Steady trotted about the borders, patrolling them. Well, pounding them would be a more adequate term. His temper was up, flared by Ezekiel's insubordination. As the Beta of Silvertip, the male got a little more leeway with things, but not when it came to disrespecting the Alpha himself.
The black male had purposely kept his distance from @Ezekiel since the incident, needing to clear his mind and hope to get a better viewpoint of the situation. But, it hadn't helped much. He still felt he was right in his intentions, but he assumed Ezekiel would think the same of his side. He could almost see the conversation panning out. Steady would say Ezekiel shouldn't have done that. Ezekiel would agree, but then make his point as to why he did it, and probably not even really be sorry about it, and then Steady... What would I say, then?
He didn't really know.
September 04, 2016, 07:41 AM
Can this thread be set after the Johan thread, but before Zeke and Valette leave for rising sun?
Ezekiel trotted along the borders, thinking about the events that had transpired. He had been keeping his distance from both his sister and Steady, not really wanting to talk with either of them. He hated working things through. He just liked to move on, but he knew his friend Steady wasn't like that. Steady liked to be sure that everyone knew exactly what was supposed to be done. He knew that Steady would be seeking him out soon, so he could only do his normal beta duties and wait for that moment.
He paused on a small crest when he noticed a black figure a bit aways. He recognized it immediately to be his alpha. Steady seemed to have had the same idea as him, patrol around and think. Ezekiel thought for a moment about turning and doing the side he'd already done again, but knew Steady would realize he was avoiding him if he did so. So off he went towards the alpha, catching up with him quickly. He stopped a few lengths away from Steady unsure of how he should act seeing as they hadn't let on the best of terms last time. The large grey male bowed his head respectfully, a cautious gesture mostly, then spoke.
Hey Steady.It wasn't much, but he wouldn't willingly throw himself into a lecture. If the alpha was gonna bring it up himself so be it.

September 04, 2016, 11:18 AM
Philos had been looking around the territory alittle bit more still new to his surroundings. He seemed to stumble around one of the borders and as he walked he smelt around taking in all the scents of his pack mates that he hadn't meet yet and a few he had. He left only a few of his own wanting to strengthen the border but a bit timid about spreading his own scent all over the place with him still being farely new.
He began to see a male wolf with dark coloration. He assumed it was Steady as he was the only male Philos knew from the pack. He was still very far away and as he was about to walk forward another wolf who appeared to be a male as well came up to Steady. He thought this wolf might be Chaska or Ezekiel, one of the two males that Steady actually went into detail about.
He walked a bit forward but was still pretty far away. He may be able to hear the conversation between the two assuming neither of them wispered and they could see him but they would have to look in his direction.
He began to see a male wolf with dark coloration. He assumed it was Steady as he was the only male Philos knew from the pack. He was still very far away and as he was about to walk forward another wolf who appeared to be a male as well came up to Steady. He thought this wolf might be Chaska or Ezekiel, one of the two males that Steady actually went into detail about.
He walked a bit forward but was still pretty far away. He may be able to hear the conversation between the two assuming neither of them wispered and they could see him but they would have to look in his direction.
September 04, 2016, 12:22 PM
Those threads look like they take place on the same day, and since this is set to after Johan joining, we could say Ezekiel/Valette left right/soon after this one.
He hadn't really had adequate time to calm down, and he wished he would have. He had learned that trying to speak about something he was angry about was better left to when he had some time to think. But, today, he wouldn't have that opportunity. He spotted Ezekiel, and came to a halt, his expression a little tight as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say.
Hey, he replied, then paused. His back was to Philos, so he had no idea the new pack mate had come upon them, and Steady made no attempt to whisper, though he didn't yell, either. You can't do that, he said, assuming Ezekiel would know exactly what he was talking about. I don't care who that would have been, she deserved what she would have got, he said, his voice firm, but oddly calm. You know I value your thoughts, Ezekiel, but you do not tell me what to do. And stopping me from punishing someone who disrespects you makes me seriously question whether or not you respect you and your rank. He stopped there, hoping his Beta understood what he was saying. Steady knew he needed someone to help enforce the ranks, but if Ezekiel wouldn't even enforce his own, how could Steady count on him to enforce the others? Fitz would have put me in my place immediately if I ever did to him what your sister did to you, he pointed out.
September 07, 2016, 07:22 AM
Ezekiel could tell that Steady wasn't too happy with him. He could tell from the hey he got. He stepped forwards, ears perked to show he was attentive. He didn't get notice the wolf who lingered behind Steady in the distance, all of his attention rested on his alpha. This would be the second scolding he got this week, but he supposed that he deserved it. What Steady said, was what he'd expected, but something made him furrow his brow. It was his sister, his sister who Steady didn't know. Hadn't the dark furred male jumped to conclusions a bit?
Steady paused, which Ezekiel took as an invitation to speak.
Steady paused, which Ezekiel took as an invitation to speak.
Ok I understand what you're saying, and it's very true. But this is sort of a different case. As I told you before me and my family have a very different kind of relationship. I don't mind when she does that, and she doesn't mind when I snap at her. It's just how we are. Of course I'd never speak that way to you or to anyone who doesn't accept it, but you can't expect me to act the same with everyone.He held no challenge in his voice, he was simply voicing his opinion. Steady usually took his pack's feelings into consideration, so he expected just that to happen.
I mean no harm or opposition to you, I'm just asking that you understand why I let her do it.For a moment he almost wanted to tell the whole story. It would make it a lot easier if he didn't have to edge around the truth anymore, but not now he decided. Not in the midst of their conflict.
Ok, sounds good to me :)

September 07, 2016, 03:31 PM
Philos stayed back, he had no say in what was going on here and had no idea what was going on here. Something had happened between the two that caused this interaction and conversation. He could only make out bits and pieces of the conversation, unable to fully grasp what they were saying.
He thought of leaving thinking that watching them was sort of awkward, but he also knew that conversations like these sometimes lead to arguments and arguments lead to fights. He wanted to be a peace keeper in the pack.
He backed up still able to see the two but now unable to hear their conversation. Just the tone and raise of their voices were audiable.
He thought of leaving thinking that watching them was sort of awkward, but he also knew that conversations like these sometimes lead to arguments and arguments lead to fights. He wanted to be a peace keeper in the pack.
He backed up still able to see the two but now unable to hear their conversation. Just the tone and raise of their voices were audiable.
Feel free to skip me if you two are just having back and forth conversation. If anything physical happens he may intervene.
September 12, 2016, 03:37 PM
(This post was last modified: September 27, 2016, 01:33 PM by Steady.)
While it was true that Steady was not happy with the events as they had unfolded, he did his best to keep his anger under control, and to listen to Ezekiel as he spoke. Steady knew a little of Ezekiel's past, but none of the sordid details. He understood what his Beta was saying- that siblings and families had different dynamics. Steady was beginning to falter to Ezekiel's logic, until he said the last sentence. I can, and I do expect you to behave the same to everyone. That's part of being a leader. It isn't fair to the rest of the family if one wolf can stand up to you, but the others are held to tradition. His voice was calm as he explained. While Steady was understanding, he didn't agree.
He nodded. I do understand, he confirmed. I know you two came from the same pack, and I assume therefore, the same history. And you know, if you want to continue your dynamic outside of the territory, that's fine. But, here, in our home, that dynamic would have to change. I understand if things would need to be settled, and that might be rough, but they do need to be settled if she's looking for a home here. And Steady did assume that Johan was joining. But, maybe he was wrong.
All the while, Philos remained unknown to Steady.
Edited in a conclusion so this can be archived. @Philos, you're welcome to post once more, if you like, or archive it here.
Steady wasn't sure what the future would hold, but for now, he would refrain from any demotion for Ezekiel. While he still believed the Beta had some learning to do, he did think he was a good Beta, and demoting him wouldn't help him learn how to improve. So, the Alpha would leave things as they were. Moving past Ezekiel, he headed back into the forest, never having seen Philos.
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