Whitefish River rude awakening
420 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
Rolled a 4/15.

The shriek was all that filled his ears, and he reacted. The creature aimed for his face and in a flurry of aggression, had dragged its claws down the length of his already tough snout and forced Firefly's head down. It was hard for him to see the creature clearly with his wounded eye, but with the bloom of red on the rim of his vision and the burning lance of pain, he felt himself focus. The sound of the girl's approach - and her greeting - fell by the wayside as he launched towards the offensive thing that lay in his path.

The blood awakened something in Firefly that had been dormant since the island, perhaps even before that. Something that had gone to sleep when he'd been thrown from the cliffs by the wretched woman of Stormrift — this desire to fight, to rend, to tear apart another living thing. The badger was no match; deflected by a ramming of his head in to the claws, through them to the chest, and then he was shaking and snaking his head as close as he could to the bulk of the beast - gripping, biting hard.

The badger refused to give up so easily, but it was shocked by the no-holds-barred style of Firefly's unhindered rage, and fell victim to it. The crunch of bone and the panicked squealing of the mustelid sounded a lot like the shrieking of a child as it was butchered, and when Firefly was done, he lifted the creature by the throat and threw it free of the brambles, then stood there panting and dripping.
Messages In This Thread
rude awakening - by RIP Firefly - September 01, 2019, 07:07 PM
RE: rude awakening - by Isilmë - September 02, 2019, 02:30 AM
RE: rude awakening - by RIP Firefly - September 02, 2019, 11:45 AM
RE: rude awakening - by Isilmë - September 02, 2019, 12:13 PM
RE: rude awakening - by RIP Firefly - September 02, 2019, 12:31 PM