Greatwater Lake Come back to us
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
@Mara Susi

The rain had subsided and Steady had decided to go just a little more south from the plains, towards the large lake. He approached the edge slowly. The water looked rather calm, considering the rain that had just passed. He dipped his head towards the water, lapping up his fill of the cool liquid before lifting his head again. He sat back on his haunches, his eyes scanning the area.

He looked back on his life over the past several months, and realized how much things had changed. Not necessarily over night, but little by little over time. The pack mates he had come to know as family had slowly disappeared, some replaced by new members, some not. Alastor, Peak, Moon Shadow, Mara Susi... They were all gone, without a trace. Had they died? Had they left to join another pack? He wondered if Mara Susi had left with that wolf that came to the border. She had seem to know the stranger.

He sighed, his eyes going to the water in front of him. Now Fitz was gone, too, though there was no mystery about where he was, only what happened. Steady hadn't seen any wounds on his brother's body to indicate he had gotten into a fight, so it seemed there was no one to blame for his death. Somehow, that didn't make Steady feel any better.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
A part of Mara yearned for her friends in Silvertip, she remembered her rather delving talk with Chaska, speaking of the nice weather and how never to let the world keep you down...and about their passed away family's. Still, she found the grey wolf kind and considered him a friend. Her and Atari Silver were friends too, at least she thought. They had rather similar looking coats and would joke of each other as twins.

She missed working with Krypton for the aid in Zaria's pregnancy, and although Zaria was rather moody at the time then, she missed her Alpha—her ex-Alpha, too. Although never really getting to know Fitz, she knew him to be a kind and good leader. Little did she know, the white wolf she looked up to had passed away upon her leaving. Part of her felt guilty for leaving without a word, but not much was to be said in her mind. 

Of course, she also missed Steady, the ebony wolf who had accepted her into Silvertip, the wolf she played with my the river and caught fish. The wolf who taught her the proper way to show herself to other wolves. She thought only good from him, and hoped he had felt the same towards her. While roaming, alone once again, she caught a familiar scent. Her ears perked, her brother again? Taking another moment to decipher the smell, she discovered it belonged to none other than Steady. Guilt lingered in her stomach, but her mind was made, she'd seek him out. Perhaps explain her reason to leave. So, the light wolf ventured towards the man. Soon enough an obsidian figure stood in the distance. Steady!
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The large, dark male was lost in his thoughts when a voice interrupted them. He didn't recognize it at first, and turned his head to see who the wolf was. Coming back into the present, he certainly recognized his friend, and wolf he still considered a pack mate and family. At first, he almost didn't believe she was there, as if she was a figment of his imagination. But, no, she was there, and heading towards him. Mara Susi! he exclaimed. He had never shortened her name to 'Mara' as he rather liked the name as a whole.

Instantly, he was up and galloping towards her, his tail wagging. Familiar with her, he didn't hesitate to attempt to nudge her maw in greeting. How are you? Where have you been? he asked, a smile on his own maw conveying he was happy to see her.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
When Steady announced her full name she couldn't help but wag her tail. The fact he never shortened it made it sound ever more special. He seemed to be in a daze before she announced his name. His nudge sent a wave of comfort through her and her yearn for Silvertip returned, quickly she nudged the Beta back. I'm...well, she took a moment to answer, unsure of it herself. His second question made her ears drop with guilt. Did you not know? I left Silvertip.

She shifted uncomfortably, hating to say it outloud. Part of her didn't want to believe it. Especially when seeing a familiar face
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She appeared happy to see him, as well. Though when he questioned her, the air changed, and her ears dropped. The smile slowly vanished from his maw as she admitted that she had left the pack. Steady hadn't really expect that. He didn't understand why anyone would leave such a family unit. But, he would not chastise her or be angry with her. No matter what, she was his friend. But, he was curious. Why? he asked softly, his head tilting slightly.

Was it something someone had done? Did they not make her feel welcome? Steady was bound and determined to get to the bottom of it and make things right. He didn't want to lose his friends when it could be prevented.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
His curiosity was an outlet she desperately needed. Having yet to tell anyone why she left Silvertip's grounds, though she held a frown throughout speaking. You remember Peak, she began, him and I are close, and overtime I began to fall for him. He helped me with my lack of smell, I believed him to be a good wolf. He told me he loved me, and I believed him. He took advantage of me, she said, implying in a more intimate way, and then he disappeared without a trace. Without telling me why, without warning me. Mara lingered into silence for a bit. I stayed long enough for Zaria to give birth, I wouldn't abandon her in such a condition, but over time I grew depressed. I know it sounds rather dumb to leave, but I felt I had to." 

She shook her head at herself, hearing it spoken made it sound like a stupid reason to leave such a nice home.
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Mara Susi began by speaking of Peak, a former pack mate, and Steady nodded that he did remember him. She then went on to explain that two became close, and developed feelings for each other. The story took a nasty turn, however, when Mara Susi admitted that the male had taken advantage of her. Steady's ears flattened on his head and a growl was released from his throat. But, he didn't interrupt her.

She went on to say that she had stayed for Zaria's birth, and then left when the depression became too much. He shook his head firmly when she said it was dumb. Mara Susi, I'm... I'm so sorry. I had no idea what was going on, he said, moving closer to her, as if he could protect her now from what had hurt her then. I don't think it's a dumb reason to leave. I can imagine how difficult it was to be where you've been hurt, he assured her. But, now that I know what's going on, I can promise you that if I ever see Peak again, he will pay for what he has done, he said, his voice conveying his determination. Steady was nothing if not protective, and he did not make promises he didn't intend to keep.

Calming down, Steady took a moment to think. He obviously wanted Mara Susi to return to the Mountain, but he didn't want to cause her anymore emotional pain. Would he be overstepping his boundaries if he asked? He took a deep breath. I'll completely understand if you wish not to come back, but... Well, I want to extend the invitation anyways to return to us. It was an open invitation, one that didn't require her answer, but was more intended to let her know she was welcome to come back if she felt inclined to.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
Hearing his apologies and protective words allowed a faint smile to portray against her maw. Her ears perked slightly at the invitation, she expected the offer never to come up for some reason. As if she had betrayed Silvertip by leaving in the first place, and that her presence wouldn't be wanted any longer. Peak was no longer at Silvertip and all she had was friends the there. Perhaps she should stay? Would you really wish me to stay? She asked, needing support for his claim. To join again and not be wanted would make the expirence even worse.

His invitation was more than just considered, Mara missed her family, the only one she really has. If she returned would it be a new beginning as she hoped? She shifted a bit closer to him, as if he would whisper his answer.
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She questioned if he really wanted her to stay, and he nodded. Yes, I do, he said. In any other case, he may had added a joke onto the statement to lighten the mood. However, he realized this was a delicate situation, and he didn't want to make her think he wasn't completely serious about the offer.

And then he realized she may not know what has happened since then. He frowned, trying to find a way to tell her. After a few moments, he opened his maw to speak. Mara Susi, I have something to tell you, he began, his eyes down cast. Just the other day, Fitz...He, uh- Steady faltered, unable to say the words. He took a deep breath, continuing to try and release them from his throat, which seemed rather tight at the moment. Fitz... is no longer with us, he finally settled on.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
She was completely stunned. Fitz? Dead? A rush of cold ran through her body. H-how? What happened? Instantly she thought about poor Zaria and her pups, and Mason and...Steady. Was he not Fitz' brother? A part of her felt ashamed to leave at such a horrible time, she couldn't imagine what the pack was going through—what Steady was going through. Steady, I'm so sorry, Mara moved closed space between the two and rubbed her head into his neck to comfort him. To comfort herself. So much had happened over a period of time, it was all so bittersweet. I'll come back to Silvertip, Mara knew that pack was her home, none other would feel the same. She had to be there for the pups, for her friends, for her pack.

Her eyes began to sting, and she buried her head farther into his fur. It was all so much to take in, someone she looked up to despite barely knowing was now gone. It was so surreal. All she could think about was if she put forth a little more effort she would have gotten to know him, but instead she laid back. Now leading to her regret.
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He shook his head. I don't know what happened. He was fine one minute, and gone the next. I couldn't find any signs that he had fought anyone, he said solemnly. I don't know if maybe he ate something, or drank bad water, he added. He just didn't know. His heart felt a little lighter when she snuggled into him. He placed his own head on top of hers, lending her his comfort as she did for him.

He was almost shocked when she said she would return. He pulled back a little to look at her. Really? he asked, almost not believing it. But, before she had any time to second guess it, he smiled and nudged her happily. I'll do everything in my power to make you not regret this, he said. She snuggled back into him, and he into her. He almost never left the borders of the pack, but now he seen he was meant to. Excited to get back, he jumped up, though was careful not to hit her in the process. Well, come on, then! Let's go! he said happily, his tail wagging.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
His excitement to see her return was perfect, and made her all the more happy to join her home once again. When he snuggled back to her, she felt comfort in his touch. Quickly he jumped up and seemed intent to go back to Silvertip, but there was one concern still on her mind. Wait, is the rank for Elipson still open? I've worked up to it, I wouldn't just want to lose it because I was gone a couple of days, Her work with Zaria is what gained her ranks she believed, and after having to deal with her pregnant she earned it and didn't want the spot to be taken away. Surely it was still there because they didn't even know she left.

Ah! Sorry for the sort post
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
No worries!

Now that she had agreed to come home, Steady was eager to get back. But, it seemed something was stopping her. His tail dropped and he went somber for a moment, considering what she was asking. She wanted the spot she had worked for, and Steady desperately wanted to give it to her. But, there were other factors at play here. It is still open, he confessed. But, Mara Susi, it wasn't like you were on a scouting mission, or visiting a friend somewhere, he added, frowning. You did leave the pack, he said, though he hated saying it. I want to give it to you, but I can't make this decision without going to Zaria first. Steady would fight with all he had to make sure Zaria would allow her back into the pack, but giving her Epsilon was an entirely different matter. He had a feeling Zaria would be displeased, and may let her back in, but may not trust her as she once did. Zaria will want to know why you left, and I think it would go a long way towards her feelings about having you back and your rank if you tell her. If you're uncomfortable, I can tell her, or simply try to convey to her that it was a good reason. Steady could understand the difficulty in telling her story again, and would understand if she didn't wish to.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
She nodded in understanding, Steady wasn't the only leader and Silvertip and wouldn't risk making decisions without the consent of his Alpha. I understand, she began to walk in the direction to their pack. I'd like to speak to Zaria together, if that'd be alright. Mara wished to be the one to tell her Alpha why she left, finding it more noble to own up to her decisions, and her past instead of sending Steady to do it for her. Although she'd be a little uncomfortable admitting all that had happened having his support just by being there.
The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family.
1,066 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Steady was worried that his answer might change Mara Susi's mind. He wouldn't blame her if she did, but he wasn't nearly done with his arguement. Other wolves might have been content if she decided to walk away and join another pack, but Steady viewed his packmates as more than that- they were like family. And he did whatever he could to keep his family together. Under the circumstances, he almost felt an obligation to bring Mara Susi back, since he felt some responsibility for what happened. As a Guardian, Steady assigned himself with the duties of making sure his family was safe, and he felt he had let her down. 

She said she understood, and seemed willing to talk with Zaria. Steady's smile returned, as did his hope that she would stay with the pack. Almost hesitantly, he asked, So, we can go now? He really wanted to get back because he was worried she would change her mind.
261 Posts
Ooc — Hannah
Mara gave a faint smile and nodded in response to the obsidian wolf's question. We may, even with the chance of losing her rank, she wouldn't walk away from this opportunity. It felt good seeing at least someone noticed her absence, and even better that they wanted her to come back. She picked up her pace slightly while walking towards Silvertip. Silently she thanked Steady a million times in her mind for all the good he had done her, but of course didn't speak it allowed. She hoped Zaria would understand and at least not hold her to the bottom rank once again, time had passed since her first joining and she didn't wish to restart all her work—even if it was her own fault she has to. Of course if her Alpha didn't agree to give her Epsilon back, she wouldn't hold a grudge or even be the slightest bit mad. Realizing either answer would make sense.

Archive and start a new thread with Zaria? Or perhaps another while they are traveling back home