Profile of Kyrell: Quick Facts
Moonglow NPC
Played By: Squeaks
Marked Away: Family Medical
December 26, 2024 — March 31, 2025
Basic Info
Full Name: Kyrell "Keith" Woodstalker II
Subspecies: Gray Wolf
Size: Large, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Cisgender Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 3 years (May 18th, 2021)
Birthplace: Outside of the Teekons
NPC Guidelines
Kyrell can be referenced hunting within Moonglow's territory, carrying messages between villages, and patrolling Moonglow's borders. He is an easygoing wolf and will also help with the cleaning of hides and carrying furs if asked.
At a Glance
Lean and long limbed, Kyrell moves leisurely with a nonchalant air. Self-assured, he doesn't shy away from meeting strangers.
Profile of Kyrell: Details


A coat of dark, earthy soil, his pelt darkens at his spine. Travelling to his head and tail. Darkness masks his eyes and atop his head is a broad star of golden silt. His underbelly too brightens with gold and fades into a dark cream. Emerald eyes peek out from his mask and yellow ear tags adorn both ears. Unbeknownst to him, each tag reads "B089."
Kyrell is a bit of a punk. Carefree, self-indulgent, and rowdy, he enjoys a friendly spar and a bit of fun. This has gotten him in trouble in he past. He is outwardly friendly but keeps his heart guarded from too many deep attachments and bonds. He is observant and willingly lends a hand when asked.
Son to Kyrell Woodstalk I, Kyrell was often called "Keith" to differentiate the two. Under his father's roof, Keith preferred to explore the neighboring territories, occasionally trespassing onto rival claims. After enough tension Kyrell forced his own son to disperse to avoid further conflict.
Kyrell's natal pack is located out of the Teekons. He does not have preestablished connection with the wilds.
Pack History

Pledge:12/1/23-12/14/23 > Punk:12/15/23-3/2/34


3/21/24 - present
Profile of Kyrell: Additional Information
Registered on November 16, 2023, last visited (Hidden)
Kyrell is a tagged wolf for a fictitious research project. Identified as "B089," he was often referred to as "Roamer."

While loosely inspired on Voyager's Wolf Project, Kyrell is not directly inspired by any particular wolf.
Art Credits
Avatar by Twin
Reference Art by Squeaks
Attached Accounts
Player Notes
Hi! You can refer to me as Squeaks. I have been on Wolf RPG for a little over a year. In regards to roleplay, I am okay with letting things play out in character, but I absolutely welcome OOC plotting (especially for mature themes and subjects).
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