Hoshor Plains The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl]
20 Posts
Ooc — Leondre
Raezho had took his place on the tallest ledge there were. A lot of wolves may think he was being cocky, but in truth he was just keeping an eye out for nature cycles. A small breeze picked up yesterday, making him wonder if rain was coming. The moon was just done from being full, signalling a change of wind. His ivory eyes glances around, as a quick paw swiped out and slammed into a foolish weasel which decided to scuttle past.

Silence. He watched as a single drop of water dripped down the grass beneath his feet. Well, at least, he tried to. A howl pierced him from his thoughts, before several joined. Curiosity picked at him, before he leaped to his feet. His golden blonde fur flew in the wind as he winded down the ledge, paws thudding to reach his current leader. He almost flew in the wind as he cross the the forest, twigs snapping underneath him.

He emerged, finding several packmates he hadn't bother to meet yet looking down at something. He joined them, standing several feet behind their leader, his eyes scanning downwards for what they saw. Target, acquired. A herd of....bison? His jaw all but dropped open before lifting his head and joining into the howl. Ivory eyes glanced around as he tried to find his brother. It would be nice to see him, even if it was for a pack activity.
Messages In This Thread
The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - by Rakharo - May 18, 2015, 10:40 AM
RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - by Kivi - May 18, 2015, 11:06 AM
RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - by Zaria - May 18, 2015, 11:28 AM
RE: The Promised Paradise [Claiming Howl] - by Raezho - May 18, 2015, 07:40 PM