Qeya River they fight like soldiers, they die like children
what do i do after all this survival?
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Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
She smells him before she sees him but he’s closer than she realizes when she turns her head. Her head swings to find the tawny wolf standing on the other side of the river and it takes her a little by surprise. One wolf she didn’t expect to ever see so close to the river is the one she’d damaged and sent back, fleeing with a message for the phoenix wolves. Esaro hadn’t been impressive enough for her to think he might come back so for the time being, Thuringwethil remains silent.

Heda turns her weight, shifting so she faces him while he continues to approach. The river between them in wide but there isn’t much distance between where they stand and a place easy for him to cross. She flicks her gaze in that direction but returns, as if she didn’t notice it at all. 

Thuringwethil lifts her head and arches her tail as if he might as well be on the borders of her own home. Speaking with Tavi might have softened her view of him once she learned the pack as a whole failed him, resulting in injuries he didn’t necessarily deserve. She keeps her tongue in check, staring hard across the water that isn’t likely to convey her message, but she waits for his explanation before she goes above her business.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
Messages In This Thread
RE: they fight like soldiers, they die like children - by Antumbra - March 14, 2016, 12:09 PM