Profile of Lestan: Quick Facts
Played By: ebony
Basic Info
Full Name: Lestan Mayfair
Subspecies: timber x grey
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 2 (march 6th, 2020)
Birthplace: loch teine (fire lake)
NPC Guidelines
still searching for the witch somewhere in the taiga, near the moraine
Profile of Lestan: Details
hunter's build. softly accented voice. eyes of pale gold overlaid with cornflower blue at the pupils. lestan is aware he has relatives, though the name of mayfair had faded.

note: lestan & his family departed the teekons but were separated thereafter. lestan went missing after he attempted to find them and escaped into fully unfamiliar territory. it was improperly recorded by researchers that a lynx caught the starving man at the beginning of fall. wears a small tracker now.
the mayfair family is long and extensive. lestan is the son of angelique, sister to mary claudette, and descendant of lasher. the last connection means that lestan is a relative of sorts to every existent mayfair, both past and present. family bonds will be worked out IC if the situation presents itself.

in game, lestan is aware of cousins in ashlar and akavir. reverie was his wife, and their child is the very surprising little blossom.

Profile of Lestan: Additional Information
Registered on July 21, 2022, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
beautiful ref by twin <3
Lestan's Signature
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