Her task of filling caches complete, Nanuk moved on to the next task: dragging what bones were still attached to the skull and spine to the Pukulria. The pile here was much smaller than the one they had back in Ouroboros but she would lend to it now, wanting it to match and perhaps surpass the splendor of the original. For herself, she might take an antler but most of it would stay here, a testament to the fact that it was part of Sawtooth Spire's success. They had survived everything from trespassers, to a brutal storm and raging fire, to finding a new home and still they stood strong. The pile here would grow with every addition, just as the pack would.
It was odd, the things that filled her with pride here and there, but this did it nonetheless. Arriving at the pile, Nanuk went to separate skull from spine, though she had a hell of a time doing so, for some reason. Perhaps if another showed up, she would muscle them into assisting her by playing a morbid game of tug-o-war.
October 14, 2015, 04:15 PM
claiming this one :3
It was about time these two met!
It was about time these two met!
Head low and steady-paced Aariak moved away from the densite in search of sport. As an athletic wolf that he was, Aariak could not keep to a single spot for too long, and baby-sitting wasn't always an active task. Sometimes he just needed to kill something to make up for his idle time, and the side-effcts of it were a +1 for Aariak's interests. He liked to keep his figure in a specific range, verging a bear-like musculature.
His paws weren't taking him somewhere specifically, for the male did not know where he'd find his next target. He usually roamed aimlessly until he found something good enough to spend his energy. But this day he wasn't driven towards a random prey that would simply fall victim to his claws. He ended ip at Pukulria faced to one of the upper tier wolves, and a potential spar-date.
"Having fun alone?" the male asked seeing how much effort she was putting into separating the skull from the remains of a catch. Aariak moved closer with respectful body-language, but clearly aiming to sink his own fangs on Nanuk's shiny toy.
October 14, 2015, 10:12 PM
Right? Yay!
The approach of another was not ignored but the bearish woman was intent upon her task. His question made a ear flick but other than that, she did not answer. Instead, she released the cranial bone and looked to her pack mate, summoning him over with a jerk of her head. "Help me pull this damn thing apart." Unfortunately, she couldn't quite get the leverage she needed to do so herself, the muscles and ligaments still firmly attached between the two pieces.
For the moment, all the female remembered about him was that his name was Aariak and he cared for the pups. He'd also been at several of the pack hunts but beyond that, her lack of social skills and preference for solitude showed. They would learn more about each other now, more than likely.
Aariak didn't expect her to, but the Beta female invited him to play tug with her toy in order to pull the skull apart from the spine. Nanuk, although he knew she was Tartok as he was, was unknown to Aariak in every other sense. She was the Beta, and impressively bulky. That's how much he knew about her.
Aariak was happy to join the female, so he took the opposite end of her toy and started pulling. He was gentle at first, testing the waters. But he was sure that Nanuk had probably just as much muscle on her as he did, and this would be a fun game to play. They were even.
Aariak was happy to join the female, so he took the opposite end of her toy and started pulling. He was gentle at first, testing the waters. But he was sure that Nanuk had probably just as much muscle on her as he did, and this would be a fun game to play. They were even.
October 18, 2015, 07:44 PM
He did as requested without argument, or any further words. She watched as his teeth found the end of the spinal cord and as soon as he gave it a decent tug, she did the same. Corded muscles rippled as she dug her paws into the earth and yanked back. Her strength was not a gradual thing, yanking back against his force with the might she mustered in such a short span of time. Her hold on the skull was awkward but the bear gave it no mind, growling softly as she continued to lean back and pull. If he let her, she would pull him right off of his feet without any sort of hesitance.
A movement started in her neck, which followed through to her jaws which tightened down on her prize before her head whipped to the side, both to surprise him and see if it would help break the object in two.
A movement started in her neck, which followed through to her jaws which tightened down on her prize before her head whipped to the side, both to surprise him and see if it would help break the object in two.
November 01, 2015, 03:04 PM
The polar bear's strength was impressive. No wonder why she'd gotten her name. Nanuk pulled with sharp tugs and unmeasured force, pulling Aariak a step fprward. He refused to be beaten by a female, and jerked with his strong neck muscles right back. He, too, had his good share of strength, and he had just found a good partner to work it with.
Aariak's pull was followed by an unexpected shaking of the female's head, which almost snatched the entire spine back to her alone. The male tightened his grip, and mimicked the female's movements, to which the bones didn't put muh resistance and broke the skull and spine apart. The male was almost thrown back at the sudden dismemberment, but he was quick to gain balance and prevent from falling.
The male chuckled softly, and with his breathing slightly quicker and heavier, he laid down and started chewing his share of the toy, not minding whether Nanuk wanted to claim it back.
Aariak's pull was followed by an unexpected shaking of the female's head, which almost snatched the entire spine back to her alone. The male tightened his grip, and mimicked the female's movements, to which the bones didn't put muh resistance and broke the skull and spine apart. The male was almost thrown back at the sudden dismemberment, but he was quick to gain balance and prevent from falling.
The male chuckled softly, and with his breathing slightly quicker and heavier, he laid down and started chewing his share of the toy, not minding whether Nanuk wanted to claim it back.
November 01, 2015, 03:35 PM
Much like Aariak would not let a female beat him, Nanuk would not let a fool beat her. Though he was smart in taking care of the Alphas' brood and had earned the Tartok name, the pale Beta thought highly of none until they had proved themselves to her. She was not one for word of mouth or reputation. Instead, she preferred to learn the tendencies of others for herself.
With a vigorous shake, the spine and skull splintered and finally came apart. Satisfied, Nanuk gave a deep, pleased thrum as she lowered the skull to the ground and shook herself out. As her fur settled down in place once more, the bearish female turned to collect the spine so that she could deposit both to the pile. Yet, as she turned, she found Aariak chewing on the longer half.
Stepping towards him, she snarled and snatched at the spinal shaft. These were not intended to be toys but additions to the Pukulria and she would take it from him so that she could place both pieces there.
With a vigorous shake, the spine and skull splintered and finally came apart. Satisfied, Nanuk gave a deep, pleased thrum as she lowered the skull to the ground and shook herself out. As her fur settled down in place once more, the bearish female turned to collect the spine so that she could deposit both to the pile. Yet, as she turned, she found Aariak chewing on the longer half.
Stepping towards him, she snarled and snatched at the spinal shaft. These were not intended to be toys but additions to the Pukulria and she would take it from him so that she could place both pieces there.
November 01, 2015, 05:24 PM
Sorry this is so short...
Aariak's paws pressed the bones to the ground and his ears fell flat on his head as Nanuk approached him with a threatening snarl. The male wouldn't give up his toy just yet, and wouldn't let her take it. He'd fight her for it if needed, and so his own snarl joined the bear's deep rumble.
When her teeth closed up on the spine, Aariak's snarl grew louder, to the point where he jolted up and in a gargantual bark as she attempted to snatch the bone. He knew that it was a risky move, but he wasn't challenging over the Beta's position. In fact, his reaction was mostly encouraged by his desire to fight a deserving opponent and release all the energy he had stored.
November 02, 2015, 10:43 PM
One more post from you and we can close it. Thanks for participating!
Despite his threats, Nanuk did not back down. In fact, it only spurned her snarl to gain a deeper, more frightening tone. She aimed to shoulder-check him away from her prize, for that was exactly what it was. She had hunted the creature down, so she had say on who got the bones. And she wanted them to go in the pile. This one would not stop her from doing so.
Teeth closed around the spine as she pulled away from him, very pointedly depositing both the spine and the skull onto the small mountain of broken skeletons. Nailing him with a look, Nanuk made it obvious that he was not to take them from their final spot; not today, anyhow.
Satisfied that he would not refute her higher rank or her command, Nanuk moved off to continue her duties for the day.
Nanuk exits.
November 06, 2015, 01:29 PM
Thanks to you for the thread :)
Damn she was hot. Didn't even hesitate to go forward and snatch her prize from behind Aariak's paws as it was her right, and she knew the male couldn't do anything, not without entering a life-threatening position-challenge that he did not want to get into.
Aariak allowed in the end, drawing out his snarl until the spine was out of his reach, and keeping his eyes to the ground and ears flat until Nanuk left. He did not feel humilliated, he had nothing to feel like that for, but something did tingle inside him as he watched the female leave. Perhaps it was an urge to fight her, but today wouldn't be fulfilled.
Before leaving, Aariak glanced at the bone pile for a long five or so seconds. They all looked inviting and the temptation was hard to resist, but Nanuk had made it clear that the bones were meant to stay in the pile. Aariak was not about to argue with that.
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