Home Away From Home
<span style="font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; text-shadow: 1px 0px 2px #000; font-family:Georgia;"><font color='#073863'>F</font><font color='#224462'>o</font><font color='#3E5161'>r</font><font color='#5A5D61'>e</font><font color='#4C5761'>v</font><font color='#304A62'>e</font><font color='#143E62'>r</font><font color='#143E62'> </font><font color='#304A62'>L</font><font color='#4C5761'>o</font><font color='#5A5D61'>y</font><font color='#3E5161'>a</font><font color='#224462'>l</font></span>
13 Posts
Ooc — Li

fifteen steps

The female calmed and her position shifted slightly when she was happy with Smoke's level of submission. Not that he was not able to stand up from himself, far from it, however he was new here, yet to be ranked and as a result it was his duty to respect the existing pack members that came before him. Yes, this female was new, he could small that the minute she approached, but she was here before him and as such commanded his respect.

She was also female and Smoke was always hideously chivalrous and polite to members of the opposite sex. In his eyes they were not just stay-at-the-den mothers, they were life givers. They risk death to produce the latest additions to the pack thereby securing it's future. He found it hard to not be in awe and admire this and this female was no exception. She greeted him as an equal proclaiming her name as Rowtag and was astute enough to not ask Smoke about his dream

This he was grateful for, he had traveled a long way to move on and deal with his past and he did not wish to be dragging it back up to the surface. Not that he would ever forget, the memories, good and bad, would stay with him, forever. Rowtag also inquired if Smoke was up for a walk in the woods. With a smile he reciprocated. My dear Rowtag, it would be my honor with walk with you this afternoon.

He stood up and shook his fur causing all the small jagged ends to become smooth as silk and caused particles of dust to fly out from his under pelt. He licked the odd patch here and there to keep it firmly planted to his body. Then he was ready to go and joined Rowtag at her side. Please Miss, lead the way.

then a sheer drop.

Messages In This Thread
Home Away From Home - by Smoke K-A - October 12, 2013, 06:02 PM
RE: Home Away From Home - by Rowtag - October 12, 2013, 06:17 PM
RE: Home Away From Home - by Smoke K-A - October 12, 2013, 07:25 PM
RE: Home Away From Home - by Rowtag - October 13, 2013, 08:08 AM
RE: Home Away From Home - by Smoke K-A - October 13, 2013, 02:38 PM
RE: Home Away From Home - by Rowtag - October 15, 2013, 04:06 PM
RE: Home Away From Home - by Smoke K-A - October 17, 2013, 06:27 AM