Swiftcurrent Creek She's your saving grace my friend
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
@Serengeti @Ferdie Von Pelt

Jace walked towards the outlay of den where Ferdie usually haunted. Though his friend was vast becoming depressed daily he was unsure how to help him. Maybe the pretty female that currently trotted at his left side could save him, he was unsure though if at this point Ferdie could be saved. It seemed that his downward spiral had been a long time coming.

Looking over at the lithe female he spoke quietly Where are you from Serengeti were you a loner long?
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
21 Posts
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The two wolves covered ground together at an engaging rate as the sun peered through softer grey clouds. Pushing deeper into the heart of the territory, she kept a watchful, active gaze for anything of interest, though she had no intention of stopping and deviating from plan just then. She was a highly driven and focused wolf, which had the double-benefit of greater productivity and a reduced capacity for dwelling. It was a distinct win-win.

Her current companion, she realised, was astoundingly soft-spoken. She glanced at him side-long when she heard him begin to speak and silently studied his features. He easily gave off the impression that he was genuine and most likely the led-by-his-heart sort. Ren thought briefly on how much to divulge and decided they’d go question-for-question to limit and even things out if he was really interested in answers.

A treacherous mountain range to the south called Splintered Spine. From there, Razo and I travelled a bit, staying in a few packs and scraping by on our own in equal measure. Sometimes being on our own was an improvement, she replied, hinting at the state of things in parts of the Wilds if he wasn’t familiar. She didn’t give him a chance to respond straight away. Do you think Ferdie needs tending to? she asked delicately.
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace listened to her it was always treacherous to be a lone wolf. Mountains were also treacherous. that does not sound good those mountains. Sometimes being alone is a good thing, it's the only way to save yourself. He smiled at her, if you formed ties sometimes ti was hard to leave them especially if they turned sour.

He sighed for a moment and looked at her and spoke quietly Ferdie is a good wolf a loyal wolf, but he is also a troubled wolf and he often lets his heart lead him which isn't always good. Not that others of us don't as well, but Ferdie is much more so for instance he took care of a wolf pup at our borders who is blind granted she is sweet and it worked out for hte best, but Fox would have thought it better if he had chased her away. He does different things like that and it tends to get him in trouble. You know some of the worst things happen from the best of intentions. He tilted his head and sighed again Ferdie was falling apart and there was nothing the shadow walker could do. Tell me Serengeti are you going to leave us too? You say you went to different packs and always left.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
21 Posts
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We can continue this for a bit or fade it out whenever you like, Danni, and say they continued on to find Ferdie behind-the-scenes. I'll toss Kris a message and see if we can't arrange it.

She smiled at the wisdom of his comment on being alone. She was a fiercely willed individual and it had taken a particular outside force to convince her to leave what would have killed her, and just in time, at that. She hadn’t been alone, however; she’d been travelling with Razo ever since.

Serengeti nodded fairly often throughout his dialogue to signal that she was keen to listen to whatever details he wanted to divulge, and she thus began to understand part of the lack of etiquette Fox had mentioned vaguely to her along the way. It seemed Ferdie was between two worlds and somewhat confused. On one hand, he was a wolf, a beast of the unforgiving wilderness with a very specific set of ingrained, evolutionary instincts to guide survival. On the other, he’d picked up or had instilled in him a sense of morality and emotion. The two clashed violently, and there were some wolves, like Fox, who could not understand or sympathise. Ren could.

Jace asked her something then that she should have expected. No, I don’t intend to leave, she murmured gently, but I make no promises.
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
we can continue for a bit I don't mind. I haven't heard from Kris in a few days I hope all is ok

Jace liked to think of himself as a survivor. He had survived walking miles of land to get to here on his own. He could hunt well, fish well, fight well and even heal a bit if the occasion called for it. However what he couldn't do much like Ferdie was turn his emotions off. He could keep them at bay but not hidden.

Jace turned blue eyes towards her and dipped his muzzle in agreement good philosophy I myself edo not make promises I cannot keep. Well we are glad to have you for however long we can. most would probably question and cajole he however wouldn't. her business and choices were hers just as his were his. do you like it here so far?
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
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Sorry for the delay I guess the tag didn't work for me, I don't intend to stay long in this thread, just popping through placing this thread just before "To Save you I'd murder the world" and just after he left bazi at the Den in "daddy cool"

Ferdie Von Pelt appeared just then, trotting across the packlands, far from a scout or warden, he was not a wolf to linger at the boarders when it wasn't necessary but that seemed to be where he was heading now.

His pelt was dry and ungroomed, many of spring times matts and dead winter coat clumped to him, left there carelessly though he'd look more normal that way, it was not usual for him not to keep himself immaculately groomed.

The never did try to hide his emotions he wore them on his 'sleeve' so to speak, he felt deserted and rejected, and it was more then he could bare.

Ferdie nearly ran into Jace and the new packmate he had yet to meet he had watched them from afar but had not gumption to met them before this moment. Ferdie closed his eyes for a moment and collected himself even if he were to leave the pack on his own volition, a decision that was clearly rending his heart in two. He should at least be nice to those within the pack, they were his family until his choice was made up with resolve. Somehow he doubted he could actually leave.

Ferdie pulled himself up into a sitting position managing to speak with more confidence then he felt, but perhaps it was his slight Canadian accent that lended him that gift Sorry about that I was on the trail of something there... Don't ask me what because I'm sure I'll catch up with it later he chuckled softly and shook his shoulders easing the stress from them.

He decided he was going to live in this moment and ignore both the recent past and the future, He couldn't bare to think on anything else. With that he smiled allowing the smile to reach his eyes, he was always excited to met new wolves. Jace, he nodded a deferral to the brute, then he offered his name to the other something most wolves in this pack rarely did, the other pack members he had met in his own good turn seemed to covet their names and not offer them Hey there, I am Ferdie Von pelt He did not expect her to call him Ferdie Von Pelt no one usually used his full name unless they were mocking him. 'Ferdie' would work just fine.

toying with my table @Jace @Serengeti Lets not get to involved here a post or two at least for Ferdie and then he'll fade
21 Posts
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If you’d each like to post once more, I’m willing to fade after this one. <3

She was pleased to learn that Jace appreciated the honesty she offered him at the very least, even if her commitment to them was shaky at best. She hadn’t been able to find the footing she had once boasted so naturally since Splintered Spine and her avid ambition was pointed at something else entirely now.

Her gaze lingered on Jace as he asked her how she felt about the Creek thus far. While it was a question that came too soon (she’d only just met Jace and Fox, although she’d stayed a day in the area which was just long enough for her to know that it was perfectly acceptable), she was also pleased to discover he wasn’t interested in prying unnecessarily. She was a very socially tolerant wolf, but she respected boundaries and expected others to do the same. There would be time yet to find the way to more intricate details.

It’s beginning to grow on me already, she said with a winning smile and bright optimism.

Just then a powerhouse of a grey male came upon them. She noted he was rather eccentric as he spoke, quite gentle and incredibly amicable. Serengeti, she replied cordially to his introduction. It’s a pleasure to meet you. She then glanced from one male to the other, full of interest—she was thoroughly dwarfed by the pair of them even if she was not a small wolf, but that wasn’t at all what she was so keenly observing.
Tempt the devil with an Angel's grace.
1,007 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Jace gave the femme a smile back his blue eyes glittering. I am glad its growing on you I love it here they accept me for myself. that was all he said on the subject and soon enough Ferdie came into view Ferdie was his soft spoken reply to the others greeting.

He then shifted and sat on his haunches to obser e for a moment and then perhaps leave the two to it.
I am more easily attainable for threads now. But please do bear in mind that I have three children under the age of five at home. And they do take up a lot of my time.
Loyal to the death
452 Posts
Ooc —

Ferdie nodded taking in her name and memorizing her scent, the regular members of the pack treated him well; even if the wolves in the upper tier of the hierarchy did not seem to receive him warmly, and Bazi whom made made it to Beta seemed to be turning on him too. Her friendly stance toward him becoming rash and cold.

Ferdie cleared his throat tossing these thoughts aside, the brute felt uncomfortable in his own skin. He glanced at his wounded shoulder as a fly buzzed around the untended wound from the Bones kidnapping. Ferdie snapped at the fly then spit out the remains; his stomach roiling at the thought of eating anything, even a fly.

Ferdie stood and offered her a bow, lowering his entire front end, Even though he was a higher rank then her, it didn't matter to him anymore. The pleasure is mine Mi'lady He offered her the nickname he had given Fox not ever intending on using the fond title on the rust colored leader again.

He glanced in the direction of Bazi's Den, opposite the way he had came upon them, then back to the pair, offering an excuse to leave and apology on the same tongue I must be off for the moment I need to find ... something, I hope dearly to cross paths again Serengeti, it would make me very happy to hear stories to the lands outside the teekon wilds or even just outside Swiftcurrent creek itself, it occurred to him he had left the packlands, save for once, since joining.

With that he turned and strangely out of character he moved away along the boarder for a ways toward the place where Bones had been taken.

And.... fade Ferdie
21 Posts
Ooc —

As quickly as he had materialised in front of them he was gone again. She stared after him, her face in a deadpan state of perplexity despite his very good (albeit very vague) reason for being off. She blinked and cast a glance at Jace, then laughed. C’mon, then, let’s rustle up some food. I’m sure I was drooling the entire time I carried that fat rabbit to the border, she said.

With that, she picked up the pace again and presumably Jace would follow her while she settled in a bit before he resumed his duties for the evening. For the next two days she anticipated running into Ferdie again as she went about, but little did she know that by the time she would see him again it would be under much different circumstances and the hope she had of being a help to the gentleman would come to a dead-end. Her sense of urgency had been knocked down a few degrees by what she had seen of him.