Red jumped at the light chuffing sound, and her head whipped up to see who it was. Oh… Wait. She recognized this female from… somewhere…? She paused, staring at the raven fur and the dark, pretty eyes… The lake! That’s right. They had met at Greatwater lake some time ago. As Red recalled, the meeting had gone fairly well. She wagged her tail now that she was sure the female could be trusted, trotting up to her.
Ears went forward, and head titled to the side, both body signals that meant, How are you?
Then, a moment later, she whined, and looked around the woods with frantic eyes, pawing at the ground. This meant, I don’t like it here. Wanna leave.
Red was torn between wanting to stay, and wanting to go. Meldresi was her friend, (or at least Red thought so) which meant that she wanted to stay here and socialize. Then again, this place was creepy and putting the coywolf on edge. She looked to the female for the answer. Would she, perhaps, lead Red out? Then they could talk once they were far away from this… Dark forest?