Stone Circle Up and at it
bonfire in the snow
473 Posts
Ooc — Pompoko
Ezekiel was hungry and the scent of something feather lured him from his patrol. The large solid grey male trotted at a brisk pace, eager for a hunt or some kind of excitement. As he followed the bird's trail, he smelled a wolf scent merging onto the path ahead. It seemed a pack mate was hunting the same prey, and by the smell of her, it was Illecebra, Mawk's mate. Ezekiel didn't know her all to well, and a hunt was an easy way to get to know your packmates. He hurried now, hoping to catch up to her.

When her grey fur came into view, he let out a low bark, a warning that he was nearby. He moved to walk beside her, and offered the mother a greeting. Hello, how are you?
Messages In This Thread
Up and at it - by Illecebra - August 10, 2017, 09:09 PM
RE: Up and at it - by Ezekiel - August 17, 2017, 07:26 AM
RE: Up and at it - by Illecebra - August 18, 2017, 06:20 PM
RE: Up and at it - by Ezekiel - August 21, 2017, 08:50 AM
RE: Up and at it - by Illecebra - August 23, 2017, 10:28 PM