Firefly Glen moonlight danced with the silhouettes
86 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Kinusi hadn't meant to speak in poetry. But it wasn't really a surprise storytelling and singing were in her blood after all. She sighed inwardly know those two alone wouldn't always win her favors and thus she would need to be a healer of some sort too like her father. 

She chuckled. I don't know about that. A mimic maybe.

She blink3d. Oh let's see. There was a pack of strange ones. They had a bunch of pretty stones and stuff. They were over this way.

She headed towards the place Akashingo had stayed. Her wrap sides flapping as she trotted. She had to stop to tug it right every so often. But finally she made it and sniffed around some upturned dirt. Paws unearthing some small gem like rocks. Useless to some. Precious to others.

My dad makes amulets with some of these.
138 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Strange ones?" he asked, his ears swiveling back as he paused to think about what might make a wolf strange. Stranger than he? Than she? The bounty hunter felt that they existed already at two ends of a wide spectrum, and he could not imagine where a strange wolf might fall. 

But they located the pretty stones. Catamaran was duly impressed, though he could not imagine what an amulet might be. Knowing what he did of her father, he assumed it must be medicine — but, leaning close to take a good sniff, he determined that the stones were static. Inert. Not even good for soaking up poisons that a wolf might ingest. His expression remained clear of doubt, but he did offer a contemplative hum in response.

"My grandmother took us to a strange marketplace when we were young," he said, nosing through the dirt to see if he could uncover more precious stones. "There was a pack of coyotes there — all related. Brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren. They were selling rintailed cats they raised in the desert. My sisters pleaded for one, and finally, my grandmother traded three of our largest pearls for a little female, about three months old. They named it Masky."
"Northern" | "Common"
86 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded her head. They had servants you know. And so many things to trade. They carried it all upon backs. But the leaders carried nothing and were simply waited on hand and foot. What a life. I think i'd hate it. 

And she would. She didn't think that she would like to be above someone like that. Regardless of whether or not she treated them well. She knew she couldn't do it. Becasue Kinusi knew herself and she knew there was a possibility such a station would go to her head. She could certainly hope not, but she could be a vain creature. 

Kinusi laughed. AMulets only work for those that believe in them. And even then it is questionable, but as traders we do not question what others want. What they feel will protect them. And who knows maybe they do. Maybe they do ward of spirits or sickness.

Kinusi stared open mouthed. What is a ring tailed cat? And how did they keep from eating it? From it running away? I mean wait is it as big as some of the mountain cats, because I Don't know about you, but I Defiinitely wouldn't want one near me.