The botanist slept in the daytime, basking in the sun’s warmth. He had studied the landscape now, traversing the terrain so that he could study the earth, the water sources, and the plants. But he knew that the earth kept her secrets, only to spill them like a lover’s words once bathed in moonlight.
So when dusk passed the man awoke, to find himself in a landscape where subtle changes took place.
It was not the season for plants to bear their fruit or beg for pollination- and yet in their stature he noted the subtle difference now that they were chilled and deprived of sunlight. Thick leaves which had once relaxed to drink in sunlight now became pulled up, as if to shield the stem from the cool air of night time.
The chemistry of the plant would be different; he wondered if an herb’s potency would be different if it was harvested in this state.
He began plucking sprigs of coarse herbs from here and there, and tucked them away in a secondary herb den- so he might later compare their potency to those he had gathered in the daytime. Like the many rodents and insects of the desert, he moved in the moonlight like a busy little creature.
So when dusk passed the man awoke, to find himself in a landscape where subtle changes took place.
It was not the season for plants to bear their fruit or beg for pollination- and yet in their stature he noted the subtle difference now that they were chilled and deprived of sunlight. Thick leaves which had once relaxed to drink in sunlight now became pulled up, as if to shield the stem from the cool air of night time.
The chemistry of the plant would be different; he wondered if an herb’s potency would be different if it was harvested in this state.
He began plucking sprigs of coarse herbs from here and there, and tucked them away in a secondary herb den- so he might later compare their potency to those he had gathered in the daytime. Like the many rodents and insects of the desert, he moved in the moonlight like a busy little creature.
January 08, 2025, 01:30 PM
Tonight, they camped in the shadow of Storm Watch Butte. They settled on the side nearer the basin, Towhee explaining that the morning sun would blind them otherwise. Bushtit definitely didn’t mind. He sprawled beside his mother’s warmth and stared at the distant Verapaz until his eyes grew heavy. They fluttered shut as his chin sank to his outstretched legs.
He jerked awake and it was very dark. The boy blinked owlishly, then sat up and rubbed at his eyes with a fisted paw. It took a moment for them to adjust, though he could make out his surroundings lit palely by a slivered moon. Bushtit squinted at it, idly wondering what had woken him. He scrubbed a paw across his pale chest.
He set it on the cold ground and hoisted himself onto all fours. His bladder wasn’t full but he decided to empty it anyway. He stepped away from Towhee’s warm shadow and found a scraggly bush. He lifted his leg against it, yawning as he relieved himself.
Rather than return to his makeshift bed, he found himself staring in the direction of the basin. It was Starglow Basin, he remembered abruptly, eyes lifting skyward. He admired the scattering of stars around the crescent moon, barely aware of a rippling sensation in his throat.
All of a sudden, Bushtit was howling at the moon, his sleepy and sonorous voice loosely forming the word, “¡Hoooooooooolaaaaa!”
He jerked awake and it was very dark. The boy blinked owlishly, then sat up and rubbed at his eyes with a fisted paw. It took a moment for them to adjust, though he could make out his surroundings lit palely by a slivered moon. Bushtit squinted at it, idly wondering what had woken him. He scrubbed a paw across his pale chest.
He set it on the cold ground and hoisted himself onto all fours. His bladder wasn’t full but he decided to empty it anyway. He stepped away from Towhee’s warm shadow and found a scraggly bush. He lifted his leg against it, yawning as he relieved himself.
Rather than return to his makeshift bed, he found himself staring in the direction of the basin. It was Starglow Basin, he remembered abruptly, eyes lifting skyward. He admired the scattering of stars around the crescent moon, barely aware of a rippling sensation in his throat.
All of a sudden, Bushtit was howling at the moon, his sleepy and sonorous voice loosely forming the word, “¡Hoooooooooolaaaaa!”
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
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