Boartusk BWP challenge - Your character is struck by lightning.
Kausiut for the most part neither participated, nor took great interest in the trivial Earthly matters. Having some sort of half-broken connection to the spiritual realm was convenient like that. Listening to the supernatural radio station and following either her gut feeling or the directions she was given, had led her far, far away from the safe confines of Moonglow. Surprisingly - given her status in life and inability to handle common challenges all grown-up wolves face, she was still alive and in a relatively good health, save for her being very lean.
Yet, there are challenges in life that dampen (quite literally) moods of both the average man and the prophets. Summer rainfalls. One such had caught up with Kausiut, when she had spent many mesmerizing hours, watching colourful spirits play in the nearby lake. Once her coat was drenched to the skin, was she forced to look away from the image and seek a place to hide from the rain. Had she been more in tune with the Earthly matters, she would have realized a shelter underneath a tree was not the best idea. Which she learned few seconds later, when something hit the tree, burned all the way down to the ground and before Kausiut was able to react properly, she felt first the burn, then the freeze and the last thing she remembered, before falling unconscious was the smell of burning wood and hair.
August 04, 2023, 10:11 AM
Mikasa loved storms. There was something so awe-inspiring about the fact Mother Nature could simply wreck the world whenever she wanted. Awe-inspiring and terrifying, she supposed, but that only made her a bad bitch Mikasa looked up to. What self-respecting woman didn't want to be feared? There were no favorites when it came to weather. Mother Nature would smite a man as easily as she would smite anything, and that was the sort of power Mikasa craved for herself. She didn't want to fear others, she wanted them to fear her…to an extent. It was a game of Russian roulette every day when it came to Gaia and that itself was where her power lay. The mystery, the anticipation, will she? Won't she? It was that which made her so dangerous and Mikasa fuckin' loved it. Today it seemed that Mother was in a foul mood, but she didn't fear her. She simply basked in the terrifying glory of their creator.
Lightning struck a nearby tree and Mikasa winced. Oof, she needed to find somewhere to shelter sooner rather than later. She picked up a purposeful jog and wound her way around the trees, happy to mind her own business until the stench of burning…everything wafted through the rain. Oh, ew. The fuck? She sucked in a breath of smoke and screwed her face up at the taste before switching courses to investigate the smell. It was in horror that she finally saw a wolf, extra crispy, lying lifelessly on her side.
"Shit," she mumbled under her breath as she paused, hesitant, before she finally crept closer and began searching for signs of life. "Hey, hey, wake up. Can you wake up? I don't know shit about medicine but I'm pretty sure you need some." Mikasa frowned and lifted a paw to reach out and gently nudge the other's side, shaking in fear that she would somehow still be electrified. "Hey lady, say something."
Lightning never struck twice, right?
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