Blackfeather Woods from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block
141 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Her expression lit up as she was told there was not one but two pregnant women here and that one of them was her leader. She was a bit embarrassed that she hadn't noticed but after studying the woman's hips and sides she couldn't see any rounding and figured it was too soon to outwardly tell anyway. She felt a small ache watching the pride Maegi displayed, wondering if she would ever feel it herself. She pushed the thoughts away and focused on the matter at hand

"Have you experienced anything concerning?" she asked curiously. She had no idea that Maegi had some experiences Midwifing and therefore figured she should check over everything now to make sure no problems were missed. "Small aches, pains, nausea and tiredness are normal" she added just in case it wasn't known. She made a note to meet Moonshadow soon and see how she was fairing, it was always good to have some sort of bond between a midwife and her patient.