Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Sexual suggestions
Dated April 14th. Day 1 of heat.
Weeks went by. Malila was still in the company of @Veran, although she did not pressure him to stick around in the least. They had met purely by chance and she had tried to latch herself too fast. It had all been because of those damned effects of the spores they had breathed in that first night. If he did choose to stay close, she would seize every chance she got in getting to know him better. She had acted rashly many times before. Malila was a mature young woman now. She needed to stop and start using her head.
And speaking of maturity...
Newly transitioned from teenager to woman, a change was abuzz in the very air of the vanilla and chocolate female. She awoke to find her step more lively, etched with a peculiar, un-identified purpose. Fitful and restless, she was driven by forces never felt before. Her scent was much more potent than it had ever been before. She knew it could attract attention, wanted or not. Veering away from Veran for several hours, Malila's solitary travels took her inadvertently to a destination of great significance. Whitefish River.
Her birthplace.
The familiar rush and babble of churning water greeted her ears. Grass on which she had once stood under foot once again. The terrain of the old territory was largely the same. Unchanged, but abandoned. Her breath hitched as she passed through her old home. Eerie silence surrounded her. Drawn to the riverside, she knelt down to drink, taking from the very source which had lent her life.
April 14, 2022, 08:29 PM
he wondered if it was...unwanted. him, that was. he keenly trailed after her like a puppy dog if she ever seemed to be away for too long. today was one of those days where she had traveled off and he grew restless. especially when the trail of her scent seemed...alluring. tempting.
eventually he'd find her along a river.
his eyes fixed heavily upon her with awe and wonder. entranced by her very presence.
slowly he worked his way closer to her.
eventually he'd find her along a river.
his eyes fixed heavily upon her with awe and wonder. entranced by her very presence.
slowly he worked his way closer to her.
April 14, 2022, 08:41 PM
She was feeling edgy. Malila was the soft type, but she was not completely blind. After all, Aquene had taken the time to give her the basic talk about pregnancy and child bearing. When she heard Veran's voice from behind her, she jumped slightly.
Craning her neck to see him over the curve of her shoulder, her eyes were a mix of emotions. "Veran... I'm sorry. Something just...pulled me this way..." She wanted to go to him. At the same time, she also wanted to root herself in place. She turned around to face him, planting herself into a seated position. "This means a lot to me. I was born here, you see." She smiled meekly, swallowing an emotional lump in her throat.
Craning her neck to see him over the curve of her shoulder, her eyes were a mix of emotions. "Veran... I'm sorry. Something just...pulled me this way..." She wanted to go to him. At the same time, she also wanted to root herself in place. She turned around to face him, planting herself into a seated position. "This means a lot to me. I was born here, you see." She smiled meekly, swallowing an emotional lump in her throat.
April 14, 2022, 08:49 PM
she seemed to root herself. and still he pulled near to her position, a respectful foot away but unwilling to just leave her. it would be...rude, wouldn't it?
he lost himself in mindless, instinctual thought.
oh,he answered. soft as he looked around the place. eyes eventually falling to look at the river's flowing water.
i didn't mean to...interrupt your moment here. i just—
he lost himself in mindless, instinctual thought.
April 14, 2022, 08:58 PM
"No. No it is fine." She was quick to assure him. "I didn't mean to leave because of you or anything you did." She shifted as he moved in closer. It was like a pull was going on around her. One side compelling her close, the other to keep him at arms length.
"You just what?" She inquired softly, peering into his face. Trying to get a read of him. Of his emotions and what may be going on in that head of his. Malila knew perfectly well why she was feeling the way she did today. But what no one had ever taught her was how she should act around her species of the opposite sex. Instinct told her one thing. Logic told her another.
"You just what?" She inquired softly, peering into his face. Trying to get a read of him. Of his emotions and what may be going on in that head of his. Malila knew perfectly well why she was feeling the way she did today. But what no one had ever taught her was how she should act around her species of the opposite sex. Instinct told her one thing. Logic told her another.
April 14, 2022, 09:02 PM
words felt heavy upon his tongue. he did not wish to speak. he wished to simmer in the silence with her and admire every move she made. he wished that they were the way they had been the first morning they spent together.
tightly wound, weaved together.
his mouth felt dry.
tightly wound, weaved together.
his mouth felt dry.
i didn't want you to be alone.he admitted weakly, eyes drifting to look at her delicate face.
April 14, 2022, 09:41 PM
She was so unsure of what to do. So worried of making the wrong move. One that may alter her life forever. She tried to breathe, to clear her head and think. It was hard, with him so close with his scent filling her nose. "That...that's very sweet of you." She replied honestly. Her ears splayed cutely, a heated warmth rising into her cheeks.
At last, she gave in and lifted from her spot on the ground. Gently, she nudged a pale white shoulder. She gestured with her muzzle, beckoning for him to follow her. "C'mon. I'll show you around..." Her voice was lighter, her words coming easier now. The riverside by which she grew up brought back so many fond memories. It was almost like going back in time.
At last, she gave in and lifted from her spot on the ground. Gently, she nudged a pale white shoulder. She gestured with her muzzle, beckoning for him to follow her. "C'mon. I'll show you around..." Her voice was lighter, her words coming easier now. The riverside by which she grew up brought back so many fond memories. It was almost like going back in time.
April 14, 2022, 09:46 PM
his head rushed and swam with her touch, her words. his stomach churned uncomfortably. what was the right thing to do? what was the smart thing to do?
leave, he knew, but he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing.
he felt dizzy with feelings that almost seemed to be not his own. as if he had been gripped but an otherworldly spirit, possessed to act in ways unlike he usually would.
leave, he knew, but he couldn't bring himself to do such a thing.
he felt dizzy with feelings that almost seemed to be not his own. as if he had been gripped but an otherworldly spirit, possessed to act in ways unlike he usually would.
maybe you can show me your favorite spot,he whispered softly, trailing after her. nose hovering dangerously close to her.
April 14, 2022, 10:08 PM
"Of course I can." She hummed happily. "It is just this way here." Her blood rushed, heating her skin. She was a rush of emotions, just like the untamed flow of the water that rushed in her ears. She skipped ahead, the soft blonde of her side gliding enticingly along the length of his body.
Her petite, delicate form darted up beyond his reach. In her wake was the trail of her scent. Of a fragrance belonging to a woman whose body knew what it wanted. Demanded. Malila struggled not to flag her tail instinctually for him, further spreading the tantalizing aroma of her heat. She knew what may happen if she allowed him to embrace her. But she had oh so enjoyed that night they spent cozied up together. The influence of the spores served to only enhance the experience and awaken feelings.
Even if they had been strangers.
Malila arrived to a sheltered grove surrounded by trees. The ground sloped up gently and the brush thickened ever so slightly. There, tucked into the hillside, was the open mouth of a long abandoned den. Her steps slowed considerably upon approaching it. Her ears slicked back and she uttered a low whine. Pausing by the entrance, she lowered her muzzle, desperately searching for any trace of the rich herbal smell that accompanied her childhood. There was none. Only memories.
Her petite, delicate form darted up beyond his reach. In her wake was the trail of her scent. Of a fragrance belonging to a woman whose body knew what it wanted. Demanded. Malila struggled not to flag her tail instinctually for him, further spreading the tantalizing aroma of her heat. She knew what may happen if she allowed him to embrace her. But she had oh so enjoyed that night they spent cozied up together. The influence of the spores served to only enhance the experience and awaken feelings.
Even if they had been strangers.
Malila arrived to a sheltered grove surrounded by trees. The ground sloped up gently and the brush thickened ever so slightly. There, tucked into the hillside, was the open mouth of a long abandoned den. Her steps slowed considerably upon approaching it. Her ears slicked back and she uttered a low whine. Pausing by the entrance, she lowered her muzzle, desperately searching for any trace of the rich herbal smell that accompanied her childhood. There was none. Only memories.
April 14, 2022, 10:15 PM
he did his best to hold back the subtle whine that wished to pry itself from his throat. it was hard to say what emotion overcame him. was it something like...puppy love? was it merely lust? nothing more than a fleeting moment of the spring?
he could not look at her like that. she had been so kind to him, traveled with him. he could not treat her in a way that might damage her feelings or whatever budding relationship they had.
the grove was gorgeous and he likely would have gazed upon it better had he not heard her soft cry. his heart hammered for it.
he could not look at her like that. she had been so kind to him, traveled with him. he could not treat her in a way that might damage her feelings or whatever budding relationship they had.
the grove was gorgeous and he likely would have gazed upon it better had he not heard her soft cry. his heart hammered for it.
malila?he spoke softly as he lingered near her side.
what's wrong?
April 14, 2022, 10:34 PM
This place did bring back good memories. But it also brought back some sad ones too. She knelt down against the earth, pressing her cheek into the soft grass. As if by some miracle that she would hopelessly find the touch of her mother there. Or her father. Or brother. All lost.
She gasped lightly, blinking back the wetness that had began to form in her eyes. "Oh it's..." She shook her head, licking her lips. "This was my den. My family and I...we spent our earliest days right here." She sniffled pathetically. "I guess it is bittersweet, since they are all gone now. I-I thought that I might have found a piece of me that was missing..."
She stepped towards him, slowly. Deflated, having resigned to the truth. "But we can't reclaim the past, can we?" Her smile was sad.
She gasped lightly, blinking back the wetness that had began to form in her eyes. "Oh it's..." She shook her head, licking her lips. "This was my den. My family and I...we spent our earliest days right here." She sniffled pathetically. "I guess it is bittersweet, since they are all gone now. I-I thought that I might have found a piece of me that was missing..."
She stepped towards him, slowly. Deflated, having resigned to the truth. "But we can't reclaim the past, can we?" Her smile was sad.
April 14, 2022, 10:42 PM
it was hard to watch her.
although to comfort her was a dangerous game, but if she did not move away or usher him away, he sought to do just that. offer a gentle nudge to her shoulder, let his nose linger in the soft of her neck fur.
although to comfort her was a dangerous game, but if she did not move away or usher him away, he sought to do just that. offer a gentle nudge to her shoulder, let his nose linger in the soft of her neck fur.
i'm sorry you didn't find what you wanted, malila.soft spoken, whispered into her furs if she had not corrected him on such closeness. his heart thudded in his chest. concerned, anxious, excited, nervous.
April 14, 2022, 11:05 PM
"I just thought that seeing it again might help. But I have always known I wouldn't find them. The good memories are enough." Her weak smile remained. She took in a breath, unsure not of him, but of herself. Tentatively, she stepped an inch closer. Allowed his touch to linger on the fine hairs of her neck.
"I honestly don't know what I want..." She admitted in a whisper. She wanted to be close. To give in to her instincts. But was it too soon? Did she know him well enough? How deep did his feelings run, if he had them for her at all? She stepped in, pressing herself against the curve of his chest, resting her chin on his shoulder. She sighed, frustratedly at herself. "I'm sorry about all this...that's going on with me. I know you are affected by it too. I feel like I'm being pulled in two different directions..."
"I honestly don't know what I want..." She admitted in a whisper. She wanted to be close. To give in to her instincts. But was it too soon? Did she know him well enough? How deep did his feelings run, if he had them for her at all? She stepped in, pressing herself against the curve of his chest, resting her chin on his shoulder. She sighed, frustratedly at herself. "I'm sorry about all this...that's going on with me. I know you are affected by it too. I feel like I'm being pulled in two different directions..."
April 16, 2022, 09:56 PM
could you tell me at least one thing?
whispered softly, as if she might vanish. as if she was nothing more than the mere spores he had inhaled, that had left him with a taste he could not pin.
if you want me here. you don't have anything with me, just...if you want me around still. while all of this is —
he sighed. uncertain of what more to say.
April 17, 2022, 01:43 PM
Malila tipped her muzzle in close to nudge tenderly at the base of a brown ear. His question took her by surprise. She made a small sound, drawing back so she may look him in those captivating blue eyes. "What? Veran, of course I want you here. Even now." She had been the one to ask him if he would stick by her side, to travel with her. Had she not wanted his company at this most awkward time, she would have driven him off already.
Despite the buzzing in her head and the ache all throughout her body, she forced herself to draw in a calming breath. "I wasn't expecting to experience my first heat so soon. And...around you." She moved back to sit down, but still would not deny his touch and affections. "We need to think about this rationally. We both know what will happen if we give into our instincts. I need to know how you feel about me, Veran. And we need to be prepared to face the outcome if we move forward."
Despite the buzzing in her head and the ache all throughout her body, she forced herself to draw in a calming breath. "I wasn't expecting to experience my first heat so soon. And...around you." She moved back to sit down, but still would not deny his touch and affections. "We need to think about this rationally. We both know what will happen if we give into our instincts. I need to know how you feel about me, Veran. And we need to be prepared to face the outcome if we move forward."
April 17, 2022, 08:40 PM
perhaps it was for the best she stepped away and sat down. which was...well, that was certainly a loaded thought, wasn't it?
and he felt that softening of his backbone, he heard his mother's voice all over again telling him he was just like his father.
his father who had bed his mother for no reason other than the season.
you didn't want to be forced into marriage in mereo.he started off with, trying to collect himself enough to think beyond his own hormones.
i'm not going to...i'm not gonna...ask you to marry me or tell you i love you just to—he shifted awkwardly, uncomfortable with himself.
i like you malila, and i get uncomfortable thinking about...somebody else finding you like this. unless that's— unless you want to go find somebody else who can you tell you exactly how they feel or who might have a better...feeling to offer.
and even if that's...that's what you go do, i'll still be...right here.
and he felt that softening of his backbone, he heard his mother's voice all over again telling him he was just like his father.
his father who had bed his mother for no reason other than the season.
April 17, 2022, 09:16 PM
The confused young Malila fell silent, staring at him with soft eyes of blue and yellow. She latched onto every word he said. They didn't just go in one ear and out the other. Even through the grip of her heat, she absorbed their meaning. Their significance.
He wasn't forcing her to do anything she didn't want. Or say something without meaning, just to use as a shortcut. He was being honest. Malila was moved when he confessed that he did not like the idea of being found by some other guy, in her state. A tiny smile grew. She didn't need him to love her, right this moment. This, as he was, was enough.
And to top it all off... He still would stay by her. Oh, that feeling of euphoria she had experienced from the spores may have been disguised as something more after all. "Veran..." She broke her silence, her tongue feeling thick and dry. Malila melted in front of him, eyes wet but not sad. She leapt then, pushing her chest against his while her slender legs encircled his shoulders. "I-I don't want to find anyone else. Not after what you said." Her voice was muffled, with her muzzle pressed deep into his fur, where she couldn't help but place gentle love bites of affection at the side of his neck.
He wasn't forcing her to do anything she didn't want. Or say something without meaning, just to use as a shortcut. He was being honest. Malila was moved when he confessed that he did not like the idea of being found by some other guy, in her state. A tiny smile grew. She didn't need him to love her, right this moment. This, as he was, was enough.
And to top it all off... He still would stay by her. Oh, that feeling of euphoria she had experienced from the spores may have been disguised as something more after all. "Veran..." She broke her silence, her tongue feeling thick and dry. Malila melted in front of him, eyes wet but not sad. She leapt then, pushing her chest against his while her slender legs encircled his shoulders. "I-I don't want to find anyone else. Not after what you said." Her voice was muffled, with her muzzle pressed deep into his fur, where she couldn't help but place gentle love bites of affection at the side of his neck.
April 17, 2022, 09:30 PM
she said she didn't want to.
briefly he thought perhaps he misheard her. perhaps she didn't want to right now or just yet. perhaps she didn't want to, she needed to.
but no. no, nothing of the sort. instead she plunged into his fur and he found himself once more awfully close to her. his heart practically hammered against her own. her bites along the side of his neck were not sinister or meant to drive him off.
they didn't need to do more than this, he decided, if neither one of them were ready for consequences. but for now he would merely read her body language, peppering her in timid affections.
briefly he thought perhaps he misheard her. perhaps she didn't want to right now or just yet. perhaps she didn't want to, she needed to.
but no. no, nothing of the sort. instead she plunged into his fur and he found himself once more awfully close to her. his heart practically hammered against her own. her bites along the side of his neck were not sinister or meant to drive him off.
malila...he hummed softly, teeth combing the fur of her neck.
they didn't need to do more than this, he decided, if neither one of them were ready for consequences. but for now he would merely read her body language, peppering her in timid affections.
April 17, 2022, 09:48 PM
She drew in a long, loud breath. Inhaling his unique, masculine scent for her to remember. He was intoxicating and refreshing. She felt starved of it. Having him so close was of great comfort to her. She heard him utter her name. Flames licked down her spine, making her shiver. His teeth were like a massage against the flushed warmth of her skin.
She hummed in a low, pleasant voice. The coldness of her nose shifted up through the fine fur to the junction of his ear, where she nipped gently, her breath warm. Her hormones were raging, deep rooted instincts demanding that he embrace her as his own. But her sense of logic was stronger. Just barely. Their relationship was just beginning. They were still figuring each other out. With no pack to support them, and Malila needing serious guidance in hunting, they were not ideal candidates to be first time parents.
She could wait, happily, for next year. When she would be wiser, fitter. "We can still enjoy ourselves, I think." Ever so slowly, she slipped away. Sent him a coy look back and began to skip ahead. Let him chase her...let them work out their energy. When he caught her, then she would succumb and spend the hours curled up as they were once before.
She hummed in a low, pleasant voice. The coldness of her nose shifted up through the fine fur to the junction of his ear, where she nipped gently, her breath warm. Her hormones were raging, deep rooted instincts demanding that he embrace her as his own. But her sense of logic was stronger. Just barely. Their relationship was just beginning. They were still figuring each other out. With no pack to support them, and Malila needing serious guidance in hunting, they were not ideal candidates to be first time parents.
She could wait, happily, for next year. When she would be wiser, fitter. "We can still enjoy ourselves, I think." Ever so slowly, she slipped away. Sent him a coy look back and began to skip ahead. Let him chase her...let them work out their energy. When he caught her, then she would succumb and spend the hours curled up as they were once before.
April 17, 2022, 09:59 PM
can timeskip or fade, whatever you feel like <3
he wanted to question her words. she had been so hesitant, why now?
but he found himself breathless, wordless. he wasted no time in launching after her as she took off. so eager to give chase. undeniably he would find something new within himself, within her.
he would dutifully pepper her in affections, enjoying her presence as much as she would allow him to.
for once, he looked forward to the days to come.
April 17, 2022, 10:14 PM
We can timeskip ahead a few hours. <3
She let him chase her, embracing their youthful, hormonal energy. When she was caught, it was with blissful acceptance. Malila fell into his arms like she had belonged there all along. And honestly, she could imagine no where else she would rather be. She was mindful of the flames of desire within them both. She tried to sate it by heated cuddling and dousing him in affection only he would receive.
She had lost track of time, but that didn't matter. Fuzzy headed, she laid flush against his pale torso, head at chest level and resting in the crook of his leg. Her soft eyes stared up at him admiringly. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you, Veran. Please tell me I am not dreaming." She smiled.
April 17, 2022, 10:31 PM
he wondered why he had deprived of affection so long, he thought of how wonderful she was along his chest. then he realized that perhaps it was for the best he had not known such a thing until he had found her at the tree.
he sighed with contentment before he looked down his muzzle at her, mismatched eyes peered back up at him.
he sighed with contentment before he looked down his muzzle at her, mismatched eyes peered back up at him.
i...don't think we are.he admitted softly, nosing the base of her ear and gently ruffling the fur on top of her head.
i feel so close to you.
April 17, 2022, 10:49 PM
She sighed. A happy, dreamy sigh. "So do I. That feeling I got under the trees when I first saw you. It was more than from just breathing in that air." She shifted to roll partially onto her back. She reached up, planting sweet kisses of affection along his muzzle. "I had never felt so naturally drawn to someone before. I guess me leaving Mereo was meant to be after all, huh?"
Tiredness began to seep into her body. They had really worn themselves out, burning off all that energy. Malila was still fidgety and her mind did occasionally get preoccupied with more primal thoughts. She had made a promise to herself and to him, regardless. For their sake, she would tough out her heat until it was over. She yawned, showing off her small, cute teeth. "Mmm I am sooo tired. But I don't wanna stop looking at such a handsome face."
Tiredness began to seep into her body. They had really worn themselves out, burning off all that energy. Malila was still fidgety and her mind did occasionally get preoccupied with more primal thoughts. She had made a promise to herself and to him, regardless. For their sake, she would tough out her heat until it was over. She yawned, showing off her small, cute teeth. "Mmm I am sooo tired. But I don't wanna stop looking at such a handsome face."
April 17, 2022, 11:00 PM
he laughed at her flattery, allowing himself to continue grooming the crown of her head.
you wanted me to stay...i'll still be here after sleep.he assured her gently. it was undeniable that he would be glued to her side now. a protective figure or a clingy puppy, he could not decide.
exploring will be easier if you rest...he reminded her before he let out a yawn of his own. tail lazily thumping against the earth.
April 18, 2022, 07:50 PM
We can wrap this up here. <3
She gently pushed her head up, leaning into the soothing touch of his grooming. "I have no doubt in my mind." She returned in her sweet voice. With a sleepy hum and a nod, she agreed with him. Exploring could come later, after they were both well rested.
Giving in to the pull of sleep, Malila repositioned so her small body was curled in a cute chocolate and blonde ball, right next to him. She laid her head in close to his neck, allowing him the space to hold her, should he fall asleep too. Within minutes she was out, lulled by the rhythm of his breathing and scent around her.
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