Silvertip Mountain What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?
even hell is holy
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She couldn't stop the smile and tag wag that started when Niita expressed that she thought Adeline's idea was a good one. Steady seemed a little more apprehensive, and so the pup gave the biggest green eyes she could muster until he gave in. She was about to dance around, but his voice stopped her. He asked that she have someone with her if she went outside her home. She hadn't even thought about leaving the borders, but she nodded, quickly agreeing. Deal! She trotted up to him, full of energy, and nudged him affectionately. Thanks, Dad, she said. 

She bounded over to Niita then, knowing the female probably had some pull in his decision. She gave her the same affectionate nudge she had given her Dad, her tail wagging. Thanks, Niita. With that, she bounded out of the area, figuring the deal went into effect immediately. She hadn't given a second thought about the den issue since she didn't have a problem with it.
do you want to break me like you were fourteen
and someone dared you to break the law?
Messages In This Thread
RE: What if you're making me all that I was meant to be? - by Addie - September 04, 2016, 03:57 PM