Duskfire Glacier until the storm subsides
316 Posts
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Pack Activity 
This takes place in Greyfall Caverns; here are some reference photos! This isn't compulsory, but it could be a fun way to familiarize everyone. @Emory, @Heartha, @Carnation, @Cosmos, @Aurora Artemis, @Kieran Adrien, @Rose, @Hawthorn.

Eden took her seat atop the dry ledge, her tail curling around her in a demure fashion. She called first for her mate and fellow Consul, @Sylvas Streiter, and awaited his arrival. We cannot have all of our members in the cold, especially not the children. Because of the icy climate of their home, the dens in their new tunnel system quickly picked up the snow from the blizzard, making them dangerous for such young bodies to live in. That, and the five inches of snow they'd been miraculously gifted with overnight. 

Her next call was for the other adults of the pack, as well as the children who would need escorts into the caverns. They were difficult to navigate, even for Eden, but they made for a large enough space to house the pack until the storms subsided. Her children, as well as Hawthorn and Rose would probably be able to make it in with little assistance, but Eden worried for the three smaller pups who'd come with Honey.
english · french
· republic of auros ·
Together we won't die
236 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Ugh, sorry for the short post! It's like 1 am and I need to sleep lol.

Kieran had been talking with his mother not too long ago, so he simply followed her scent through the caverns once he heard her call for his father. When he entered, he gave a nod to his mother and sat down to hear what she had to say.
English * French
Family is not an important thing. It is everything.
223 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Large paws trotted against the cold ground as he heard his mate's call echo through the frozen terrain, chocolate brown ears arching a top his head as he approached the caverns, golden eyes falling upon Eden's form perched a top a ledge. A small smile managed its way across his muzzle as he gave her a gentle nuzzle, ears twitching as she spoke about shelter from the unforgiving cold, the mercenary giving his mate a swift nod of his head, ”I agree, we need to take decent shelter until this storm decides to pass.” His tone was serious as he gave a flick of his tail, ”We all can stay together, deep within the caverns, where its warmer, until the storm dies.” He offered a reassuring smile, though just how long this storm was going to last exactly was completely unbeknown. It could be days? Months even?
60 Posts
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Hawthorn wasn't quite sure how he felt about the move. In a way, he wanted to get away from the Court, to start afresh and anew, away from the tainting and poisenous presence of his parents's claim. But, there, in the Court, he was Prince and potential heir to the throne. Here, Haw wasn't quite sure he was anyone at all. And while normally he didn't quite care, the boy found himself silently wondering what his future held in this strange, cold new land where he had no family except for his sister. His future - it seemed rather bleak to him.

If he was no longer Prince or whatever equivalent rank. If he was no longer heir. If he was no longer anyone important, then Hawthorn was leaving. Not right now, but if he felt that he no longer belonged, then the boy knew that when he was old enough....the chances of him staying were next to zero.

Eden's voice echoed and the dark child glanced around warily, and after a minute or two of careful contemplation, he bit his lip, scowled, and with an air of reluctance, began padding towards the cavern. Then, Hawthorn stopped and stared. He needed to find @Rose first..she was his only family now, and he vowed to himself that he'd take care of her no matter what. So, after looking around at the entrance of the cavern, he let out a howl of sorts for his sister. Not to summon her, but to simply see if she was still around and if she was coming.
if you can't fly, then run;
if you can't run, then walk;
if you can't walk, then crawl;
even if you have to crawl, gear up
aim your gun! ready! fire!

Caregiver/Medic: 0/5

(always open for threads)
353 Posts
Ooc —
Heartha moved with her daughter @Tulip into the caverns, so she could protect her from the cold. She couldn't lose her only child. She found Eden and Sylvas there, along with some of the other pups of the pack. She saw them nuzzle, and a little piece of her heart felt cold. She missed that kind of attention. But she pushed it aside, as her daughter was her priority to keep safe from the cold. With a dip of her head in greeting, she found herself a space and laid down.
65 Posts
Ooc — Tweet
Honey came trotting into the cavern with each of her children at her side; @Cosmos, @Aurora Artemis, and @Carnation all fell alongside her, even with the occassional barks and nudges she would throw back. Once inside the large space, she took a moment to take in all of the beauty, specifically the waterfall at the southernmost wall. Her attention was then brought to two older pups who Honey assumed to have been Carnation's siblings (all three of their siblings, for fallacy's sake). Hello there, she greeted the pair, then turned back to her own children. Come meet your siblings, loves.
· republic of auros ·
She dreams of the ocean late at night and longs for the wild salt air.
45 Posts
Ooc — Aliea
Carnation looked hesitantly at the others, she had seen them during the journey towards Duskfire, though they hardly socialized. Likely from the age gap, Connie could hardly even speak, though a few words were uttered here and there. She moved closer to her mother, it wasn't that she was scared, but over the past few weeks she hardly ever was less than a few feet away from her.
fire queen
271 Posts
Ooc — Kara
She had been off scouting her new ehh...home? No, that word wasn't quite right. This wasn't a home to her but more of a temporary resting spot for them to regain their strength. Weather the others decided to stay or not was up to them, but Rose had no intention of staying here any longer than necessary. She wanted to go back to the glade and had every ounce of determination to do so once she was strong enough. For now though she would have to be content with what was provided for her, but that didn't mean she liked the decisions the new leadership was making. 

She didn't see Eden fit to rule as queen, in fact she probably wouldn't ever see anyone fit except for herself. So when the howl went up to summon the pack, the russet girl took her sweet time reaching the destination. It was only when Hawthorn called for her did she pick up her pace. She returned his howl with one of her own, letting him know she would be there in a few minutes. Once she arrived, the russet girl moved to greet her littermate with a nudge to the shoulder and looked around to inspect those that had gathered. She glanced down at her youngest siblings for a moment, still confused as to how she felt about them. Despite her conflicted feelings she managed to muster up a smile for them and slowly bent down to give each one of them a gentle greeting.
Family is not an important thing. It is everything.
223 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Sylvas gave his mate a gentle nudge to the shoulder with his nose, large paws guiding him forward slightly as he observed the slow gathering group, golden eyes searching for the youths of the pack, the mercenary taking mental count of each present. Though, as he peered around the large cavern that sheltered them from the buffeting storm outside, Sylvas couldn't help but notice some wolves were unaccounted for. A frown crossed his features, the male turning to his wife for a moment before looking back to the others, ”We'll be taking shelter within these caverns until the storm passes.” He said firmly, golden eyes peering around at each individual, the mercenary quietly taking note of those absent, which in truth was a concerning matter, ”I want everyone to stay together and not to venture outside unless completely necessary.” And by necessary Sylvas meant for hutning puroses only, not that hunting within the storm would be all that sucsessful. Slowly he turned to his mate, tail swaying behind him as he waited for her to speak next, his stare returning to the group as he anxiously waited for the others to join.
38 Posts
Ooc — Emma
She stayed next to her Mother with a small pant from the short trek here.  Upon arriving she found herself wondering if this was yet another move and they would have to go on a forever walk again.  Luckily though as time passed it did not appear that way so she was relived about that.

Her blue haze flicked to the russet pup as she greeted her and her siblings.  She eyed her curiously for a moment, wondering who it was, but soon lost interest.  

She couldn't wait to lie down and go to sleep.