Neverwinter Forest the wheld
sólr rísa,
285 Posts
Ooc — honey!
hárkonungr turned as the sound of glaûkos's arrival reached him, the heavy presence of the man unmistakable even before his phlegmy huff punctuated the air. he took a moment to take in the soldier’s form—sturdy, unyielding, exactly the kind of ally he wanted at his side for what he had planned.

glaûkos, he greeted with a nod, his tone steady and weighted. we hunt stag today. something strong—worthy. his pale eyes held a flicker of anticipation, a challenge unspoken as he motioned toward the dense expanse of the forest. come.

norse · common
Messages In This Thread
the wheld - by Solharr - November 22, 2024, 01:00 PM
RE: the wheld - by Glaûkos - November 22, 2024, 06:17 PM
RE: the wheld - by Solharr - November 22, 2024, 09:09 PM