Qeya River they fight like soldiers, they die like children
what do i do after all this survival?
1,834 Posts
Ooc — Kermy
Master Guardian
Master Ambassador
He gained something out of the attack but Thuringwethil can’t feel any differently to the situation. His ability doesn’t concern her and when he accepts that, he begins to turn back in the water and return to his home. The dark leader doesn’t make to leave until she’s sure he’s gone entirely, but instead he turns back with one final request. She blinks a few times, searching his features, and indifferently shrugs one shoulder.

“You may call me Heda,” she tells him. Her name would be known in due time in these wilds but her title comes first. They’ll know more about her, in due time. Thuringwethil falls silent then, hoping it is enough to satisfy the retreating male to keep going.
Trigedasleng · Common
all that wanting, all that aching, all that capacity for love:
it never belonged to you in the first place
Messages In This Thread
RE: they fight like soldiers, they die like children - by Antumbra - March 24, 2016, 12:49 PM