Whitefish River Unvsiyv
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
All Welcome 
Losi and Tawodi ventured up the Whitefish River until just about where it started to bend, kissing the base of a small cliff, crowned by trees. Her hawk companion had ventured higher up to stake out the area, his shrill call signaling pack wolves were nearby.
“They must be up there.” She mused, making note not to venture in that direction. The river was also a great deterrent—she was on the other side of it, opposite of the plateau, and would have to cross the moving waters. 
The foreign woman called for her hawk companion as she chose her current spot to fish. Surely, with the help of Tawodi, her efforts would be fruitful, her belly full, and they could rest to continue on their journey. 
Atsadi, Tawodi! You seek, I will catch.” The hawk was capable of doing this on his own, Losi knew this, but she needed something to do. And, a dip in the river would feel heavenly.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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Ooc — siv
He had not found any sense of comfort in traveling so far.

Most of the time it felt like he drifted on some instinctual auto-pilot. It was what forced him inland, away from the roar of crashing waves and salted waters. The water here seemed a touch kinder to his senses and the flatlands all the better for his walking stability.

Yet he realized now that his path would eventually lead him into the mountainsides if he carried on this way. That would be a whole other beast to conquer when the time came — or another thing to quietly ignore...

Here was a distraction, though. A woman and a bird — the pair should not have seemed so odd to him, but perhaps it was their unity that struck him as odd. He meant to say something about it, or even a greeting, but instead he only managed a humming sound of curiosity.

Words jumbled on the tip of his tongue.

Maybe he did not want to disturb whatever this was, but he also wished to partake in the river waters.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her focus had been on the waters, flaxen eyes looking for the undulating bodies of the creatures she and Tawodi hunted. So focused that she did not notice the arrival of the pale man.

However, Tawodi did not miss a thing, alerting Losi to the new presence. The sudden alarm startled her, causing her to misstep and fall forward, face planting into the waters. Luckily, she had only been on shore, the water’s edge barely more than a couple of inches above the rock bed, avoiding a complete soak, though it was not entirely unwelcome. She had wanted to wade in the waters, after all.

Sputtering and coughing, she turned to find him watching her with tired eyes. Her embarrassment was evidently, not only because she face-planted, but also because she had not heard his approach. She prided herself in exceptional hearing, but when all her attention was glued to something, everything else was white noise. It was good to have Tawodi in these moments.

The bird had landed, perched upon the hollowed log, a rather large piece of drift wood they had chosen to house them for the time being. He did not appear ruffled, very unbothered by this male, which Losi saw as a good sign.

Osiyo! Excuse us if these are your lands—we are not from here.” Her accent always returned a little heavy when she spoke her native tongue, the common language feeling a little thick in her mouth.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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Ooc — siv
Oh, oh no no no.

Sunken eyes widened when she planted into the water. He hadn't meant to — maybe he should just leave. Yet surely it was too late for him to turn around and leave. In fact, it would be leagues worse to do so now after he had startled her into all of this.

His lands?

Not my lands at all. Which sounded like almost a pitiful thing to say! He had no lands, no home, nothing to place his name to. It was as freeing as it was troubling. He found himself uncertain if he should ask after her or the bird— her presence seemed unique in every way.

If neither was an option, it eluded him.

Does the bird follow where you travel?
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
His voice sounded somber, soothing in a way. He had let her know his lack of claim and she had nodded, a knowing upturn to liver colored corners. With a shake and smoothing of fur, Losi stepped toward, getting a better look at him. “Ah, so you are on a vivsi, a journey, like us.” 

It was nice to meet someone who didn’t immediately offend her. The last encounter left a bad taste in her mouth despite the fire it fueled in her veins.

His question regarding her companion was not an unexpected one; she was so used to the curiosity the pair brought. She glanced at Tawodi, who was currently preening his feathers, remaining unbothered. “He does. We are soul-tied.”

Her gaze returned to the male, head cocked as if trying to solve a puzzle on the man’s face. “Hm, he likes you. You are lucky, err…?” She realized then that neither had offered names.
55 Posts
Ooc — siv
A journey made it sound like this was all for joy or whimsy — that any of this carried an ounce of fun to it.

Yet it had been so long he could not help but wonder if he had stalled himself somehow. If his little seeds of doubt had grown into grand oaks that blocked his path. He felt it was kinder to look beyond that instead of spewing something deprecating at her words.

It was easier to focus on her and the bird.

Soul-tied sounded like something he might have heard at home. Some way to remind people to stick together, to not stray, that this was all there was. A budding discomfort bloomed within him. Where he had just before thought her so unique, he worried he might find familiar things in her that he was not ready to see again.

I don't think I'm all that lucky. It went over his head that she may have been seeking something to call him besides lucky. Maybe he just thinks I'll be the next meal. A dry kind of humor crept through him as he watched the bird.

It wasn't a vulture, but he imagined it wasn't picky either.

Have you crossed the mountains before?
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her chuckle was warm. “He has helped bring down prey much larger than you.” She teased in a sort of sing-song way. Her chuckle deepened, bubbling in her chest as she shook her head, smiling as she did so. “You are safe…what is your name?”

”I am Adageyhdi Kawoni, though I prefer Losi. Your foreign lips may find that easier.” The teasing felt easy and hopefully not overboard. They had only just met, but the male had been kind enough, and attempted at humor.

She liked him, she decided. He would be unalii, a friend.

“This is as far north as I have come, the mountains have not called to me. Why do you ask?” She was genuinely curious, not many choose to travel mountains unless absolutely necessary.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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55 Posts
Ooc — siv
Perhaps he should have been more worried about her than the other way around.

Maybe he should figure out how the hell to keep something like a massive bird around if it was so great a hunter. His hunger reminded him of this.

Athens — but, um, whatever is...easy for you works too. His foreign lips. How did he feel like an outsider in a place that neither one of them claimed? His eyes moved away from Losi's features, following the land beyond the river towards the stone walls.

Why had he truly asked? Could he survive that kind of climate even if it was only to pass through it? What if he reached a top only to see that it spanned on for eternity?

It feels important, I guess. Hardly a sound reason but that feeling was there, stirred and kicked in his chest. It's either going through them or seeing if there's any way around. Which feels...unwise, compared to my first choice.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
“Athens.” His name rolled well, not feeling as thick as some common tongue words can be. 

“Well met, Athens. If the mountains call to you, then you should heed them. Though, maybe crossing them alone may not be wise—unless you’d like company? Tawodi can be our eyes from above.” She wouldn’t mind the company, or to travel the mountains, of course, but she cannot force herself on others. If he preferred to go on alone, she would concede. Maybe, she would send Tawodi ahead of him before he took his leave, have him scout up to the peaks for the safest route.

“Or, you could chance a path around.” She did not say we, for he still needed to make the choice to accept her offer. And, she would still want to try sending Tawodi ahead of him. It would surely be an awful thing if something were to happen to him on his travels as he parted from her.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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Ooc — siv
She wanted to...come with?

He blinked softly as if he needed to clear his vision, as if he had only just started to see her. Broke free of some haze. He looked to the bird now too. Eyes from above, a creature who had helped with bigger prey than himself. The opportunity to be kept alive was dangled before him now.

Do you want to cross the mountains too? I won't force you to chance it even if it's — He chewed on his cheek for a moment. It's a very kind offer.

One he was not sure he had the ability to repay or return.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
She could tell in his response that her offer was unexpected, but accepted nonetheless. Though, she couldn’t help but to wonder why such kindness wouldn’t be offered—is this the way of the Wilds, where others are to fend for themselves? To venture through life alone? 

Her path was different, it was a self-discovery journey, but she was at the end, the vision of her purpose in sight, so this would not impede what she came here to do. If anything, it adds to it.

And, Athens, he seemed to be the beginning of her purpose. She quietly observed him a moment, contemplating, wondering what he believes his purpose to be—or, did he even know? She would much like to help him in his endeavors. To assist him in this would give her so much joy, not to mention something to do!

She gave him a gentle smile, her eyes glimmering. “I do not mind. It would be nice to see more of the Wilds. And—I’d like to get to know you…if you’re comfortable with that.” She felt shy suddenly. He was handsome, in a sad and somber way, and he was cordial, and he felt…safe. Her words had sounded like a confession, as innocent as it was, and she hoped it hadn’t been too forward of her. Friends were hard to come by, especially as of late.

Tawodi gave a squawk in agreement, flapping his wings in excitement. Her lips parted in a laugh. “He seems to also want to explore the mountains.” But, she knew, it was not just the mountains, it was Athens, too. The bird was rare in his favoritism, only reserving it for Losi and her immediate family. For him to be so enamored with the male, there must be something about the pale male he thought worthy.

Only time would tell, wouldn’t it?
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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55 Posts
Ooc — siv
“And—I’d like to get to know you…if you’re comfortable with that.”

The knee-jerk response was no, I'm not and some tangle of you won't like what you find — only his voice did not emerge from his throat. It was lodged there like a stone he might choke upon. Admittedly it was a hard thing to imagine but he was self-aware enough to not spout some kind of pitiful speech along the woe-is-him lines.

The shrill sounds of the large bird was a welcomed distraction that he devoured greedily.

Maybe, if it's not too rude to suggest, he can look ahead for a path to start on? He'll be better at it — eyes above and all that.

There was a smile, thin and timid, a short lived thing.

Then we can make our way whenever you're ready.

It seemed polite to not rush her, seeing as he had been the one to come in and somehow tangle her up in his web already.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
The lack of response left her feeling deflated. Did he not want her company and was only placating her? Poor, foreign woman. Or, perhaps, did she say the wrong thing? It was not out of character for her to speak plainly, as it was customary among her village to speak truth and only that. 

But—she was no longer home and the people here were different.

She perked at his suggestion, polite as it was—even though he did skirt around her words—and a nod was sent his way in agreement. “Yes, he can do this for us.” The bird had been staring at the two as they interacted, his golden eyes finding hers when she turned to him, his head cocked, awaiting instruction.

“Tawodi, ayasdi. Find a path and we will go.” He took off and she watched him ascend, his wing beats like music to her ears. 

Her eyes did not leave the bird as she spoke. “He will call for us.” She gestured at the water, finally looking to the male once more. “While we wait, we could enjoy the waters. Maybe a little competition to pass the time? Which one of us can catch the largest fish, hmm?” She raised her eyebrows in question, a play bow and a fervent tail wag as her excitement for the game grew. He did not have to play, of course, for she would still enjoy the waters and fish on her own, but it was always more fun with others.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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55 Posts
Ooc — siv
She made it look easy in ways he could not understand. A simple look and command, off the bird flew towards the mountainside. He was enchanted by her in these moments. It was easy to fool himself into thinking maybe this would be smart. To have company and help, to have someone who wanted to be those things for him.

He was uncertain and self-concious but he was not so jaded as to think he didn't deserve it. He just didn't think it would find him now or here.

Sure. A little nod of his head.

He could indulge this, try to create feelings from his own stonewalls. Besides, this would feed them right? It wasn't just fun for the sake of fun. Tentatively he waded towards the waters, prepared to hover near her while they fished.

if you wanted hunting points from this thread lemme know, otherwise happy to toss something new for them in the mountains! :D
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
I would lOVE hunting points, Losi is my project toon and any thread towards all trades is highly welcomed! We could do a couple more quick rounds here to get the hunting aspect in there, but I am absolutely down for a mountain thread to get them moving! Since this is more Athens journey, would you like to start a new thread in the mountain? Feel free to PP Tawodi re: finding their path, if you’d like, too (likes Athens, has typical bird behaviors, minor injuries ok, no death) Sorry for long winded OOC lmao


He accepted her challenge! What a joy! She danced, giving more dog-like barks, hardly able to contain how excited and grateful she was to play with someone other than her bird. 

It had been a long year on their own, keeping each other for company, but she found that she missed interacting with those like herself. Tawodi did his best, of course, as he always did, but he knew his limitations as much as she did that, in some things, he could not compare to canids. 


She didn’t give him warning, and laughed maniacally as she sped off toward the waters, knowing that she slightly cheated, but it was meant in good fun! A small jump and a rather large splash followed and she was in. The water sprayed around her, appearing as if she controlled the water itself, head turning to find Athens, a huge smile plastered to her face.

“Come on in!”
55 Posts
Ooc — siv
new thread started but totally happy to get some hunting here for losi <33

She was radiant. Something unknowable and untouchable in these moments. Carefree in a way that made something within him ache with a feeling akin to jealousy. Where had she come from? What had life been like for her?

He could be carefree, but it would never be without tendrils of guilt.

Athens had to force his gaze away from her, to focus on the waters that she had so suddenly charged. Her splash seemed comical to him. Hadn't her goal been to catch the fish?

Do you know how to catch fish? This seems opposite of the way to get them...

Humor in the barest way weaved into his voice. He opted to enter the water in a far tamer manner. Slow and steady. Not that it would undo her splashes, but he liked to think it might give him some kind of confidence to look like he knew what he was doing.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
OMG their dynamic is so funny!

He dared to doubt her prowess?

It was mock anger, for she did not truly care. His teasing, as dry as it was, was welcomed and it made her happy. She feigned offense, coming to full height and thrusting out her chest, her eyes intense on him in challenge. “I’ll have you know, Athens, that I am number one fisher in my village. You will not best me!” Her stance changed, dropping low to skirt the top of the waters, mimicking the slow and steadiness she saw in her new companion.

It wasn’t far from the truth, she did know how to catch fish, but she did admit that Tawodi helped her a great deal.

There were fish, a little further out, appearing to have been scared by her splashing, to which she gave Athens a cheeky side-eye. He hadn’t been wrong, she had done quite the opposite in her endeavors due to her excitement. It was no matter. Her feet were steady, gliding through the water slowly to get closer.

Zeroing in, she stopped in her tracks, her nose in a point to a group of them.  Her body remaining stationary, she spoke to Athens. 

“There. Come closer.”
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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55 Posts
Ooc — siv
This was not her village, he wanted to say, but bit his tongue.

He doubted it would be good form to possibly insult or emotionally prod her after she showed kindness. There was a commitment to at least try to be as kind as she seemed to be. Well, close, he supposed. He doubted he could reach her level.

You aren't good at competitions either,

So much for that kindness.

Still he heeded her words and tried his best to stay near her in the flow of the waters.

Typically you don't tell your competitor where to win.

His eyes drifted away from her to watch the shimmer of the water, hopeful that he might get some kind of sense on what to do next. As if instinct might kick in before her own did.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Her eyes rolled at his next comment, her lip turned up in a half smile. What a male thing to say, she thought, laughing internally. She never gave him rules, nor did she say they had to search alone. 

“Remember, it is who finds the biggest fish that wins, not who can find it faster. You would do well to remember that not everyone wants to see you struggle, even if they mean to win. But, I do not doubt your skills, so you may go ahead first.” She was genuine, and it wasn’t said unkindly, as that was not her way. She stayed where she was, but indicated he go with a toss of her head and a quick glance to the fish. 

Her tail wagging slowly, unbothered.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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Ooc — siv
"You would do well to remember that not everyone wants to see you struggle,"

He was disagreeable when he was worried or nervous. Her words struck something within him similar to nerves. So it seemed no different here as he stilled in the water and looked to her.

But if you lead me here and let me strike first, I have pick. I can aim for the biggest before you can.

It was after those words that he struck the waters like a knife.

For as smooth and swift as it may have looked, he proved once again his lack of refined skill. He emerged from the waters with empty jaws.

Disappointment rolled off of him as heavily as water now did.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Another roll of the eyes as he dove in, unfruitful as he came back up. She took her turn, her own attempt coming back unsuccessful

“Bah! They do not want to be caught today.” She stood where she was, contemplating as her gaze scanned her surroundings. She wanted height, something to keep her out of the waters. Athens was right, after all, her splashing probably did scare them or, at the very least, put them on high alert to predators.

She huffed in annoyance. 

“Well, one more shot—for us both. And I’m not saying a word.” She signed the zipping of her lips before giving him another cheeky smile and a wink before moving out of the waters.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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55 Posts
Ooc — siv
She moved beyond the waters, he stayed within.

They already knew he lurked in their waters, but they could not leave onto land. Why should he? Perhaps he felt the grand need to show he was not so incapable of what might be considered basic skill.

When he struck the waters again, there was a ferocity to it that had not been present before. A burst of nearly anger with how hard he tore into them. He was rewarded for his gruesome efforts. The taste of a meal mingled with freshwater in his mouth.

It was possible that she might bring out a bigger fish, but he felt a winner all the same.
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
want to roll for winner??

He had caught a fish!

She had felt a determination rise in her, now needing to catch something. Who would be the winner?! 

Standing on a rock above the waters, she had a better view, though the waters were moving so much that it felt hard to determine the position of the fish. One moment, they were to her left, the next to her right, then right below her. She watched them go round and round, and timed her strike the best she could! 

Diving headfirst into the waters with jaws wide, she closed them and found her teeth sinking into the scaled flesh of her prize. 

The fish flopped with force in her jaws as she emerged, throwing her off balance enough to cause her to stumble through the waters as she moved to shore. Once she was close enough, she threw it to land on the rocks. Flaxen eyes found Athens, and she smiled brightly. “We did it!”

“Now—who won?”
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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55 Posts
Ooc — siv
He worked his way to drag it onto land.

The soft thunk of it against the earth brought the first kick of pride he had felt in some time. It mattered not that she struck a fish too, and that hers would win their little competition.

In truth he was glad she had won.


A simple word offered warmly.

Everyone would be a winner tonight if they had a meal to fill their empty stomachs. It was nice to turn survival into something kinder than the reality.

ready to fade when you are <3
31 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
Fading here <3 A wonderful first thread between them, thank you darlin!

Her tail wagged with pride and a happiness for herself and for Athens. Their thoughts similar in that they both won this challenge. Truthfully, she did not care for the competition as much, but it had been a silly game for them to break the ice and for her to just observe his actions.

“We are both winners, I think. Here.” Losi nosed her fish his way. Her belly was not gnawing with enough hunger for such a large fish and he needed it more. “You have this, I do not mind. I will not take no for an answer, either!” The fish still flopped, but the further it was pushed towards Athens, the movement slowed and, eventually, stopped. It was a necessary evil to take the life of another creature if only to sustain oneself. In her own language, she thanked the fish for giving its life to maintain theirs before she took the smaller of the two for herself, giving it thanks as well.

She turned away, a warmth in the smile that peeked past the fish as she winked at the male in passing. They would start their trek soon, she could hear the call of Tawodi signaling his return, and so she laid the fish between her paws and dug in.
Speaks: English & Tsalagi
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