The tunnels were intricate, maze-like in structure. But gratefully they were illuminated by the strange glowing worms and mushrooms that lay on the tunnels' ceilings and floors, so Meldresi could see in the near pitch darkness.
The caves held many things, like a large open room with a tunnel leading to a clearing in the woods, an underground river, a beautiful light show from the bioluminesent creatures here. From what she could tell was that many of these tunnels often led to openings in the surface. The priestess felt a plan formulating in her brain. What a wonderful way for her packmates to be the hidden guardians of these woods, disappearing and reappearing as if by magic...
She paused, smelling fresh air at the end of the tunnel she was currently traversing. Wondering where this one led, she pushed on, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as she walked further..
Had she hands, she might have slapped her forehead once she realized she could just follow her own scent back out. This dark, foreboding wood was so disorienting that she couldn’t even think straight. That was not a good sign, and only served as even more incentive to get the fuck out of the there. Quickly, she put her nose to the ground and sniffed around for her scent trail to follow all the way back to the Sunspire. Red was done exploring for the day.
Or so she thought…
Her head poked out of the tunnel exit, only to be somewhere in the heart of Blackfeather where the sun had somehow escaped through the canopy. It was probably the only way of knowing if it was day or night by sight alone. Freeing herself from the tunnel, she shook herself to momentarily groom her pelt. Taking in the somewhat fresh air, she smelled something familiar.
The coywolf from a few days ago. The quiet one who did not speak with her voice, but with her body language. She was a pleasant character to be honest, despite the lack of conversation. She followed the scent to its source, wondering what the coywolf would be doing in a place like this. At the end of the trail, she saw the red-furred hybrid sniffing through the forest floor. She chuffed softly to get her attention. The poor thing looked lost, and this wasn't a forest for the faint of heart.
Red jumped at the light chuffing sound, and her head whipped up to see who it was. Oh… Wait. She recognized this female from… somewhere…? She paused, staring at the raven fur and the dark, pretty eyes… The lake! That’s right. They had met at Greatwater lake some time ago. As Red recalled, the meeting had gone fairly well. She wagged her tail now that she was sure the female could be trusted, trotting up to her.
Ears went forward, and head titled to the side, both body signals that meant, How are you?
Then, a moment later, she whined, and looked around the woods with frantic eyes, pawing at the ground. This meant, I don’t like it here. Wanna leave.
Red was torn between wanting to stay, and wanting to go. Meldresi was her friend, (or at least Red thought so) which meant that she wanted to stay here and socialize. Then again, this place was creepy and putting the coywolf on edge. She looked to the female for the answer. Would she, perhaps, lead Red out? Then they could talk once they were far away from this… Dark forest?

Without saying a word, Red conveyed to Meldresi that she was terrified of this place. The priestess, unlike the others who wandered in here, wasn't frightened at all. No, she found this place strangely relaxing. It was strange. Maybe it had to do with her upbringing? She could see why they were frightened, though. It was an ominous place.
Meldresi looked around, thinking of a way to get out of the forest. They were in the heart of the forest now. She thought about taking Red through one of the tunnels, since a few of them led out of the forest. But that might frighten the coywolf more. "Come, follow me." She gestured to Red, heading off in a direction that she hoped would take them the right way.

Red followed behind Meldresi, tail tucked between her legs in fear. She hoped the other wolf was leading her out of the forest, though she couldn’t be entirely sure. Meldresi didn’t seem like she was always there, like there might be something wrong with her. How did Red know she wasn’t about to be sacrificed or something crazy like that? The coywolf shuddered. What choice did she have, though? She needed to get out, and the black wolf seemed to know her way around quite well.
To keep her mind off of her insane friend, Red looked around as they walked. This place was dark and foreboding and scary. A mist seemed to cling to the air, and the tiny water droplets clung to her fur. The cold seemed to seep into her bones and Red shivered. Overhead, she heard the sound of yet another screeching bird, and thought she saw a raven or a crow fly past overhead, disappearing into the branches of a nearby tree. The coywolf didn’t want to spend anymore time here than she had to. She’d never be able to sleep at night in a place like this…

Meldresi looked up, scanning the skies warily as she heard the screech of a carrion bird. The birds were always fighting, bearing some grudge against each other that she doubted they even understood. Long family feuds were always like that, no one could remember where they started, but they were only continued by the actions of the current generation, going on, and on, and on.
"The birds here fight a lot." She told the coywolf, hoping to at least calm her down with the sound of her voice. "They have some grudge against each other. They don't bother wolves, but they don't like us here either."

Birds fighting one another? Red supposed she had heard of this sort of thing before, but that didn’t make their screeches any less creepy to hear above her head, especially since she could never quite pinpoint the location of the sound. The mist in this forest was thick, and it trapped the sound, and either muted and muffled it, or amplified it and caused it to echo around like a wraith traveling in the shadow. Just thinking about wraiths was enough to put Red on edge all over again. And then she wondered when the hell she had ever become such a coward.
Desperate for something to cling to, to keep her mind occupied and away from their current location, she asked, Why?
Talking was slowly becoming a thing for her, though she still despised it and used as little of her voice as possible. She knew she would never get fully used to the strange feelings of words in her mouth, but she figured that if she was going to be an Alpha one day, she needed to learn to speak more often, even if she hated it. Though she refused to say anymore, which left the question rather ambiguous. What she was really asking was, Why are the birds feuding? But even that small sentence was too much for her to bear. So she instead went with the question that would probably confuse Meldresi, though the coywolf didn’t care about that. She just needed a way to keep her mind off of the scary forest.

Though Red asked one, simple ambigous question, Meldresi could understand what her true question was. To be honest, the priestess didn't really know the answer. "I have no idea. Something ancient most like." The carrion birds probably didn't have an answer themselves. They just fought, responding to the hatred ingrained deep inside them.
Off in the distance, Meldresi could see something bright. Was it the end of the forest? She didn't think so, since it took a while to cross from one end to the other. But she kept walking nonetheless. They could be closer than she thought.

Red wasn’t really happy with Meldresi’s answer, but there was nothing she could do about that. If even the birds themselves didn’t know why they were fighting, that wasn’t the priestess’ fault — not that Red knew her friend was a priestess. She looked around cautiously, still bothered deeply that a forest like this even existed. Maybe it was haunted. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Haunted by what? the coywolf wondered, and then shook her head. Thinking about this dark and dank forest being haunted wasn’t helping her get over her fear of it at all. In yet another attempt at keeping her mind off of things, she asked, Why are you here?
She would have, perhaps explained herself more — or perhaps not, considering her hatred of speech — except that she realized with a shudder that this question was utterly failing in its attempt to take her mind off of the forest. It had been a stupid question based on what she was trying to achieve, but it was too late to take it back now, especially since that would require more talking. Oh, how Red loathed talking. And yet… she seemed to be doing it more and more lately… Why was that?

The dark female walked closer and closer to what she thought (and hoped) was an exit. She was having similar thoughts to Red as they went past the dark forest. She wasn't thinking about hauntings however, she was wondering if anyone else lived in this forest besides the crows and ravens. More specifically, how long these carrion birds have been in Blackfeather, and if there were any other seintiant(fail) creatures there.
Her thoughts wavered once Red asked her another question. "Me? I'm only exploring the place."

Meldresi’s answer to Red’s question seemed awfully vague, almost like the other was hiding something, but she didn’t push it. She was too busy feeling like there were creepy-crawlies all over her and wanting to run around like a wolf with rabies. She needed to get out of here. She had noticed the bright light up ahead, and began whining in anticipation of getting out. She looked over at her companion. Could we hurry it up?
she asked, by splaying her ears against her head, tail between her legs, not bothering to mask her fear.
Some part of her knew she was being a coward, and the other part of her knew that sometimes being a coward is what kept one alive. If Meldresi wanted to explore this place, then that was her choice, but Red wanted to live to see the sun again, thank you very much. Without waiting for the black wolf’s reply, she took off at a dead run, heading straight for the light at the end of the tunnel of trees that surrounded her.

The priestess snorted softly at Red's impatience. "The exit should be straight ah-" Before she could finish, the flighty red coywolf darted off, towards the light of the world. Meldresi merely snorted, watching her go off into the distance. Once she was out of sight, she turned her back to the light and snuck back into the darkness, where she truly felt comfortable.