Two Rivers Isle eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night
36 Posts
Ooc —
A new feeling overcame Totoro now. They were suddenly convinced they were in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. At nearly the same moment they acknowledged this premonition, a voice rose up in the air. Totoro’s ears pricked.

Two Rivers Isle, they murmured, lips curling before they tossed their head skyward and called back, “Halloo there! I wonder, is there a narrower part of the river where we could meet and talk, perhaps?”

Their blue eyes glanced along each fork of the river. To the right (east), the waterway remained wide. But to the left (west), it seemed to taper off in the distance as it approached the edge of a forest.

“Could we meet on the west side of your isle? I will not cross over,” Totoro amended their prior message.

If the distant caller agreed to their terms, Totoro knew they would have to backtrack south a little bit to find a safe place to cross ahead of the “Y.” In the hopes of receiving a positive response, they began to lope that way now, ears swept to the side to catch any further howls.

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RE: eat popcorn in the morning, pancakes in the night - by Totoro - April 11, 2023, 11:18 AM