Blackfeather Woods from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block
141 Posts
Ooc — Chey
It was true she had isolated herself but she went to extremes that even she was unclear of the reason for. Perhaps it was because the darkness of this shadowy place had spoken of a place where she could be alone while also doing her part and nothing more. She was wary of getting to know anyone, wary of the dangers of letting anyone into her heart. So she had rolled around in pungeant herbs, she had gathered as much lavender and other bits of smelly things to place around her den and she refreshed it daily. She had her own, lonely little place in a home of shadows and she loved it. Except for the fact that she by nature was a social beast and therefore craved the interaction with another. 

It was that reason and also the fact that following was bred into her that when Maegi called she quickly hurried to answer. Today she smelled of mint, dirt, feathers, and lavender but tomorrow that would change. As she spotted the woman she lowered her head, tail giving a nervous patter against her hind limbs "Is everything alright ma'am?" she asked. Bright lavender gaze lifted and trailed over the woman's form to check for injury or signs of Illness.