Big Salmon Lake that never goes out
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
All Welcome 
The woman was on the move once more. Heading northwest, following the breeze. She'd gone past the caldera, where there were scents of others, instead focusing on the woods in front of her. She had slept there for a night, before continuing on again, and now, she had stopped at a lake.

Georgia tentatively drew closer to the lake, drawing in the scents of the land. Fish scent was faint. There had been some here, a season ago, maybe, but with the warming of the leaves and the temperature drop, perhaps they migrated. The peach smiled to herself; maybe she'd been a salmon in her past life.

She dipped her head down, pink tongue moistening her lips and nose before she took a sip of the lake water. A thin layer of frost had begun to gather around the waters edge, and she knew that by the time winter fell, the entire body of water would likely freeze over. Maybe it'd be thick enough to walk on.

Craning her head back up, she looked at her own reflection for a moment. Then, with a quick breath, her paws dipped into the lake, drawing her inwards. It was cold in a prickly way, but she lowered herself within the water, taking deep breaths. Bathing.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Oh, what it lovely day it was!

Waawaashkeshi found herself smiling, singing to the birds and prancing after them as they flew. Her voice was melodic and clear, ringing through the air and announcing her presence far before her arrival. Singing of tales of her home, passed down by her grandmother to her mother and then to her, she was in a lovely mood today.

However her hymn was paused as she spotted a woman ahead of her soaking in the lake. She was beautiful, immediately grabbing the interest of the sunflower.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
And it seemed she had the privilege of music along with her bath, too. The soft sound of a lass singing to the birds caught the peach's attention. She released one last sigh before she dipped the entirety of her body under the water.

Then, Georgia pushed herself back up, padding back towards the bed of the lake. Her skin was freezing as the air met her figure. Water dripped from her pelt, making her lashes stick together and her coat hang downwards, clinging to her bones as if she were statuesque. Lemony eyes settled upon the girl of a similar hue, and the woman smiled.

Hey there, darl', Georgia's accent flowed from her vocal cords, southern and beautiful. Ya out here lookin' for a bath, too? A light chuckle left her lips as she let the sun overhead warm her, though she shook out her head and her neck with a pristine grace. A mask she would not let slip.

She'd trot towards a grassier section of the terrain, sitting back on her rump, eyes still remaining on the girl. Her gaze was softened by her grin. Tail, shades of mauve, peach, cream, flicking besides her folded legs.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"Are you offering?" She was quick to respond, her tail swaying behind her as she made her approach.

Waawaashkeshi too had an accent, but this woman had one like none she had heard before. "Where have you come from? You have an interesting voice." Blunt, straight to the point, she was never one to sugar coat her feelings.

Leaning her head forward she took the time to take in the scent of the other. It certainly was not anything she recognized, but that did not surprise her. Lately Keshi had been meeting nothing but strangers - more women than men, and she would never complain about such a thing.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Sure thing, hun', she responded, a laugh accompanying her words at the speed of which the goldenrod spoke. Lake ain't mine. It don't got no claim, I thank.

And the lass certainly didn't seem to have a filter, nor did she beat around the bush. A trait that Georgia appreciated. Similar to herself, it seemed. Birmingham, she said, enunciating the 'er' sound due to her accent; skipping the 'h'; effectively pronouncing it 'bERmingem.' How 'bout yaself? Ya got parents 'round here, hun?

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Yes, she liked the peach very much. She had a good attitude, and she did not turn down Waawaashkeshi's questions nor find them off-putting. "Oh, no. I followed a friend." She responded, shaking her head. "I'm from the north - Canada."

She glanced back to the lake behind the woman, her interest in it suddenly dissipating. "My name is Waawaashkeshi." Now was time for introductions. Baths could wait.

Doe-eyes passed over the peach, so innocent and yet they picked the fruit apart with such a methodical nature.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
The southern belle would nod as the girl spoke, tail flicking attentively. Canada, she said, and Georgia's lips formed the shape of an 'o': I heard'a that place, she confirmed. Cold, isn't it? The peach felt that the golden girls' pelt wasn't quite suited to the snow, but how was she to know? Not like she knew her all that well.

Pleasure ta meet ya, Waawaakeshi. Ma name's Georgia. 'Ah' sounds pronounced more like 'eh', a result of her childhood rather than evidence of mishearing. She watched as those honeydew's surveyed her, and rather than hiding from a perceptive gaze, she took pride in her figure, stretching out in a manner similar to that of a lioness.

She spoke again, tilting her head this time. 'N how's life treatin' ya, Waawaakeshi? Doin' good? A nod of her head with gentle eyes. Hoping that she said yes, partially to avoid comforting the stranger, but mostly a representation of not wishing hardship upon such a young woman.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She shook her head to the suggestion. "Cool, not cold." She corrected. Plus, the summers were plenty warm.

Listening as the woman spoke her name, she found a sense of joy in how she spoke it. There was something interesting about hearing the unfamiliar voice.

"Plenty good - I've reunited with my friend Nasamiituuq recently." Her tail waved as she spoke her dear friends name. She was rather excited to return to Moonglow and see her yet again.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
The woman made an 'ah' sound at her correction, nodding her head. Y'all got some mighty long names. she chuckled once the goldenrod mentioned her friend. Her pelt slowly dried, and she stood, now, only to drop back down to her forelegs, stretching out her back. She wasn't old by any means, that didn't mean stretching had no use.

Ya hungry, Waawaakeshi? Georgia knew she was. Standing up again, her tail flicked back and forth. Might be some fish down the river, should ya be in'erested. The salmon would be migrating by now, but perhaps they could find some that had been left behind. Sad, yes, but a girl's gotta eat.

Georgia quirked a prompting brow, awaiting a response.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Waawaashkeshi shook her head. She had ate recently. No, but I will come along if you'll have me.

She was yet to explore this lake - now she wished to see more. For a moment she wondered if Nasamiituuq may like it, too.

Have you been in the Teekons long?
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Sure thang, sugarcube. She said, getting up to start moving. Her eyes settled on one of the lake's branches, a thin river that flowed, swimming and teeming with life, she hoped. Waawaakeshi asked her a question, then, and the peach looked back at the golden girl as she went.

Not long at all, Georgia hummed. Only met one guy before you, hun'. Some man named Sol-hàrr, but I just call 'im Sol. Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she spoke of him, then. Nothing all that special about him, but they'd had a nice conversation, and wow. He was mighty fine. she said with a nod and a quiet 'mhm'.

She was facing the river again, now. Trotting along with a pep in her step. Whaddabout you, hun'? Ya been 'ere for long? Live 'round here, hm? Not to sound creepy, or nothin'. The lass chuckled, then. Her tail flicked and swayed.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She listened as Georgia spoke of the man, an eyebrow raising. Do you not get bored of them though? She asked. Men are rather boring. She mused to herself, tail waving gently.

As the other asked her question, her ears turned towards her. A few moons, maybe. In truth, she had not kept count. She did not need to - her passage of time was tracked only by the rising and falling of the sun, and how the birds moved through the seasons.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
Oh, honey, she said, almost shocked! Turning to look at Waawaakeshi with wide eyes, heightened brows. Though a smile upon her face said she was not mad, merely teasing. Tail waved, as usual. Educational when she spoke: Men can give ya whatcha want, ya know, she said. Babies or riches. Really depends on yarown goals.

The latter, for her. But sometimes she appreciated merely looking at them. Admiring them. Sculpted and defined and a treat for sore eyes. Waawaakeshi answered her question of how long she had been living around here, then, and the peach nodded, but remained otherwise wordless. Few moons, hell, that ain't bad.

Fish scent grew present, and she paused in her steps, dipping her nose down towards the water. Might stumble 'cross some fishies soon, Georgia noted with a firm nod of her head. Keep ya eyes peeled for any shiny, scaley flashes, 'kay? You may not be hungry but a girl's gotta eat! Said with a laugh, though serious in meaning.

Girl's gotta eat.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
She dismissed Georgia's words for she could not understand, instead focusing on the water.

Men were.. fine, but Waawaashkeshi rarely felt drawn to them or anything they could offer her. Too many had tried to tie her down, and now found found herself completely uninterested.

Nasamiituuq was good. She let her continue to wander.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
The girl's silence only prompted her own. She continued along the river, a flash of silver caught her eye, though, and she darted forwards, snapping teeth lashing as she plopped her head into the water. When she came rearing back upwards, her fur, blonde and silky, hung heavily from her skin, water-logged. A shiny prize sat between her teeth.

She plopped it on the ground, then, and watched it momentarily. Unmoving, gills slowly ceasing their movement. 'n' that's how it's done, sugarcube, she grinned at the golden lass. Then, she would eat. Hungry, though neat in her mannerisms. Aware of her presence beneath a green gaze. Alert at all times.

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon
77 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
You hunt fish often? She asked with the tilt of her head. They had never been the ideal meal for Waawaashkeshi. Though of course, she was never picky.

She sat as the woman ate, comfortable in her presence.
sweet as a peach
29 Posts
Ooc — Skrimble
all the time, georgia nodded, flicking her tail. the fish were thin this time of year, and so it did not take her long to eat. if anything, she would likely catch another later. easy game. 'n' ya can't afford to take risks when ya're all by ya lonesome, hun.

and it was to lonesome that she would return. she stood, now, once all that remained were fishbones, and gave the girl a tilted smile. you be safe, goldie. lovely chats.

if she were anyone else, she'd give a tip of her cowgirl hat and a 'giddy-up' to her steed, but instead she would flick her tail and turn away, fawn shoulders rolling as she continued west, around the bend of the lake. watching the shifting colours.

exit georgia!

speaks with a notable southern accent

thread names from back down south · kings of leon