With one tired, heavy foot in front of another, he pressed on. Just as his days passed in an all-too similar tired, heavy haze, the most utmost truth that he knew was that he had to keep going--had to keep an order, a safety ideally.. because Drageda did not need to lose any more of their own, especially not now in the aftermath of so very much.
This time, however, this here and now, it sent him threading past the confines of the cliff's territory, aiming for the gnarling cover of the tangled woods just beyond. He only paused long enough to consider his son and daughter. He almost invited them, but with a lingering frown, he pressed onward without raising a call for either Dacio or Opalia; likely, they were preoccupied elsewhere and he was too jaded lately to make for good, effective company for either of them when there was enough of that without him. He set off in silence, although none of his progress came quickly.
He moved deeper down one of the paths and felt claustrophobic soon enough. Branches tangled all around, above and beside alike, and he worked his nose carefully. There prickled an old paranoia, one that felt a little like he was being watched, but he could not put his paw to any proof so soon.
This time, however, this here and now, it sent him threading past the confines of the cliff's territory, aiming for the gnarling cover of the tangled woods just beyond. He only paused long enough to consider his son and daughter. He almost invited them, but with a lingering frown, he pressed onward without raising a call for either Dacio or Opalia; likely, they were preoccupied elsewhere and he was too jaded lately to make for good, effective company for either of them when there was enough of that without him. He set off in silence, although none of his progress came quickly.
He moved deeper down one of the paths and felt claustrophobic soon enough. Branches tangled all around, above and beside alike, and he worked his nose carefully. There prickled an old paranoia, one that felt a little like he was being watched, but he could not put his paw to any proof so soon.
March 03, 2019, 06:36 PM
The youngester watched carefully from her hidding place in the little grove. She hadn't survived for this long without being careful. From her vantage Padma could see the large man squeeze his way along the narrow winding path. A nine months of age, Padma had yet to come into her full size, and while larger than her mother she was still of a petit frame, which allowed her to hide in the mos unlikely of places.
Just when she thought she could get away from the stranger without a sound, just as she thought her skills were good enough to sneek away unseen her stomach released an angry roar at being neglected. The winter had not been kind to the young girl, and at this moment her body decided to let her know just how young she really was.
Just when she thought she could get away from the stranger without a sound, just as she thought her skills were good enough to sneek away unseen her stomach released an angry roar at being neglected. The winter had not been kind to the young girl, and at this moment her body decided to let her know just how young she really was.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

March 03, 2019, 11:25 PM
The scenery did not greet him with open arms, so he traveled with his head and shoulders hung low, and loosened out his gait to be just as long and low. Forced by this, the pale wocha still moved carefully, uneasy deep in his bones still.. until a sound alerted him into a quick pause. His eyes scanned now with a direction to aim in specifically, but it still took a moment to suss out anything. After wriggling his nose questioningly, he moved closer by a few strides and thought he saw a swatch of motion behind the tangled, gnarling foliage.
Now he at least knew he wasn't alone here but was this the whole explanation for why he felt so.. seen?
She was one thing. He had a lot of questions about what led her here, or what cause, but was that all?
It might not be safe out here.
Now he at least knew he wasn't alone here but was this the whole explanation for why he felt so.. seen?
Hei,he called out, attempting to engage for now as he stepped closer, taking a while longer for him to find away around the cover to finally see the agouti-furred girl. He was on guard, so, truthfully, not at his friendliest regardless of what his nose told him about this stranger.
What are you doing out here?he nearly barked as his eyes narrowed intensely at her.
She was one thing. He had a lot of questions about what led her here, or what cause, but was that all?
It might not be safe out here.
He approached faster than Padma could retreat,cold fear struck the young girl. It was now her turn to feel the claustrophobia this tangle of bushes could cause. Back into a narrow dead end, with no where to turn Padma did her best to shrink in size. Her hackles rose and she crouched low with her tail tucked firmly beneath her, fear oozing out of her, and her nose crinkled.
"I--I, I'm not sure what you're talking about." She stammered, her words coming in jagged stretches, but her confidence grew as she continued to speak. "I'm just passing through, promise." Padma wasn't sure if she was lying or not, she hadn't been here long, and hadn't really thought about her next move. But in the last few months she found that it was easier to tell people what they wanted to hear, rather than be 100% honest 24/7."What are you doing here?" Padma returned the question. With inquisitive stormy grey eyes Padma carefully watched her new company.
"I--I, I'm not sure what you're talking about." She stammered, her words coming in jagged stretches, but her confidence grew as she continued to speak. "I'm just passing through, promise." Padma wasn't sure if she was lying or not, she hadn't been here long, and hadn't really thought about her next move. But in the last few months she found that it was easier to tell people what they wanted to hear, rather than be 100% honest 24/7."What are you doing here?" Padma returned the question. With inquisitive stormy grey eyes Padma carefully watched her new company.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

March 07, 2019, 01:36 AM
With his every move, he felt these woods practically breathing down his neck. All his years confident in a build like this, fighting and patrolling this or that might have granted him some measure of grace in maneuvering himself around precarious places, but this was downright choking in places--and even for during a long, frozen winter. When he realized how much smaller she was, he considered that an easy advantage on her already, but for the time being, he smelled fear and wondered what she knew.
Since she answered with intentions to diffuse, he exhaled a slow sigh, dialing it down a notch but keeping close. He still didn't like it but these were not Drageda's claim. Maybe almost, one day before.. but circumstance steered that one astray, so he did not need to be so barbed.
Since she answered with intentions to diffuse, he exhaled a slow sigh, dialing it down a notch but keeping close. He still didn't like it but these were not Drageda's claim. Maybe almost, one day before.. but circumstance steered that one astray, so he did not need to be so barbed.
Patrolling, tracking..he answered back.
Our claim is near. There had been a wildcat here a few months ago, I thought I got wind of one like it a way back. Be careful,the pale-furred wocha warned in a way he felt generously about.
Where are you headed?he asked back, that wary look in his eyes again. She was smart not to linger if she truly had better places to be.
March 07, 2019, 01:53 AM
Dread streamed down her spine, and her eyes widened in fear at the thought of a wildcat. She had seen what they could do to wolves once before, and she knew deep down that she would never survive such an encounter again. She was no fighter, of that she was sure. She was more of the watch from the shadows, remain unseen kinda girl. It was just easier that way. And Padma knew, easier usually meant surviving.
Padma nodded sagely, understanding that she would have to leave sooner rather than later now. With a weary eye, the young girl continued to watch her new companion. Trying to figure him out. He had seemed rather brash, and unyielding upon first inspection. Yet now he seemed calmer, less likely to attack. She would be careful, she had been careful. She had ever since running away. She wasn't stupid.
"Oh you know... around." The maroon colored girl shrugged, lifting a paw delicately to emphasis her point. Although the motion looked amateur, and lacked confidence. Still weary of the big cat possibly lurking around, Padma allowed her eyes to wander the surrounding woods. "Like I said, just passing through." Her eyes had wandered back to the stranger, and she quickly dropped her gaze to her paws, anxiety growing. Her tail twitched restlessly, as she subconsciously shifted her wait from one paw to the next. Ready to flee if necessary.
Padma nodded sagely, understanding that she would have to leave sooner rather than later now. With a weary eye, the young girl continued to watch her new companion. Trying to figure him out. He had seemed rather brash, and unyielding upon first inspection. Yet now he seemed calmer, less likely to attack. She would be careful, she had been careful. She had ever since running away. She wasn't stupid.
"Oh you know... around." The maroon colored girl shrugged, lifting a paw delicately to emphasis her point. Although the motion looked amateur, and lacked confidence. Still weary of the big cat possibly lurking around, Padma allowed her eyes to wander the surrounding woods. "Like I said, just passing through." Her eyes had wandered back to the stranger, and she quickly dropped her gaze to her paws, anxiety growing. Her tail twitched restlessly, as she subconsciously shifted her wait from one paw to the next. Ready to flee if necessary.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

March 13, 2019, 10:13 PM
The more he looked at her, the younger he suspected she might truly be, but no familiarity ever came. Age wise, she surely could not be far from Opalia and Dacio, which her loneliness out here was unnerving because of that. And, as well as he could tell, she didn't smell like any of the groups from nearby, which her vague-sounding answers didn't really help either. More and more by the second, he hoped she took his warning to heart--she might make for easy pickings for a hungry wildcat or a rogue, bored-enough Rusalkan, even. He wasn't even the worst thing this woods could have in store.
He kept about the narrow-eyed squint, though it told him no more about her. By the moment, he seemed less ready to throttle her or actively run her off.
He kept about the narrow-eyed squint, though it told him no more about her. By the moment, he seemed less ready to throttle her or actively run her off.
Fine then. What's your name?he started, though seeing her still so plainly uneasy didn't inspire much confidence in her so far, he'd keep up with the warnings until maybe they sunk in entirely.
Best to keep it quick, then. If you've got a home that isn't here, I'd get back to it.He was stressed enough trying to keep his own domain safe like this with nonsense lurking past their doorstep in all directions. Last thing some young little wanderer needed was to get tangled up in it.
March 14, 2019, 06:28 PM
He seemed to be observing her, causing the youngster to continue her squirming under the scrutiny. Not accustomed to anyone taking an interest, Padma looked shocked at the question, her head lifting as she caught the man’s gaze. ”Ummm…” She gulped, ”Padma.” The girl didn’t have the nerve to ask the question in return, her lack of social skill showing through.
He seemed to relax slightly after reexamining the crimson child. Not sure what to do with the advice that he offered, Padma looked around. “Thanks’ for the concern, ummm sir?” She hesitated slightly before continuing. “Do you have any advice on a specific direction for an aimless wanderer?”
The girl had stopped at her old home, now old enough to understand what the scorched earth meant and what had actually happened to her father. Padma had no idea what to do now, she had only returned to the Wilds to get some closure. Now what was she supposed to do?
He seemed to relax slightly after reexamining the crimson child. Not sure what to do with the advice that he offered, Padma looked around. “Thanks’ for the concern, ummm sir?” She hesitated slightly before continuing. “Do you have any advice on a specific direction for an aimless wanderer?”
The girl had stopped at her old home, now old enough to understand what the scorched earth meant and what had actually happened to her father. Padma had no idea what to do now, she had only returned to the Wilds to get some closure. Now what was she supposed to do?
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

March 19, 2019, 12:27 AM
Given her pause, he wondered if that really was her name. Since she answered, though, he'd take that much and give a little back in return: so what if it wasn't? He'd be surprised if he ever saw her again.
Still not able to get a good grasp on this presumably self proclaimed aimless wanderer, he didn't need to mull long to respond.
I'm Dio.Not that she had asked, and neither did he bother with the formalities beyond a first-name basis. Still, it may make it easier for her to address him. He hoped. He didn't need the awkward sir all that much.
Still not able to get a good grasp on this presumably self proclaimed aimless wanderer, he didn't need to mull long to respond.
East. Inland,the pale wocha replied quite readily, jerking his snout off that way in a relatively broad gesture, but one that would steer her away from here, and Rusalka. While further south on the coast was probably fair game for a nomad, he doubted it would be too plentiful this early in the year really and still cold enough to be more unpleasant than not. Looking long at her like this, and well, he wasn't convincing himself otherwise.
There's another pack on the coast near us.. a cove just south, and they may be best avoided. If you go inland, then south, there's plenty of mountain and valleys.Dio told her, in a very general sense; he didn't know what she wanted, liked, or cared to encounter. Aimless wanderer left a lot up for interpretation. Maybe he could get more specific if he knew more.
Really depends on what you want to see. Do you wander aimlessly for any reason?he asked, knowing only that she was simply passing through.
March 29, 2019, 09:41 PM
Nodding, she took the warning to heart. She had no intention of encroaching on another packs territory, especially if there was some reason to be wary of them. No she would stick to land that had no claim, much like this one, but hopefully with less wild cats. ”East, and inland. Got it.” She gave a hesitant smile.
His question wasn’t unusually, but she still grew suspicious. “No. Just no where else to go. It’s easier and safer to stay on the move.” Padma shrugged her shoulders, it seemed obvious to her.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

April 08, 2019, 11:47 PM
She could take his suggestion, or leave it if she didn't care but he nodded his head back. He didn't plan to follow through and see if she did or not, but it may be something to wonder one day if he was reminded, somehow, but heading inland away from the coast for now was what he saw as best. The sea, and the very cliffs he guarded with his life, had delivered far too much strife onto him lately; he just had to advise against it for everyone else, and keeping her further from Drageda and Rusalka had to be in her best interests these days.
He didn't know what to say right away when she revealed she had nowhere better to be than on some aimless wander. Given the circumstances, and the time, he might've wished he had more bountiful security to offer here. But, they couldn't afford the flight risk right now, and she was probably right if she had got along fine so far; alone and on the road may not be the worst, if she was smart about it.
He didn't know what to say right away when she revealed she had nowhere better to be than on some aimless wander. Given the circumstances, and the time, he might've wished he had more bountiful security to offer here. But, they couldn't afford the flight risk right now, and she was probably right if she had got along fine so far; alone and on the road may not be the worst, if she was smart about it.
Suppose you aren't wrong..he said, sort of rolling his shoulders with the words. He'd lived that life once years upon years ago, and survived to tell the tale.
Well, safe travels and good luck out there. I have more patrol to cover,he said (all while wondering if he was going to catch any further sign of the wildcat today or not) as he lingered long enough for another long look at her before he turned and made off back on his own original route.
April 08, 2019, 11:57 PM
She nodded glad that she seemed to have ticked some imaginary box, and was set to go on her way. The man turned and continued on his way, protecting the land and the people most important to him. Now that he was gone, Padma breathed a sigh of relief, one stranger done with more to come. She hoped that other encounters would perhaps be more friendly.
As Dio disappeared, Padma was quick to make her was inland, wanting to avoid any potential wild cats in the area.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

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