He stumbled drunkenly by the edge of the cliff; pebbles fled his footsteps and took their fall to the earth far below. He was high again- was anyone surprised? His breath came smooth and slow, eyes half-lidded, visions of Deidra his one and only floating in his mind. Fuck. She wasn't his. Despite the calming effect of the poppy seeds, frustration rose in him like a dark stormcloud and he purposefully kicked at a stone, sending it flying off the cliff with a slight echo that rung through the air.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 13, 2020, 03:11 PM
Lenny had been intrigued by the cliff ever since she saw it for the first time, and it was a struggle getting to the top, but she was pretty proud of herself, actually. The feeling - being warm and tingly and gross and stuff - still hadn't abated, so she appeased her wandering paws and headed out again.
Except she wasn't the only one up there.
"Hey, buddy, careful there!" the girl called, brows drawn together in concern as she tentatively approached the boy teetering on the edge.
Except she wasn't the only one up there.
"Hey, buddy, careful there!" the girl called, brows drawn together in concern as she tentatively approached the boy teetering on the edge.
April 13, 2020, 03:23 PM
A voice alerted him and he turned slowly. There was a girl- somewhat cute in her own way, Fionn thinks. Not a natural beauty like Deidra but something more casual and charming, like a friend. He smiles softly at her as if the words haven't been heard until the register in his brain, and he face becomes something more neutral.
I... I'm alright,he informs her in a mumble, making his way closer to her on unguided feet.
And who might you be, darling?He wonders, the drugedness taking away all filter and common sense.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 13, 2020, 03:33 PM
The smile on the boy's face was disconcerting, and Lenny frowned, tipping her head to the side in concern. She'd only seen wolves like this when they were being treated for pain after they'd gotten hurt...
She smiled again and padded closer to the boy, tail waving tentatively. "My name's Lenny," she offered him, eager to get him to step away from the edge. "How 'bout you come over here and tell me your name, too?"
She smiled again and padded closer to the boy, tail waving tentatively. "My name's Lenny," she offered him, eager to get him to step away from the edge. "How 'bout you come over here and tell me your name, too?"
April 13, 2020, 03:53 PM
Lenny. A cute name for a cute girl, he thinks, and as she requests he come closer, he's blank-faced for a moment before nodding tentatively.
Okay,slips dumbly from his mouth, and soon he's carried away from the edge and closer to the girl.
My name is Fionn Faoláin... Nice, it's um, nice to meet you. Lenny.He breathes awkwardly, eyes darting to his paws and then back up to her eyes.
You, um, from around here?As he waits for an answer, his gaze would begin to distractedly wander over the landscape with vague interest.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 13, 2020, 04:37 PM
This boy was weird. Pretty, and striking, but unsettling at the same time. Lenny hadn't really encountered anyone who used herbs recreationally before, but she had heard of it. And this didn't look fun, in her opinion - she wouldn't want to be this far out of it. It was like this Fionn boy didn't even really know what was happening.
"It's nice to meet you too, Fionn," she said with a smile, because it was, and she was happy he stepped away from the ledge. "Yeah, kinda, actually. I'm from Neverwinter Forest, a little bit west. I'm going to be a guard." Her tail wagged slowly. "What about you?"
"It's nice to meet you too, Fionn," she said with a smile, because it was, and she was happy he stepped away from the ledge. "Yeah, kinda, actually. I'm from Neverwinter Forest, a little bit west. I'm going to be a guard." Her tail wagged slowly. "What about you?"
April 14, 2020, 03:48 AM
Neverwinter Forest. He wasn't sure if he'd remember the name in a week's time, especially stoned as he was in the present- but nevertheless, he wrote it down on an invisible notepad which he shoved into his invisible pocket. A guard, she says, which catches his interest briefly. Where would a woman be made to be a guard? In the faerie court men served the women- and this was the life Fionn knew, putting his own at risk for the sake of the girls. What person would make Lenny serve- unless she desired to do such a thing herself? There was nothing wrong with that either, he supposed. A lady ought to do what she desired.
He realizes after a couple moments that the quesion has been flung back to him, and he blinks a couple of times before clearing his throat.
He realizes after a couple moments that the quesion has been flung back to him, and he blinks a couple of times before clearing his throat.
I'm from a forming pack just, uh, north of here. Seelie Court. In... Hushed Willows,He explains, before tacking on
And I'm a guard too. Been a mercenary for the women since... a few months ago, I guess.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 14, 2020, 02:39 PM
What the faerie boy didn't know was that Lenny was eager to serve her pack, and guarding was the best she could do - wrestling and fighting and making sure everyone was safe. Gender wasn't a factor for the Archers in that sense, as men and women alike would fight for the sake of their loved ones. Lenny was simply no exception to the rule.
Moonstone eyes lit up when the boy said he was a guard, as well. "Well, then, we must do battle!" she announced with a laugh, tail wagging back and forth. "Compare our skills! See who's the better knight!"
Moonstone eyes lit up when the boy said he was a guard, as well. "Well, then, we must do battle!" she announced with a laugh, tail wagging back and forth. "Compare our skills! See who's the better knight!"
April 14, 2020, 02:48 PM
She seemed eager to fight- was it right to spar with a woman who'd done nothing wrong? His heart told him he ought not hurt her- but if a fight was what she desired, he would not complain. A girl's wish was his command and Lenny seemed charming enough.
The world was still halfway on its side, ccolors and darkness dancing in his drugged visions like sparkling stars. But he had fought in this state before, and he figured he could do it again. Fionn straightened up his posture the best he could, before flinging himself towards Lenny with brutal force, hoping to tackle her onto her side or back.
Okay,He mumbled.
The world was still halfway on its side, ccolors and darkness dancing in his drugged visions like sparkling stars. But he had fought in this state before, and he figured he could do it again. Fionn straightened up his posture the best he could, before flinging himself towards Lenny with brutal force, hoping to tackle her onto her side or back.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 14, 2020, 02:53 PM
Really, it didn't occur to Lenny that she maybe shouldn't pick a fight with someone in this state, but there wasn't much harm in it anyway. Neither of them were too far out of their minds - a bit inhibited, perhaps, but it wasn't like they didn't really know what was going on.
The black-and-white wolf came at her and Lenny braced herself, taking Fionn's weight and rolling backward. The girl aimed to wrap her legs around him and use the force he applied to flip them over so she ended up on top. And if that worked, she'd attempt to pin him - but spars never ended this quickly.
The black-and-white wolf came at her and Lenny braced herself, taking Fionn's weight and rolling backward. The girl aimed to wrap her legs around him and use the force he applied to flip them over so she ended up on top. And if that worked, she'd attempt to pin him - but spars never ended this quickly.
April 14, 2020, 03:32 PM
A good trip was suddenly turning into a bad trip, as they rolled and rolled and the world swirled around him like he was on a roller coaster. His vision was filled with the clouds and the ground and the clouds and the ground, and at the center of each roll was Lenny. He was satisfied that she had not dodged his tackle...
until she came out on top, wrapped legs flipping him over to the ground. As she tried to pin him, his stomach did an odd twist as he gazed at her face. For a moment he saw Deidra there and the feeling tightened, and then the vision was gone and he was snapped back to reality. Fionn thrashed beneath her like a wild bull, fangs unsheathing from dark lips like a python as he aimed to whip his head upward and grab at her shoulders or forelegs.
until she came out on top, wrapped legs flipping him over to the ground. As she tried to pin him, his stomach did an odd twist as he gazed at her face. For a moment he saw Deidra there and the feeling tightened, and then the vision was gone and he was snapped back to reality. Fionn thrashed beneath her like a wild bull, fangs unsheathing from dark lips like a python as he aimed to whip his head upward and grab at her shoulders or forelegs.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 14, 2020, 04:40 PM
Woah, this guy was going crazy. Teeth met her shoulder and just barely cut into the skin, but Lenny jumped back anyway to back off and let him up. Still, the match wasn't over, and she tensed, lunging back around to try and slam into his side. They hadn't really discussed what they had to do to win the fight, but she assumed it was until one of them gave up.
"You good?" she checked breathlessly, trying to make sure he wasn't freaking out.
"You good?" she checked breathlessly, trying to make sure he wasn't freaking out.
April 15, 2020, 12:45 AM
He felt his teeth barely cut her skin- though in truth, he hadn't meant to do even that much. A simple graze would've been enough. Was it the poppy seeds? He didn't want to harm the girl, unphased as she seemed. Worry filled him slightly, though was shooed away as the air was knocked out of him by her slam. He stumbled, then fell to the ground, cheek meeting cold stone. And then she asked if he was ok-
I'm alright, Lennie,he managed in a calm voice that was onky half-broken. Did she want to win? Did she want a real fight? If only he knew her better- it was his duty to fulfill a girl's wishes, but that duty's guidelines were difficult to pinpoint here. He struggled upward, feet unbalanced, and came for her once more, though he was begin to seem light in breath. It wouldn't take much to pin him at this point, and the drugs only served to further weaken his resolve.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
April 15, 2020, 07:58 PM
It was clear that the boy wasn't doing well by now. Lenny almost felt bad about fighting him like this. The girl wanted to end this quickly, to make sure that he didn't hurt himself.
She waited for him to come to her again, then stepped to the side to avoid his unbalanced approach. Then, she moved to lunge at his flank, aiming to wrestle him to the ground and pin him before this got too out of hand.
She waited for him to come to her again, then stepped to the side to avoid his unbalanced approach. Then, she moved to lunge at his flank, aiming to wrestle him to the ground and pin him before this got too out of hand.
April 15, 2020, 09:19 PM
She sidesteps and lunges. It was over. His skull hit the stone again, he was feeling dizzy by now and totally out of it. Pinned to the ground, he gazed up and saw not Lenny but a winged angel. Deidra. Ruby eyes glimmered with wonder and hope, and a plea for mercy, as if he'd forgotten where he was. And then she was gone, and the charming face of Lenny returned.
You win,he murmured, breaths coming quick and short.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
May 04, 2020, 09:23 PM
As soon as he admitted defeat, Lenny stepped off to let him up, a small smile forming on her maw. "You did good," she assured, tail swishing back and forth as she regarded him. For as much fun as she had had, she did very much hope she hadn't hurt him. "Are you alright?"
June 04, 2020, 12:59 AM
She commended him, and he shook his head humbly, shyly, wondering how true her words really were. But once again she was asking how he was...
I'm fine, Lenny! Really!~He affirmed with a laugh, pulling himself shakily to his feet but finding his balance soon enough.
I best be off now, m'lady,He breathed, shaking out the dust from his pelt.
Till we meet again?He hummed sweetly, and then scampered off, unknowing of how sweet their next meeting really would be.
![[Image: 1582061981337.png]](https://i.ibb.co/JvBT3J5/1582061981337.png)
July 05, 2020, 08:40 PM
Lenny liked this boy, she thought. He was nice and entertaining, and she rather hoped she could see him again one day. "See you later, Fionn!" she called, hoping he would find his way home safely.
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