's at it's front end and ducked beneath it's groin, biting at it's more sensitive regions. Surely enough a startled and enraged bellow could be heard and the moose spun around toward Dakarai. He made quite an unmanly noise and hopped sideways, lunging in for it's neck, snapping and then hopping backwards again. The moose was now centered and focused on him and he was terrified honestly but he kept lunging in, nipping, and darting away hoping to keep it distracted. Unfortunately it was also centering it's anger at him now too and as he lunged in he was met with a swipe of antlers. He went flying and hit the ground hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. Laying there stunned for a moment he assessed himself. Nothing hurt too badly, he smelled blood however and caught a gash along his shoulder. Standing up slowly he winced as his shoulder throbbed in protest but he ran awkwardly back toward the moose, wanting to continue helping.
I once saw the end of my life.
427 Posts
Ooc —
The distracting team moved fast, quick to assume their positions further in toward the huge prey. Snarls and barks, provocative yips designed to capture the moose's attention - she recognised it all, and felt the longing itch in her paws. It had been so long since she had aided in bringing down such a large creature, the ghost had greatly missed the rush of adrenaline that pumped through her veins when the hunt got moving.

Xan led the rest of them forward, and the pale woman's ears cupped forward in anticipation, oceanic eyes darting around the scene to focus on every snap of jaws, every dodge. This was not an easy choice when it came to meals, but if they could bring it down, it would certainly be rewarding.

The alpha began to circle the lumbering creature, and Gwen followed suit while silently assessing the situation, searching for a way to land a blow. A brown leg struck out but Xan carefully avoided it, narrowly missing the forceful kick, while Indra rushed to the front near the shoulder of the beast. A blur of maroon heralded another kick, but this one was not dodged - the hoof struck Blondine in the jaw and she stumbled. Concern caused the downward tilt of Gwen's lips, but the other wolfess was quick to make a recovery, involving herself back into the hunt. However that was not the only injury to be had on that day, as during her moment of distraction another hoof was thrown out and slammed into Poet. Blood splattered across the white snow, coating it in speckles of red, and then Dakarai was hit but this time by the display of antlers that slammed him to the ground.

A wave of frustration came over the pale girl as she watched this unfold, her own movements careful and calculated as she found herself willing to make her own risky attack. While the beast was distracted by the others, Gwen (after a burst of excited energy) darted around to the side and leapt forward, teeth colliding for a moment with the firm skin of the moose - she took this split-second opportunity and drove her fangs in, ripping away some flesh and shoving herself off of the brute to landing roughly in the snow a couple of metres away. She had narrowly avoided yet another kick, but the blood that now splattered onto the coating of white was not her own, but the moose's. At the very least, the red dripping from it's side would aid in weakening it, even if her move had been very risky indeed. The former alphess had supposed that she would not mind the coming of death, so better to throw herself in and risk her life to aid these wolves how she could while she could. Perhaps it was lucky she had made it away without an injury, the dove thought as she regained her footing, but it would help.
[Image: 8rXo9x9.gif]
112 Posts
Ooc — Marmoo
Her heart began to beat faster as the vocalizations of her pack mates reached her cupped ears. She matched the alpha's lead, making herself not run her head. It had been too long...over a year that she had tasted this kind of creature's flesh, and her mouth watered. Picking up her pace, the creature came into sight, and her brown eyes lit up, adrenaline starting to pump. Sharply, she watched the alpha pause, and she almost called to him, yet he moved quickly. Twisting her ears to the creature, the sounds coming from it was almost musical. As the white male rallied them, she moved closer, her muscles tense, an excitement in her body. 

The sunlit woman watched a moment before darting in and drawing blood from it's haunch. The low sound of pain from the huge creature was accompanied by a swift kick, and a yelp of pain from her as a hoof clipped her shoulder, sending her sliding. Her shoulder was bleeding yet again, but so was the prey, and that she could handle. Standing slowly, her adrenaline took over again as she circled it, watching the pack mates one by one getting hurt. One made a mistake to look towards the injured one and paid the price. The sound of contact made her grimace, and a memory shot through her mind. Her own pack. A creature such as this. Two deaths.

Breath coming faster, she saw Dakarai out of the corner of her eye going flying, then Gwen as she drew some blood. Tail lashing in pure irritation, her eyes locked on the beast, her eyes bright. She remembered how to help bring it down, but could she? Never having done it before, she was unsure, but the beast had hurt too many. Growling, she tried to get it's attention by nipping at the massive shoulder and foreleg. The head swung around, and she darted away, her shoulder starting to burn. Sharp incisors met tender skin as she worried it behind the leg. This was it. She could feel it as she darted in front of the beast, the head following her. Snorting, she lunged, the teeth meeting their mark as she tasted blood, clamping down tightly on it's tender nose. The pained bellow rang her ears, and her legs flailed as it lifted her a few inches off the ground.

Shaking her body, her breath came hard and fast as she locked eyes with the creature. It felt like an eternity as it slung her around like a rag doll, yet it was a few mere seconds before she felt the hard ground again. Digging her claws into the earth, she yanked and shook her head violently as it's sounds rolled through the land. Her ears perked as she noticed the creature moved it's head as she twisted hers. Quickly, she yanked her head sideways, hoping as she held the head, the others could finally bring it down. Their blood mixed together in the snow, one gaze determined, the other scared.

I meant to put this in and totally forgot! Please, the next person who posts has my permission to pp Onyx getting slung off by the moose! Sorry ;-;
I am a searcher. Always was. I still am...searching for the missing piece.
suspended between survival and civility
390 Posts
Ooc — NA
Master Guardian
lmfao stray holding this up!  feel free to pp her flying or w/e too if you want

the commotion of the first group pulled the raven's attention from her favored packmate, and she watched as xan and the others started following ahead.  she watched at first, and then she broke from sif's side as the sharp iron smell of blood filled her nostrils.

bodies flew around her in many directions — some towards the moose, many away — and she launched herself at this brown creature who dare put up a fight against them.  

onyx gripped the creature's face and forced it down for only a moment before it threw its mighty head up and the woman's body soared through the air and landed with a thud in the snow.  seeing her opportunity, she launched herself directly at its neck and latched on the best she could.
