@Sylvas Streiter @Alyssum -- Set for 10.4.16
There had been loss and pain to be administered in the days past. Eden had lost her pack - and with it the protection she was offered - as well as part of her sight. She was weak with pain and ridden with an insatiable ache of fear for not only her and Alyssum, but for the potential young that she thought herself to hold within. After the journey that she'd forged to get away from Silvertip territory, Eden took time to relax beside the sweet babbles of the creek.What are we gonna do now, Ally girl? She hadn't even considered Alyssum in her scandal, nor in the feud to follow. She hadn't considered what it would be like - surviving - for anyone but herself. This was something she could never forgive herself for; she'd dragged an innocent into her plots. She took a deep breath and laid her head back against the ground. The flesh around her eye throbbed, and she considered removing it to prevent an infection. Maybe she would, in the future, but she wouldn't make Ally watch that now.
Her mind then drifted from her dopey sister to the male she'd entertained herself with just days before. If she'd gotten his name, if she'd gotten anymore than the hormone driven affair, maybe she would be able to call him. She had promised a later introduction, after all. She stood and looked out into the foliage with her ears perked and cupped forward. Maybe, just maybe, he was near. And maybe he would seek her out as well.
english · french
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October 02, 2016, 11:29 PM
Alyssum sat alone at the base of a tree, repeating her mantra silently to herself: you have fight in your blood, just breathe. It was something her father would whisper to her at night when he was concerned enough to visit her. Her ears lay splayed and her tail sat between her legs as she lay against the moist ground. She heard her sister's question, but wasn't aware enough to make a reply. Her mantra, she had to stay focused on her mantra.
Leaving Silvertip, seeing Eden attacked, it had shaken her to her core. How could an alpha, she thought, be treated that way? Of course, this was in reference to Eden rather than Steady. Since her childhood she'd revered her sister; the way she carried herself, the way she spoke - she was who Alyssum wanted to become. But to see Eden bloodied and cowering as she ran from her battle? It was something Ally never expected to see.
But then again, things never went the way she expected.
Leaving Silvertip, seeing Eden attacked, it had shaken her to her core. How could an alpha, she thought, be treated that way? Of course, this was in reference to Eden rather than Steady. Since her childhood she'd revered her sister; the way she carried herself, the way she spoke - she was who Alyssum wanted to become. But to see Eden bloodied and cowering as she ran from her battle? It was something Ally never expected to see.
But then again, things never went the way she expected.
October 03, 2016, 12:35 PM
Joints popped and crunched as the young male outstretched his limbs, tail swaying behind him as he gradually began to shake himself off. The young wolf's brown and grey fur fluffing almost as he straightened his posture to a stand, amber eyes peering around at his surroundings as his ears arched at the constant sound of flowing water that seemed to dominate this land.
A loud yawn escaped widened jaws, the brute shortly giving himself another shake as he attempted to fully awaken himself from his rest. Pink tongue revealed itself from out of his mouth as he slowly licked at his muzzle; finding himself somewhat parched. With this, his amber eyes glanced toward the running river as he decided to stroll towards the waters edge for a drink. Allowing the cold, refreshing liquid to slide down his throat as he lapped at the watery mass, the brute cocked his head as he couldn't help but smell a familiar scent lingering in the wind.
Shoulders rolled casually as the male decided to make a move in the direction of the scent, paws carrying the young male carefully, but swiftly across the rocky terrain as he followed his nose. As he ventured onward, the shallow breeze allowed Sylvas the knowledge that there wasn't just one, but two wolves somewhere up ahead and with this, Sylvas only quickened his pace.
A loud yawn escaped widened jaws, the brute shortly giving himself another shake as he attempted to fully awaken himself from his rest. Pink tongue revealed itself from out of his mouth as he slowly licked at his muzzle; finding himself somewhat parched. With this, his amber eyes glanced toward the running river as he decided to stroll towards the waters edge for a drink. Allowing the cold, refreshing liquid to slide down his throat as he lapped at the watery mass, the brute cocked his head as he couldn't help but smell a familiar scent lingering in the wind.
Shoulders rolled casually as the male decided to make a move in the direction of the scent, paws carrying the young male carefully, but swiftly across the rocky terrain as he followed his nose. As he ventured onward, the shallow breeze allowed Sylvas the knowledge that there wasn't just one, but two wolves somewhere up ahead and with this, Sylvas only quickened his pace.
October 03, 2016, 01:57 PM
Eden kept her tag low and at a friendly wag as she saw the familiar face appear. First, of course, came his scent, so she waited patiently as he approached. She looked back at her sister, and decided she could use the time alone while she stepped aside to speak to the male. I believe we've met before, she laughed. But I didn't get your name. I'm Eden.
english · french
· republic of auros ·
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October 05, 2016, 12:05 AM
You can always feel free to skip Ally unless it's directly related to her, lol
Alyssum watched as her sister approached the male. Though still shaken and distraught, she could tell she hadn't met the male before, at least not from what she could remember. She didn't stand to approach or bark her sister over to her; she simply sat and examined the interaction, trying to protect what bit of home she had left: Eden.
October 07, 2016, 04:36 AM
Finally he came to the source of the scent, amber eyes falling upon two females as they rested just up from where the brute jogged. Slowing his gait, Sylvas came to a halt as he was approached by the familiar female that he had courted with a couple of days past. With a polite dip of his head, brown ears arched forward as they caught the sound of the female's voice, head tilting some at her words and brief laugh. A small smile managed its way across his leathery lips, tail swaying casually behind him as he replied in a smooth tone, ”I believe we have..” he chuckled light heartily, eyes peering toward the other female sat in the distance, a similar scent lingering upon the female to the one in front of him. Siblings maybe?
Head jerked back toward the girl in front, eyes observing her features momentarily, amber eyes catching the gash across her eyes, a mark Sylvas knew hadn't been there before their first encounter. The mark sparked curiosity within the male, a frown crossing his face as he watched her for the moment, ears perking upwards at the sound of her name.
A grunt escaped him as he cleared his throat, tearing his attention away from her clawed face, ”It's a pleasure Eden..” he smiled, ”I'm Sylvas, Sylvas Streiter. Though Sylvas for short if you wish.” he looked once more to the other female a distance away, eyes slowly returning to Eden's form, ”I hope you've been fairing well since I last saw you?” His eyes peering to her face once more, Sylvas somewhat hoping for some kind of reason as to why her face had been damaged so.
Head jerked back toward the girl in front, eyes observing her features momentarily, amber eyes catching the gash across her eyes, a mark Sylvas knew hadn't been there before their first encounter. The mark sparked curiosity within the male, a frown crossing his face as he watched her for the moment, ears perking upwards at the sound of her name.
A grunt escaped him as he cleared his throat, tearing his attention away from her clawed face, ”It's a pleasure Eden..” he smiled, ”I'm Sylvas, Sylvas Streiter. Though Sylvas for short if you wish.” he looked once more to the other female a distance away, eyes slowly returning to Eden's form, ”I hope you've been fairing well since I last saw you?” His eyes peering to her face once more, Sylvas somewhat hoping for some kind of reason as to why her face had been damaged so.
October 07, 2016, 07:20 PM
(This post was last modified: October 07, 2016, 07:20 PM by RIP Eden.)
The male introduced himself as Sylvas. It was a nice name, Eden thought to herself. He then asked her about her wellbeing; how had things been since they'd met. She could tell him the truth, that since then she'd been removed her pack, along with her sister Alyssum. Or, she could give him the more diplomatic answer and spare the gory details. Regardless of how much Eden wanted it to, she knew the latter wouldn't work as he'd seen the fresh wound on her face - he hadn't exactly been discreet with his glances.
I-um...I came back after what happened, she said, referencing their courtship, and Steady, my old alpha, knew almost immediately where I'd been. He chased me out of the territory. She took a deep breath before continuing. Which brings me to another topic. You weren't the only one who I was with, but I know that if there is something growing inside of me, it's between us. The other male wasn't - he hadn't reached maturity, I suppose. He was too young, so whatever I have is yours. She looked him in his eyes with a sense of guilt for being so irresponsible, but also with hope that he would understand.
I-um...I came back after what happened, she said, referencing their courtship, and Steady, my old alpha, knew almost immediately where I'd been. He chased me out of the territory. She took a deep breath before continuing. Which brings me to another topic. You weren't the only one who I was with, but I know that if there is something growing inside of me, it's between us. The other male wasn't - he hadn't reached maturity, I suppose. He was too young, so whatever I have is yours. She looked him in his eyes with a sense of guilt for being so irresponsible, but also with hope that he would understand.
english · french
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· republic of auros ·
Ally listened to the conversation, though it sounded spotty in battle with her thoughts. From what she could pick out, the male was called Sylvas, and he knew Eden from some time before. Maybe this was why they'd been kicked out of the pack; Eden was behaving against her morals. Alyssum knew that Eden, a woman of such power, had to be aware of the danger that came with males. They were unpredictable and much too strong for a woman to overpower, so for Eden to have met a male without any protection...that had to have been what set Steady off.
It was obvious to Ally that this male wasn't a friend, and feeling as though she had a duty to protect her sister as Amari had before, she moved closer and snorted her discontent, as she plopped down beside her sister.
It was obvious to Ally that this male wasn't a friend, and feeling as though she had a duty to protect her sister as Amari had before, she moved closer and snorted her discontent, as she plopped down beside her sister.
October 08, 2016, 06:40 AM
The brown and grey male realised that he may have been a bit forward, amber gaze noticing the unease as he unknowingly stared at her wounds. His stare trailed away from her wounds to look Eden in the eyes, brown ears arching forward a top his lean head as he listened to the words that flowed from her mouth. The lone wolf watching as she elaborated on the story behind it, eyes widening some as she continued further into detail. Well, this was all rather unexpected.. and sudden!
Sylvas paused for a moment, tail swaying behind him slowly in thought; though his attention was stolen briefly as the other female approached, placing herself down closely to Eden. Amber eyes watched the other female, ears flicking backwards slightly at her disapproving snort. Ok. The male was somewhat lost for words, gradually he managed to clear his throat, ”I'm sorry that happened to you...” he peered over toward the other female; who he presumed to be a sibling of Eden's and contiuned ”..to you both.” Looking away from her sister, Streiter's glance landed back to Eden, ”If what you say is true, then I will help you raise them.” He smiled some, the brute not really having thought himself to ever be a father in the future, ”Like a real father should.” He offered a reassuring wag of his tail, his mind and heart racing some at this sudden life changing news.
Sylvas paused for a moment, tail swaying behind him slowly in thought; though his attention was stolen briefly as the other female approached, placing herself down closely to Eden. Amber eyes watched the other female, ears flicking backwards slightly at her disapproving snort. Ok. The male was somewhat lost for words, gradually he managed to clear his throat, ”I'm sorry that happened to you...” he peered over toward the other female; who he presumed to be a sibling of Eden's and contiuned ”..to you both.” Looking away from her sister, Streiter's glance landed back to Eden, ”If what you say is true, then I will help you raise them.” He smiled some, the brute not really having thought himself to ever be a father in the future, ”Like a real father should.” He offered a reassuring wag of his tail, his mind and heart racing some at this sudden life changing news.
October 08, 2016, 09:48 AM
(This post was last modified: October 08, 2016, 09:48 AM by RIP Eden.)
As Eden noticed his several glances, she too turned to see what was so attention grabbing. Of course, it was Ally. Eden shook her head softly, and nudged for her sister to move, as the conversation would soon be, what she figured, too much for Alyssum to handle right now. Please excuse my sister, she said, before clearing her throat and continuing, She had a rough childhood. I'm all she has left. Eden thought back to her sister as a pup, the way that she'd been ignored, beaten, chased. For her to still be alive was an act of strength and courage. I'm happy to hear that, you know. I was kind of afraid that this would be too much and I'd end up alone with pups and Ally to take care of. She scoffed. That's my sister's name, Ally.
Then the issue of a pack arose in her mind, and she continued stating her case. We can't really raise them alone. I think it would be smart to look for a pack, specifically one a lot farther from here.
Then the issue of a pack arose in her mind, and she continued stating her case. We can't really raise them alone. I think it would be smart to look for a pack, specifically one a lot farther from here.
english · french
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· republic of auros ·
October 09, 2016, 04:46 PM
A slight chuckle escaped the male as Eden apologised for her sister, offering a slight shake of his head, he replied smoothly, ”It's okay.” Amber eyes peered toward her sister once again and he smirked some, ”She's only looking out for your best interest, I'm sure.” Glancing back to Eden, Sylvas offered her a smile and continued, ”It's what family do.” Tail swayed behind him as he looked to them both with a gentle stare, the brute shifting himself on his paws some as he listened to her vague explanation about her sister and it was understandable. Streiter, himself hadn't had such a childhood, but he wasn't one to judge, but mostly sympathize.
Brown ears remained arched a top his head as he listened to Eden quietly, his head tilting to the side as she spoke. Instantly Sylvas shook his head again and replied, ”I wouldn't expect you to go through it alone.” Streiter's posture straightened more as he peered to Eden, his stare serious but still soft, ”It's my responsibility as well, not yours alone.” Never would he have let her do this on her own, having the knowledge that he now was going to be a father, Sylvas would remain by Eden's side.
A family. A pack. Sylvas pondered on the idea and he knew it made sense, amber eyes gleamed some as he peered toward distant terrains as the light caught his wondering stare. Glancing back to Eden, he gave an agreeable nod in response, ”We'll search when you both are ready, the journey ahead maybe a lengthy one.” Tail flicked the the side as he peered at the both, they'd need to rest if they were going to venture a far and unknowing of where they'd be going.
Brown ears remained arched a top his head as he listened to Eden quietly, his head tilting to the side as she spoke. Instantly Sylvas shook his head again and replied, ”I wouldn't expect you to go through it alone.” Streiter's posture straightened more as he peered to Eden, his stare serious but still soft, ”It's my responsibility as well, not yours alone.” Never would he have let her do this on her own, having the knowledge that he now was going to be a father, Sylvas would remain by Eden's side.
A family. A pack. Sylvas pondered on the idea and he knew it made sense, amber eyes gleamed some as he peered toward distant terrains as the light caught his wondering stare. Glancing back to Eden, he gave an agreeable nod in response, ”We'll search when you both are ready, the journey ahead maybe a lengthy one.” Tail flicked the the side as he peered at the both, they'd need to rest if they were going to venture a far and unknowing of where they'd be going.
October 09, 2016, 04:51 PM
(This post was last modified: October 09, 2016, 04:51 PM by RIP Eden.)
That went quick lol. I can archive it right after my response if that's all from Syl :)
Eden took a deep breath of relief. She wouldn't have to do this alone, thank God. She listened to his words and shook her head in agreement; some rest was definitely in order. She whined a quick response before settling beside the water and silently inviting Sylvas to join her in the moment of peace before their real journey began.english · french
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