Maude had some faint knowledge of the cre- packs further inland. Faint being the operative word. She didn't know the names of the packs east of her crew, nor how many there were, but she figured that if push came to shove, she could run back to Ankyra Sound and escape them.
A foolish notion, but one of many from her mind.
Maude headed towards the Tangle, though she skirted the rocky territory, walking along the edge of it and the marsh. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of the fetid, stagnant water, much preferring the fresh crispness of the sea. Her mind wandered back to the ocean, protesting her body's movements further inland when there was sand to be walked on and seawater to accidentally swallow. But she was here for more than just curiosity at the state of their neighbors. She was here to find food.
She figured that now that some green was popping up that prey would steadily be returning to the land. And if that was true, she wanted to be one of the first to find something juicy for her...crew. Yeah...her crew...
But Maude was no land-lubber. A seadog by birth and heart, she was no match for the ooze of the marsh. Her paw squelched and sunk into the green-brown depths, and Maude let out an uncharacteristic squeal of disgust and surprise.
A foolish notion, but one of many from her mind.
Maude headed towards the Tangle, though she skirted the rocky territory, walking along the edge of it and the marsh. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of the fetid, stagnant water, much preferring the fresh crispness of the sea. Her mind wandered back to the ocean, protesting her body's movements further inland when there was sand to be walked on and seawater to accidentally swallow. But she was here for more than just curiosity at the state of their neighbors. She was here to find food.
She figured that now that some green was popping up that prey would steadily be returning to the land. And if that was true, she wanted to be one of the first to find something juicy for her...crew. Yeah...her crew...
But Maude was no land-lubber. A seadog by birth and heart, she was no match for the ooze of the marsh. Her paw squelched and sunk into the green-brown depths, and Maude let out an uncharacteristic squeal of disgust and surprise.
Begad! Fookin' 'ell no!
Maude identifies as female, but is physically male.
(She also swears like a (literal) sailor)
June 16, 2016, 05:51 PM
failed hunt, hope you dont mind me jumping in with ol' venny!
The acrid stech of these lands went unnoticed to the gargantuan. His feet sank into the bog and just as easily as they sank, he pulled his paws out and continued to trek forward. His large paws distributed his weight well enough and so he didn't sink in too deep, however he had found himself more muddied than usual with dirt and goo dripping from his chin. Packless, the man was wandering aimlessly. Enjoying life with every small toss and turn it offered in order to keep things interesting - but there were no goals set for himself. Perhaps, and he was musing with the thought, he would find himself some band of followers and he would lead his own band of misfits. But that was just a thought for now. He was still young and much had to be done still, and by much, he meant enjoy the dutyless days and doing what he pleased and when he did.
Sharp eyes caught the moving sight of a small fur ball hoping from one solid ground to the other, using logs as gateways to avoid getting caught in the muck. Although Vengeance lacked any real hunger in his belly, a chase seemed appropriate seeing as boredom bore deep in his mind. Bounding from where he stood, mud and muck flew in all directions as he began his chase, forcing his mucles to move as fast as they could despite for the muck holding him back. It would be a good excercise at the very least.
Just as his jaws were about to close down on the rabbit's hind quarters, a yell distracted him for just a split second - long enough to give the lapid time to escape. "A woman?" Despite losing his prey, the young man smiled a grim grin, turning his course toward where he heard the voice minate from.
The voice was closer than he had thought, the voice must have echoed and drowned out in the open air. Dissapointment crossed his mug as stern eyes glared at what he could see and smell another man instead of a female stuck in the mud. "An effeminate man teases my senses. Now I have seen it all." Barritone chords struck the air as he tasted every word he spoke.
I saw your character and I knew I had to thread with him one day. He was so awesome. O: I saw this and screamed internally. XDD
Maude's face contorted in a visage of disgust as her paw sank deeper into the muck and broke through the strange crust that layered over the swamp, releasing the stench that was trapped deeper within. The wench scrambled to pull her paw from the depths, scrabbling with her three remaining paws against the grass. She failed though, only succeeding in sinking deeper into the swamp, all of the way to her shoulder.
Fuck!Maude screeched, pulling back, harder and harder, until her paw was released with a loud squelch.
The wench shook her paw, rubbing the contaminating leg against the grass in an attempt at removing the fetid mud. Her eyes shot up accusingly at the male who dared to call her a man of all things. Maude snarled, baring her yellowed fangs in an expression of both disgust and anger.
Oi. I'm a woman, mate.
Maude identifies as female, but is physically male.
(She also swears like a (literal) sailor)
June 16, 2016, 06:59 PM
LMFAO I don't think I've laughed that hard while reading OOC comment and feeling so complimented at the same time, thanks!! :D
The odd male got his paw free from the muck, something that was almost impressive considering that it was far up his forearm and slowly swallowing him from the front up.
Newly freed, the male snapped at being called what he was and Vengeance with an automatic response got excited to the challenge. Hackles raised as tail lashing like a slithering snake ready to strike, ruby eyes aimed to bore into the she-male who spoke up.
"According to the testicles between your legs and the testosterone in the air - you're a male." He spoke through a grinning snarl.
"However I can fix the first if you so wish."
June 16, 2016, 07:26 PM
No problem! ^^
Maude's hackles rose reflexively. The state of her own physical body was a touchy topic for the wench...fighting words in Tortuga. The very fact that he threatened to change her body, through means that Maude was regrettably familiar with, had changed this albeit unfortunate conversation into an violent altercation.
Those be fightin' words mate. An' I can see yer itchin' fer a fight.Maude's snarl turned into a grim smile, though a faint part of her mind warned her from fighting someone so large.
So how's 'bout ye come up 'ere an' try t'fix me, eh?
Maude identifies as female, but is physically male.
(She also swears like a (literal) sailor)
June 17, 2016, 07:27 AM
The words went in one ear and filtered out the other. The brown mass wasn't much for chit chat when the exchange of snarls did all the talking for the two of them. Analyzing his possible soon to be opponent, he was less than impressed by their physique. A mals with the slender body of a female, almost coywolf in looks - disgusting. A stain. A biological failure as far as Vengeance was concerned; but, their spitfire was impressive. He applauded their bravado, as stupid as they may be.
Their scent indicated they hailed from a pack, that was something he had to keep his eyes and ears out for if they were to exchange fangs and claws. To be ambushed by a pack, even he couldn't take on a pack of wolves at once. No matter how strong an individual liked to see themselves, it was stupid to take on multiple opponents who excelled in pack battle.
The thing tried to get him to lunge first, and it worked. Liking to think he was a strategist, Vengeance was more action inclined than to speak. Pushing off from the ground with his hind legs, he was going to use his girth as his advantage. Keeping his four paws grounded, tail tucked to protect his own pride and joy - along with flattening his ears and keeping his hackles raised, he got his defenses ready. Once he closed the distance, armed with a jaw ajar, he aimed to grab hold of anything on the male's front, preferably the top of his maw to control his movements, but anything near it would work; cheeks, jugular, eye, etc... So long as he tasted blood, he was happy.
Their scent indicated they hailed from a pack, that was something he had to keep his eyes and ears out for if they were to exchange fangs and claws. To be ambushed by a pack, even he couldn't take on a pack of wolves at once. No matter how strong an individual liked to see themselves, it was stupid to take on multiple opponents who excelled in pack battle.
The thing tried to get him to lunge first, and it worked. Liking to think he was a strategist, Vengeance was more action inclined than to speak. Pushing off from the ground with his hind legs, he was going to use his girth as his advantage. Keeping his four paws grounded, tail tucked to protect his own pride and joy - along with flattening his ears and keeping his hackles raised, he got his defenses ready. Once he closed the distance, armed with a jaw ajar, he aimed to grab hold of anything on the male's front, preferably the top of his maw to control his movements, but anything near it would work; cheeks, jugular, eye, etc... So long as he tasted blood, he was happy.
June 21, 2016, 06:35 PM
Swamps made bad dueling grounds. She was used to fighting on wet, poorly supported ground, but never mud and muck. Her flashy dodging and rolling would make no difference if she slid into the mud and sank without a trace. She would have to face the massive wolf head on, regrettably. Maude let him take the advantage of charging at her headfirst, letting the wench slide into a fighting stance. She snarled, then attempted to duck out of the way of the wolf's forward assault, both protecting her neck and muzzle and allowing her to slide underneath the wolf. She couldn't throw him off from here, but given the chance, she would launch a barrage at his legs and stomach, if she could reach it.
Maude identifies as female, but is physically male.
(She also swears like a (literal) sailor)
June 22, 2016, 07:10 AM
A battlein the bog was different, but other than keeping his weight well distributed so he may not loose his fotting; it wasn't all that bad. The muck gave him sturdy footing once he sank in enough, limited his movements and speed, but it seemed it was a mutual problem. The other wolf protected himself by going under Vengeance to which there was a simple solution he came up with for that problem. He lowered himself instantly, attempting to crush the wolf underhim. Tucking his chin just in case they trid to get his neck as a last resort from under him if they didn't manage to move out of the way. He'd use the bog in his favor and trap the beast by squishing him into it.
June 23, 2016, 08:17 AM
Maude really wasn't expecting to be crushed down into the mud. She was too focused on attacking the wolf's exposed legs and stomach to even think about that possibility. So when it did happen, it caught her entirely by surprise. She screeched, wriggling in an attempt to get out from this compromising position. She turned on her side, kicking her legs against the wolf's body to try and push him up and off of her. Attacking him in this position wasn't bound to get her anywhere. She needed to get out if she wanted to have a chance.
Maude identifies as female, but is physically male.
(She also swears like a (literal) sailor)
June 23, 2016, 08:29 AM
The smaller wolf turned on his side to try and kick at the brown beast now burrying them into the mud by simply pushing down on them. He ignored the kicking, it was nothing more than just annoying and would bruise his belly later - but bruises were nothing he feared. By just applying more weight on his opponent, he wouldn't use up too much energy for this fight or put his limbs and face in jeopardy. The mud should tire them out eventually with all the thrashing about, shit, Vengeance almost felt like it wouldn't be that bad of an idea for him to take a nap till the moving ceased.
July 03, 2016, 06:31 PM
Maude tried everything possible to remove herself from this painful, dangerous predicament. She bit, kicked, squirmed, but nothing happened. The wolf didn't move; wait did he yawn? Maude huffed, knowing that this could be her end: squished between mud and a large, genderqueer-phobic, smelly (this is from someone who lives with pirates and cannibals) wolf. The wench screeched, her fangs searching for a good hold as she pushed, trying once more to get from underneath him. It seemed almost impossible...was she going to die here?
Maude identifies as female, but is physically male.
(She also swears like a (literal) sailor)
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