Swiftcurrent Creek Promise I'll be kind, but I won't stop until that boy is mine
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
Whether @Lestan followed or not, Reverie disappeared into their den with blurry vision and shaking paws. Why were they shaking again? She felt so calm —
No, she was panicking, and somehow that was more confusing. She let out a breath and tried to calm herself, but when she went to tuck @Blossom to her chest, she nearly dropped her. Reverie held her a little tighter after that. She realized, a bit belatedly, that it was because she didn't want this. Any of it. She cared about Swiftcurrent Creek; Jakoul and her children, @Arric, even @Akavir and @Moss, still, to some extent. She'd never trusted any of them, but when had she ever trusted anyone?
And she knew, of course, that the problem was her. It had been easier to acknowledge when Lestan was withdrawn from her. She was beginning to understand that it was because he had never really seen it. Or if he did, he loved her too much to say so. And Reverie had never truly wanted to change in the first place; wasn't that why she'd left The Gilded Sea? Except she was realizing now what that meant, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.
All she knew was that she had never really wanted to get better after all, and the realization didn't scare her as much as it should have.
Swiftcurrent Creek
665 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he was stunned.
he watched akavir go, not realizing reverie had already turned away; when he discovered it, he plodded doggedly after her with a constricted throat.
lestan opened his arms for blossom, if reverie should wish to pass her over for a moment. "reverie." his eyes were stricken upon her face. "do you want to leave?"
he was not sure he did, he was not certain he wished to take his baby daughter out where french cats and witches and dead deer gods roamed. and yet —! "we c-could go to kvarsheim," he suggested breathlessly, it being a familiar place that would not be the creek but would still offer them protection.
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1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I don't know, Reverie said forlornly, clutching Blossom a little tighter and not noticing Lestan's unspoken offer to take her. I - I don't know if we can stay here... Lestan had seen Akavir's anger, after all, his utter lack of apology or compassion. She looked at him after a few moments, eyes shining with tears.
I'm sorry, She murmured, voice breaking just a little. What... do you think we should do? Akavir was his family, and this had been his home before it was hers. Reverie felt that she owed this to him, at least. But she was afraid of his answer, too; afraid that he would want to keep her here, and she would do nothing but wither in this place that hated her despite how she loved it.
Swiftcurrent Creek
665 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"well," lestan began, settling on the floor of the wide den. "i don't think blossom should be o-outside a pack. not for long, anyway. it's not safe, as you know." he blinked sharply a few times and then took a deep breath. 
if this were beneath any other circumstances, he would leave her for a small while, go to search out a place for them. but reverie had never done well alone, and nor he, and he dearly did not wish to be parted from either of them now.
"we c-could head into the mountains." his bluegold eyes found hers, a seed of anticipation sparkling inside him.
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1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie considered this. I have a friend in the mountains. His name is Phox, and he lives in a pack called Epoch, Honestly, she didn't much like the idea, and it showed in her reluctant tone; Phox was nice, but nearly a stranger. I have another friend who was born in a place called Brecheliant, but I don't know where that is. She sighed softly.
Maybe Kvarsheim is our best bet, But she didn't like that idea either, not if Lestan was going to be with her. For some reason the idea of Lestan being around Bjarna prickled at her. To be honest, I'd like to go to the ocean... I wasn't much older than Blossom when I started traveling with my family. And - maybe we'd be safer there. Her gaze was anxious upon him, seeking approval. But I - we can do whatever you think is best.
Swiftcurrent Creek
665 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i used to live in a place called natigvik, on the taiga. and t-then moonglow, which is closer to the sea." the formation of a plan soothed lestan somewhat, though he felt a great anxiety run through him at the thought of leaving, especially akavir, whom he loved all the same despite the hurt.
"the ocean is far," he said nonsensically. "you really think she'll be all right?"
his heart leapt wildly.
[Image: 3515172a008a413e194364af258f186a.gif]
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie settled Blossom back into her bed then, and sought to wrap Lestan in her embrace if he'd let her. She groomed his fur in silence for a few moments, hoping to soothe him in the wake of their conversation with Akavir. This couldn't be easy on him, after all. We'll all be alright, She assured him softly. As long as we have each other.
I - I would stay here, for you, if that's what you want, A frown tugged at her features then, one born of sorrow and conflicting feelings. I don't like that Akavir believed Kel, when he said that you would hurt me - and it hurts to know that he doesn't care that Kel was the one who hurt me. But if you want me to apologize to him and try to make things right, I will. And she meant it, as much as she didn't want to.
Lestan had chosen her, and so she would choose him, too.
Swiftcurrent Creek
665 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"reverie, the only reason i would ask you to stay, now, is so that blossom can grow a little older." swiftcurrent had been ripped out from beneath his paws. lestan was still reeling, but even as he said the words he knew he would not ask them.
he had told akavir they would be gone this very evening, and now with his restlessness moving high and high, the mayfair began to awkwardly stack the very few things they had, most of which could not be brought.
he reached to touch her forehead, but said nothing about his cousin. the feeling of wretchedness was expanding inside his very spirit, and so lestan, now given the goal of guiding his family to the sea, clung to it and chose not to process any of what akavir had said.
"would you like to rest first?" he asked quietly. his love for the creek had not died; it had not abated. the moving trees overhead and the whisper of the water; this was his home, and he had helped build it in peace.
but there was nothing here for reverie, and his anger toward kel was quickly becoming a blinding rage, but it was he! lestan! of whom akavir had suggested the very worst! he wanted to weep but refused. now was the time for strength.
[Image: 3515172a008a413e194364af258f186a.gif]
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She softened with love and worry, and kissed his cheek gently. Yes, let's rest first, Reverie agreed, and kissed him again; soft kisses meant for comfort. She sensed the restlessness in him, but wanted to hold him here awhile, grooming and fussing over him and murmuring words of affection.
I know I can't - replace the Creek, but I... I'll try to make you happy, wherever we go, She promised, almost more for herself than for Lestan. Reverie wasn't sure she could make him happy, truly, but she knew that he had a better chance with her than here. Akavir didn't trust him, wanted him to change, maybe he even thought him crazy the way everyone always thought she was crazy.
Well, that wouldn't happen to him again, she thought. Even if she had to prevent it herself.
Swiftcurrent Creek
665 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"oh! i would never expect it of you. reverie! a home is where we are. you know? i do love this place, yes. but i —" and he lost his words, but felt she might understand.
eventually he meant to lie down again, with blossom between them; his heart raced and his head ached and his belly felt filled with thorns. 
dismay settled over him like a cowl.
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