aw, but just a disclaimer, Zeke is pretty depressed right now and he wasn't the most friendly in the first place. So he might be pretty standoffish
Ezekiel hadn't left his den much since Steady's death. He went out before dawn to patrol the borders, and at dusk to do so again. He participated in hunts only to eat, and he hadn't spoken to anyone, not even Valette or Krypton. Most days he just laid on his bed of grass and slept, or thought about how he should've done something to save Steady. If only he had been here a few days before the alpha male left, he maybe could've at least talked to him, and maybe stopped the attack that had killed him.
Today was no different than those other days, he walked along the border at dawn, marking the edges of the territory with a cold expression on his face.

May 15, 2017, 04:43 PM
Sunny had went out early to watch the sunrise again, and on a whim he had began to track the pheasant smell. It had led him back to the same spot he and Keoni had hunted them at before, and he almost laughed at the stupidity if these birds. He didn't though instead he silently and slowly stalked them, seeing that they were still asleep and pounced on one of the sleeping birds, killing it quickly.
He was hunting alone so by that time all the birds were running away from him. Still satisfied by his single catch he carried it back and found himself standing right in front of an unfamiliar man. He smelled of Easthollow so that out sunny at ease. Setting the bird down the young male gave a hesitant wag of his tail "hello! I'm Sunny" he greeted. He wasnt to sure of this guy's mood but could see it wasn't pleasant, so he was unsure of what to say.
He was hunting alone so by that time all the birds were running away from him. Still satisfied by his single catch he carried it back and found himself standing right in front of an unfamiliar man. He smelled of Easthollow so that out sunny at ease. Setting the bird down the young male gave a hesitant wag of his tail "hello! I'm Sunny" he greeted. He wasnt to sure of this guy's mood but could see it wasn't pleasant, so he was unsure of what to say.
May 15, 2017, 04:53 PM
Aww sunny is so cute I feel bad xD
Ezekiel turned his head when a new smell caught his attention. It was one of their own, which eased his tense muscles, but he didn't know it. Slowly he turned his head, the massive thick furred wolf looked rather intimidating the way he stood. He found himself looking at a young male, a child really. He was grey, streaked with darker and lighter areas, and he seemed jolly. This almost angered Ezekiel, did this boy even know? And if he did, did he care? He had to remind himself that he was just a child, and he was just being friendly. Ezekiel had never been too fond of overly happy wolves, even before he lost all his reason to be happy.
His tail did not wag in return, his icy eyes locked onto those of the pup.
What do you want?He said, his low voice rattled with a tired raspiness. He realized then that he hadn't used his voice in a while.

took wayyyy too long posting this! will edit XD
the girl paced the borders, unable to sleep. she thought of Rannoch often, now; and did not know what to do about the matter. how to tell her family, how could she even contemplate leaving now? but without Steady, Easthollow seemed...emptier. something was missing, and Easthollow had lost its vibrancy.
the scarred girl moved along the borders, thinking, contemplating, considering. only the voice of Sunny startled her into alertness, and she glanced up to see before her the boy, and a male who answered Sunny's happiness icily. Sunny was such a child in this manner, so quick to brush off death; perhaps he did not yet fully understand. she could not see herself being so light in any case, even if she could speak. she blinked, shock fading as she watched him, the coldness of him, the strangeness of him. a stranger. her hackles bristled, gaze hardening in angry fear, until she realised that this was a packmate, and then too did her anger fade.
May 15, 2017, 05:12 PM
Sunny's tail dropped and his ears flicked back, finally understanding that the man was mad about about something. About what he didn't understand, and he also didn't understand that maybe Ezekiel wasn't mad but more depressed and broken.
Sunny ducked his head and looked up at Ezekiel with wide eyes "s..sorry mister I didn't mean to bother you. I seen ya before so I figured I would say hello" he stuttered awkwardly. " okay?" He asked. Maybe he could help this guy feel better, but judging by the tone of his voice it wouldn't be easy.
Sunny ducked his head and looked up at Ezekiel with wide eyes "s..sorry mister I didn't mean to bother you. I seen ya before so I figured I would say hello" he stuttered awkwardly. " okay?" He asked. Maybe he could help this guy feel better, but judging by the tone of his voice it wouldn't be easy.
I'm trying to have sunny go for a hunter and therapist trade so maybbbbeee he can try and helo Ezekiel? It would probably be awkward as heck since sunny boy is 6 months old ish and has little experience but he is also wiser than you'd think xD
Birdcatcher: 4/10
May 15, 2017, 05:20 PM
Ezekiel is like a pup magnet xD and sunny, of course you can do that, but I'm not sure Zeke will respond totally great towards it. You can always have him try though!
The boy lowered himself quickly to Ezekiel, his eyes wide. Ezekiel didn't feel bad for acting as he had, he liked the submission he was given. As he boy spoke however, he did start to feel a little bad. He allowed his facial features to soften from menacing to serious, his fur settled back down on his back. He didn't respond directly after the boy asked if he were ok, his pale eyes flitted to movement nearby. Another child, this one a female. He definitely didn't like all of these wolves around him, it made him feel crowded, and he wanted to be rid of them both.
I'm fine.He growled, turning as he prepared to continue walking.

May 15, 2017, 05:28 PM
she should leave. the girl did not like this interaction very much at all, gaze roving to the cold male and the upbeat Sunny, surely a recipe for some sort of disaster. she did not move to follow the male as he moved to continue his patrol, wondering who the hell he was and why he was here and angry. the thought moved her temper, and her gaze fell on him, tail twitching once behind her. perhaps it was not a good time at all, but she did not like the fact that there was a complete stranger in their ranks, and she was powerless to ask anything at all.
her gaze fell on Sunny, and attempting to convey this, tilted her head and twitched her tail, asking a simply "?". she felt more comfortable asking this silent thing to the boy than the stranger, and perhaps he would use words when she could not. perhaps, she could speak through others.
May 15, 2017, 05:42 PM
Sunny watched the male's features softening some, and raised a bit from his crouched position. A familiar smell blew to him and he lived his head to see Keoni standing nearby. He offered a wag of his tail in greeting and turned his attention back to the grey male in time to hear his reply. He was about to reply when the stranger stood up and walked away, leaving Sunny sitting there feeling useless.
Sighing softly he looked at Keoni's silent question and shook his head slowly "Never seen him before,but he smells of Easthollow. He seems really upset about something, I wanna try to help him but...uh..." Sunny cleared his throat pawing at the ground in an embarrassed fashion "he makes me nervous" he admitted.
Sighing softly he looked at Keoni's silent question and shook his head slowly "Never seen him before,but he smells of Easthollow. He seems really upset about something, I wanna try to help him but...uh..." Sunny cleared his throat pawing at the ground in an embarrassed fashion "he makes me nervous" he admitted.
May 15, 2017, 06:15 PM
Ezekiel hadn't gotten very far, and he heard every word that the boy spoke very clearly. It made him pause, and for a moment he saw himself from the outside. He must've seemed such an awful man, rude even to children. He used to be happy once, Adeline had been his little buddy, he'd smiled and played with friends. What was he now, was he still that youthful male. He was still handsome, and youthful, and strong, but life had taken a lot out of him, his eyes were older than he. With a sigh he turned around and trotted back towards the pups with a much more open posture.
I'm sorry, I was rude. That was not my intention.He explained, looking everywhere but at the younger kids.

the girl noted, delayed, that the male showed no signs of fear that had usually come with the sight of her rather mangled face. she almost smiled at this, for surely it must mean that she had healed; and she had, the many scars faded, mostly, into her fur. but the observation was overshadowed by the strangeness of the cold, unfamiliar man, the one Sunny had tried to take upon himself to "help". she offered glance to the young boy and offered a reassuring poke of his shoulder, watching the male as he turned back.
the teen watched him, offering back a chuff, deciding to not press the matter. the sound rang hollow, as most sounds now did, but it was sound all the same, and paired with the slackening of her tight posture, signalled a kind of forgiveness. gaze flickered back to Sunny, waiting for him to speak.
the teen watched him, offering back a chuff, deciding to not press the matter. the sound rang hollow, as most sounds now did, but it was sound all the same, and paired with the slackening of her tight posture, signalled a kind of forgiveness. gaze flickered back to Sunny, waiting for him to speak.
May 18, 2017, 12:10 AM
Sunny saw the man pause in his retreat and felt his nervousness heighten, wondering if they were about to be scolded. He stared at the still turned form of the grey male, waiting for him to say something but looked away toward Keoni when she nudged him. He offered a small smile and a quick wag of his tail a gesture to say "I'm alright" before he saw the male turn around.
He was walking back toward them. Sunny listened to the apology and ducked his head "Its all good. Maybe I should have left you alone, I'm sorry too" he said softly. He wagged his tail and stood up "If you ever need to talk, I am a good listener. I wanna help others when I get older, and I want to be a hunter like my da!" He said kindly and then realized he hadn't introduced himself "Im Sunny, whats your name?" he asked.
He was walking back toward them. Sunny listened to the apology and ducked his head "Its all good. Maybe I should have left you alone, I'm sorry too" he said softly. He wagged his tail and stood up "If you ever need to talk, I am a good listener. I wanna help others when I get older, and I want to be a hunter like my da!" He said kindly and then realized he hadn't introduced himself "Im Sunny, whats your name?" he asked.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
May 19, 2017, 06:19 AM
The young girl was quiet, which he liked. But her friend was not. He sure liked to talk, for in response for Ezekiel's short apology, he said a paragraph. The large grey male contemplated turning back around and leaving, but only for a second. He had to try at least, to be kind. Kindness was hard for him at the moment, though he knew that he would never recover if he didn't try. He dipped his head when the boy offered his therapy skills, a trade that Ezekiel had once hoped to follow, though who would want to get therapy from a wolf who can't even heal his own mind?
Ezekiel. I was a part of this pack for a long time, but there was an accident and I had to leave for a while. I considered Steady to be my brother.I'm sorry, would've been the correct way to end the sentence, though for some reason he couldn't speak the words. He was still struggled with the fact that Steady was dead. With the fact that his brother was dead.

May 19, 2017, 03:48 PM
and the conversation turned to Steady again. For a brief, weak moment, she allowed the barriers in her mind to break and allowed herself to think of the death. the strong protector, the father that had taken her in, raised her, taught her and loved her as she had loved him. for a moment, she wilted, but swiftly ramped up the walls in her mind and straightened. such was the depth of her sorrow that she found the best way to deal with it was to block it from her mind completely; if she did not think of Steady, it would hurt less. it was not completely successful, but she had honed the art of putting up walls, in her mind, at least.
half-conscience, her lips formed the words that she wished she could say: "my dad". Not knowing that lip-reading was even a possibility, and accepting her silence of language, now, she turned to Sunny, seeing what he might offer in turn.
June 08, 2017, 01:09 PM
Sunny had noticed Keoni's slumping posture at the mention of Steady, and though she was quick to straighten up and act as if she hadn't been affected Sunny still flicked his ears back and leaned closer to bump his shoulder against hers in a small gesture that said "I sorry..". He turned his attention back to Ezekiel, curious about the fact that he had been in Easthollow before. "Steady was a strong protector..he was like an uncle to me." he felt he had to say something about the man who had passed away so suddenly.
Not wanting to Dwell on the subject too much longer for Keoni's sake he spoke up again "So you know Valette? Do you know Grayday?" he asked wondering if Ezekiel knew his father. He hoped Ezekiel wasn't one of the wolves who hated his dad for leaving Easthollow.
Not wanting to Dwell on the subject too much longer for Keoni's sake he spoke up again "So you know Valette? Do you know Grayday?" he asked wondering if Ezekiel knew his father. He hoped Ezekiel wasn't one of the wolves who hated his dad for leaving Easthollow.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
June 08, 2017, 04:21 PM
Ezekiel watched the grey female wilt when he spoke of Steady. She clearly cared a lot for him as well, it seemed everyone here did- how could they not? The other grey male turned to the girl and offered her consolation, then started talking, but Ezekiel's eyes lingered on her as her mouth began to move. He caught what she was trying to say, and instantly Ezekiel was curious. Steady's daughter? Steady couldn't have a daughter, Ezekiel hadn't been gone that long and Valette hadn't even matured yet. Maybe this was one of the adopted children he'd heard about.
He wanted to know more about her, he already found it interesting that she couldn't speak, but now he knew she was also his best friend's daughter. However the grey furred pup changed the subject, and perhaps it was for the best. Ezekiel's stoical pale blue gaze moved back to Sunny who asked if he knew Valette and Grayday.
He wanted to know more about her, he already found it interesting that she couldn't speak, but now he knew she was also his best friend's daughter. However the grey furred pup changed the subject, and perhaps it was for the best. Ezekiel's stoical pale blue gaze moved back to Sunny who asked if he knew Valette and Grayday.
I accepted Grayday at the borders before this pack had even moved here. He was a good wolf. He is your father, no?He asked, assuming things based on Sunny's appearance.

June 28, 2017, 07:28 AM
Sunny changed the subject, and yet, she still didn't want to be here anymore. She didn't want to talk about her father, or any fathers, when repressing the thought of what happened was simply so much easier. she chuffed, a hollow, empty rush of air past her teeth. her ears flicked, and her gaze fell on the two before turning, moving away. what use was it, staying, when she couldn't do anything but listen, anyways? suddenly, she felt bitter, and once out of sight, moved into a trot. hunting, that what she could do, channel her anger into something productive, something that had it fade.
July 02, 2017, 12:29 PM
Sunny was about to respond to Ezekiel's question when he heard the chuffed from Keoni. He turned to look at her and frowned as she headed away from them. The conversation must have upset her more than he thought and he felt bad "Keoni..." He murmured but it was too late she had already gone too far for him to stop her.
With a small sigh he turned to look back at Ezekiel and nodded "Grayday is my father yes. I have a sister named Dawn who still lives in the pack with him" he answered honestly. He hoped that he wasn't asked to explain why he didn't live with his father and sister,it was a subject that made him sad and slightly bitter.
With a small sigh he turned to look back at Ezekiel and nodded "Grayday is my father yes. I have a sister named Dawn who still lives in the pack with him" he answered honestly. He hoped that he wasn't asked to explain why he didn't live with his father and sister,it was a subject that made him sad and slightly bitter.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
July 03, 2017, 07:30 AM
Ezekiel felt bad for a moment that somehow he had driven the young girl away, but he soon turned his attention back to the boy. It was her choice to leave anyway. He waited for the young male to respond, and when he did he confirmed that Grayday was his father and that he had a sister. Ezekiel remembered Grayday very clearly. He wanted to go visit him sometime, and see what had become of the male that he'd known. Ezekiel had been very hard on Grayday at first, he even pinned him to the ground and threatened him. Perhaps he wouldn't tell that to the young male in front of him.
Ezekiel glanced at where the young girl had disappeared then back at the boy.
Ezekiel glanced at where the young girl had disappeared then back at the boy.
You seem to be a capable counselor, should you go check on her?He asked, hoping that maybe he could take his leave here, and finish his patrol.

July 03, 2017, 08:54 PM
Sunny was relieved that the conversation was over, though not because he didn't like Ezekiel it was because he wanted to see if Keoni was alright. He wanted to ask her if she would help him work on his hunting skills, as that was one of the trades he wanted to gain when he was an adult. Almost like he had read Sunny's mind Ezekiel asked if Sunny would check on her, and he nodded quickly "Yeah, i have something to ask her anyway. It was nice to meet you Ezekiel, welcome to Easthollow" he spoke in a friendly way. With one more dip of his head he turned around and began to follow Keoni's scent.
Sunny out!
Birdcatcher: 4/10
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