It was as the sun began to rise that his cream paws dragged him swiftly toward the edge of the lake. He was thirsty indeed, though his hunger had already been settled with the rabbit who had poked a cautious head out of its burrow at an unfortunate moment. His grey topped muzzle dipped slowly into the cool water, savouring the freshness that quenched his thirst as he peered at his reflection. Same as usual.
Maybe he would just relax here for a while. He had no specific location in mind when he began travelling, and so this lake marked the perfect spot to wait and figure out what he actually wished to do with himself during his time at the Teekon.
Maybe he would just relax here for a while. He had no specific location in mind when he began travelling, and so this lake marked the perfect spot to wait and figure out what he actually wished to do with himself during his time at the Teekon.
Loping in the snow, his muscular build easily went through the cold fluff as he confidently scanned the horizon. The sunrise made him grin, a sparkle in his eyes. His stomach was full, and he was full of energy. Chuckling to himself, he moved his head as if dancing to a song in his head. New territory and new smells always gave him a burst of energy. Maybe he would settle here. It was beautiful. Bopping his head, he caught sight of the lake. He licked his lips, realizing he was thirsty. There was a wolf there, but it didn't deter him as he bounded through the snow towards him. A short bark of greeting sounded from his throat, and his curiousity perked up. He seemed alone. He would say hi and see the disposition of this loner. Maybe he would like a relaxing conversation.
Loping up to the water, his voice was higher than what you would expect.
Loping up to the water, his voice was higher than what you would expect.
Hey, there. Excuse me as I take a drink of this beautiful water, then we can talk or you can run off in terror.He laughed at his own joke and gave him a friendly wink, then lowered his snout into the cold liquid. Taking his fill, he pulled his nose up and gave a full body shake, then licked his lips as he sat down and cocked his eyebrow at the wolf, grinning.
So, you going to keep staring or say hi?Amusement sparkled in his eyes as he waited for an answer.
May you always have a beautiful soul with a fierce demeanor and curiousity to know.
February 06, 2018, 09:25 AM
The short bark of greeting broke him from his thoughts, head turning and gaze searching until he located the bounding figure of another. It became instantly clear to Maheegan that this was not a wolf, and so his ears perked curiously atop his head. Taking a moment, while the other spoke, to examine the creature, he soon distinguished that it was a wolverine. He himself did not fear them, but he remembered stories from his youth of the strange animals. "Hello." He greeted in return after a moment of staring, shifting on his paws to glance back toward the water.
"Do they often run?" He inquired, brow quirked curiously. He himself had encountered one long ago, but it had not stopped to talk. Perhaps it was foolish of him to not consider this stranger a threat, but the nonchalant way in which he spoke eased any nerves that may have tensed.
"Do they often run?" He inquired, brow quirked curiously. He himself had encountered one long ago, but it had not stopped to talk. Perhaps it was foolish of him to not consider this stranger a threat, but the nonchalant way in which he spoke eased any nerves that may have tensed.
February 06, 2018, 09:28 PM
With water still dripping from his snout, the stock man sat down and tilted his head. This wolf was a bit different from others he had met further north. Definitely more curious and not near as jumpy. The again, stories of his kind never put any creature at ease. Small chuckles popped out of his mouth as he bobbed his head.
Not many stick around to even have a short conversation, although I don't blame them. I'm actually curious as to why you haven't walked off.His ears twitched in curiosity as he sat up a bit straighter. Gazing at the wolf, his eyes showed nothing but kindness and playfulness. The youth seemed in no hurry. He might get a decent conversation with him.
May you always have a beautiful soul with a fierce demeanor and curiousity to know.
February 19, 2018, 01:57 PM
Yikes this is an awful short post, I'm sorry :')
The creature turned to him with droplets of water falling off his muzzle, pooling into a puddle at his paws. Maheegan nodded slowly at the words - he understood why a wolf might not want to keep the company of a wolverine, though it did not quite matter to himself. "I am not unsettled by the presence of a creature like yourself. I know many would be wary, but I have encountered wolverines before."
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