shardul traveled north, across the expanse of mountainous terrain alternately jagged and smooth. here he slew a goat, a rock-dweller, fleet of foot. it was a kill blessed by luck, but the proud khan thought only of his own prowess as he dragged its body into the lee of a boulder to feed.
his progress was slow; the silver god remained beside the body until there was little left but the slowly bleaching bones and the short-furred pelt rotting into oblivion. for three days shardul gorged himself and slumbered, confident in the knowledge that none would dare approach him.
when the brazen beast arrived at the clay feet of yet another peak, his appetite had gone unsated for two sunrises, two sunsets. it was dusk when he lifted his broad muzzle into the air and took the mountain's scent.
here were wolves, always wolves; a purring growl of disgust flickered in his throat. but here also was the tender fragrance of young cubs, little more than tabaqui. their aroma honed the impatient edge of hunger sharpening in his gut, and shardul moved without the hesitation of another moment across the borders and into the darkening shadows. pale eyes searched for the little ones as a cobra might slither in want of a nest heavy in downy fledglings.
his progress was slow; the silver god remained beside the body until there was little left but the slowly bleaching bones and the short-furred pelt rotting into oblivion. for three days shardul gorged himself and slumbered, confident in the knowledge that none would dare approach him.
when the brazen beast arrived at the clay feet of yet another peak, his appetite had gone unsated for two sunrises, two sunsets. it was dusk when he lifted his broad muzzle into the air and took the mountain's scent.
here were wolves, always wolves; a purring growl of disgust flickered in his throat. but here also was the tender fragrance of young cubs, little more than tabaqui. their aroma honed the impatient edge of hunger sharpening in his gut, and shardul moved without the hesitation of another moment across the borders and into the darkening shadows. pale eyes searched for the little ones as a cobra might slither in want of a nest heavy in downy fledglings.
October 18, 2015, 10:34 PM
Hope you don't mind me popping in here. Also, if this is outside the borders, you may want to change it.
Chaska wandered around the mountain, taking his time. He was taking in the scene, for he had decided to that his next tale would be based on a mountain. So he took this time to analyse what he could. But instead, he found something he did not expect.
A puma he thought to himself. It's been so long since I saw one. He had had run ins with them in his younger days, and none were pleasant. So he kept his distance, ready to call for help if it were necessary. He should have then, since it was on their territory. He instead hid, watching it from afar from the safety of rocks. Though there was one thing he had forgotten; the strength of it's nose and it's ears.
October 19, 2015, 09:46 AM
Steady had been diligently watching the borders, making sure any intruders were caught early and punished accordingly. He was expecting wolves, not cats. It had taken some time for Steady to track the beast down. It needed to be stopped. Steady growled, making his way up the mountain. He had been trailing the lion for a little time now, had an idea of where it was heading, and what track it might take. He had no idea one of his pack mates were nearby, watching the creature.
His hackles raised, a menacing growl coming from his throat as he blocked the cats path. Quickly, he howled for back up from his pack mates. He hoped not to have to attack before they got here because he knew the strength of the feline. "Get out of our territory," he said firmly with a growl.
His hackles raised, a menacing growl coming from his throat as he blocked the cats path. Quickly, he howled for back up from his pack mates. He hoped not to have to attack before they got here because he knew the strength of the feline. "Get out of our territory," he said firmly with a growl.
October 19, 2015, 10:30 AM
(This post was last modified: October 19, 2015, 10:30 AM by FitzDutiful.)
Calls in the cavalry!
FitzDutiful caught the scent on the wind, pure chance and luck. Immediately alert he took off in the direction, following it stronger and stronger until he arrived at the scene just to hear Steady announce that the cat was to leave. FitzDutiful nodded a glance of appreciation but would take no chances - his children might be old enough to leave but they were still prey to this creatures, he sent up a howl to alert the pack that a puma was near. He called @Zaria to come join them, an already trained warrior was required - he didn't yet know Steady was warrior-to-be. He also requested Chaska, @Alastor, @Cho, @Ryuu and @Vanora for support.
"LEAVE!" he yelled, his voice echoing around the mountain land, "Or your life is ours." His stance left no doubt that he was in charge.
He would take no risks today so he desperately hoped @Mason and June stayed away rather than tempted fate.
October 19, 2015, 12:16 PM
The scent was horrifying and it clogged his nostrils up until all he could taste on his tongue was fear. Fear for his pack, for himself, and most of all for June. He had caught it on a chance downward wind, but now the wind was changing, and he knew that would mean he was in grave danger if he didn't move. He had never before seen a cougar, but his instincts were driven wild by the scent, clearly an innate age-old reaction.
Mason sucked in a breath and cast around wildly, trying to make sense enter his panicked brain. He had been moping around with little thought for anything besides Zari and her new beau. Now he had to think and he couldn't even recall where his was. His Dad's call urged its way through the territory. Without thought, Mason dropped what little sense he had and galloped towards the sound, his wispy tail tucked beneath his tummy. All he wanted in that moment was his Daddy.
He ran without thought or reason, straight towards his Dad. Unfortunately for Mason, he didn't realise until he saw it. He skidded to a halt, raising a comical cloud of grey from the earth which dusted the mountain rock. Orange eyes widened to dinner plates as he took in the smooth gunmetal grey pelt. He held his breath to avoid whimpering as he realised that the beast cut him off from Steady, Chaska and FitzDutiful. They were less than 30 yards away, but it may as well have been a canyon between them for all that he could not reach them. A canyon with teeth and claws.
Trying not to make any more noise, Mason's paws instinctively backpedalled him, as he kept as close to the ground as he could, making himself less of a target. The only benefit was that thing was nearer his Dad than Mason - maybe his saviour could take it out before it turned on his son.
Mason sucked in a breath and cast around wildly, trying to make sense enter his panicked brain. He had been moping around with little thought for anything besides Zari and her new beau. Now he had to think and he couldn't even recall where his was. His Dad's call urged its way through the territory. Without thought, Mason dropped what little sense he had and galloped towards the sound, his wispy tail tucked beneath his tummy. All he wanted in that moment was his Daddy.
He ran without thought or reason, straight towards his Dad. Unfortunately for Mason, he didn't realise until he saw it. He skidded to a halt, raising a comical cloud of grey from the earth which dusted the mountain rock. Orange eyes widened to dinner plates as he took in the smooth gunmetal grey pelt. He held his breath to avoid whimpering as he realised that the beast cut him off from Steady, Chaska and FitzDutiful. They were less than 30 yards away, but it may as well have been a canyon between them for all that he could not reach them. A canyon with teeth and claws.
Trying not to make any more noise, Mason's paws instinctively backpedalled him, as he kept as close to the ground as he could, making himself less of a target. The only benefit was that thing was nearer his Dad than Mason - maybe his saviour could take it out before it turned on his son.
Edit; Dice Rolled for Zaria's attack to avoid Powerplay. Success.
Zaria had been on the other side of the mountain, hearing the faint howls. Instantly she cursed and sped away. Zaria was quick on her feet. She was considerably closer once her mate howled. Zaria wasn't letting anyone in their territory and now it seemed pretty serious. The girl didn't stop, she ran on. She was used to traveling or running with the bison. Her stamina was great and her lean body only contributed to her speed.
When Zaria arrived she was more a blur than anything else. Seeing Mason before the ... thing... Zaria instantly snarled like a protective momma bear. Without any fear the small female threw herself at the cat without hesitation. She wasn't very familiar with this thing, so she was quite oblivious to the claws the animal had. Her jaw clamped on the neck of the animal, though she wasn't sure if she had a good grip. This creature was on their lands so this warrior girl wasn't going to let anything happen to their pack members.
What she didn't realize was that she was in terrible danger, the cat was far bigger than her. At least this would distract the cat from going after Mason. Zaria's eyes were zeroed on seeing only red. Her mind on making this a murder scene.
October 19, 2015, 01:02 PM
The argent-coated Greek had been a little ways off, not far, perhaps, but farther than those who’d caught wind of the feline before him. Never had he been a fighter, preferring a calm spoken resolve over the clashing of teeth. It was not that he was ignorant in the ways of battle, but more a personal preference. For him, keeping away from the fight was always better in comparison to being apart of it. Despite that, when a howl rang out through the mountain, a song to summon the pack, he wasted little time in answering it. His legs carried him over the rocky terrain, little care for the possibility of slipping. Self-injury did not, at the time, matter to him. The only thoughts on his mind were reaching the location from which the call had resonated, and to assist in the defending of the pack’s land. Each who held a place within the group called the peaks home, and he’d not allow for himself to be so ungrateful as to turn tail and hide.
By some stroke of luck, Alastor found himself coming up on the same side of the beast as the boy had. His eyes stayed trained on the overgrown housecat, body dropping low as he stalked forward. Only after he’d positioned himself between their unwelcomed guest and Mason did his movements cease altogether. He stood stock-still, muscles tensing beneath his coat as he physically prepared himself. His ears stood erect atop his crown, listening both to the words of his pack mates, as well as whatever sounds came from the puma. It was then he took notice to the smaller frame against the cat’s large one. At first, he hadn’t even realized Zaria had initiated an encounter with the predator, his focus having been set on keeping the child out of harms way. His pale optics darted to Fitz, then, uncertain of how to proceed. Did the female’s attack mean they were all to take action, or something else? Until told to do otherwise, Alastor kept himself between the scuffle and Mason.
By some stroke of luck, Alastor found himself coming up on the same side of the beast as the boy had. His eyes stayed trained on the overgrown housecat, body dropping low as he stalked forward. Only after he’d positioned himself between their unwelcomed guest and Mason did his movements cease altogether. He stood stock-still, muscles tensing beneath his coat as he physically prepared himself. His ears stood erect atop his crown, listening both to the words of his pack mates, as well as whatever sounds came from the puma. It was then he took notice to the smaller frame against the cat’s large one. At first, he hadn’t even realized Zaria had initiated an encounter with the predator, his focus having been set on keeping the child out of harms way. His pale optics darted to Fitz, then, uncertain of how to proceed. Did the female’s attack mean they were all to take action, or something else? Until told to do otherwise, Alastor kept himself between the scuffle and Mason.
Come on love me like a Kamekazee
We'll go down in flames together
Thread titles are from Simon Curtis' "Super Psycho Love"
We'll go down in flames together
Thread titles are from Simon Curtis' "Super Psycho Love"
October 19, 2015, 01:53 PM
As Cho was setting laying in the grass relaxing still getting used to the pack and the environment, when suddenly she heard a howl from Fitz requesting her to join him and others. She then got up and rushed over to a mountain looking area. There was a few wolves that she knew when she got there like Fitz, Steady, and ..Zaria.. She was lunged over some ..Cat? she questioned this looked like it was gonna be intense.
She could feel her adrenaline start to rise at the thought of having to fight, she stood in the back feeling like she might pass out or have a panic attack. she felt her eyes widen a bit seeing that Zaria didn't have a great grip on the cat. "Oh no...this is gonna get bad.."
October 19, 2015, 02:31 PM
powerplaying mason w permission!
shardul's encroachment upon the land was not to go unnoticed. a foul black shadow drifted into his path, in its mouth an imperious demand that the cat depart. a laugh broke from the feline throat then; he bared his teeth to glints in the gloom and unsheathed his massive claws. short work could be made of the stupid beast. yet another creature, this one clothed in ash, surged to the fore, a sharp howl upon its lips. shardul's anger was kindled, and he snarled a great sound of wrath and ire, sorely tempted to rake his talons across the insipid face of the first wolf. "hellish beasts!" the cat snapped.
there was a blur of agouti; a sharp welling of pain in the side of his neck where a she-demon had grasped a mouthful of fur and flesh. shardul hissed with agony and malevolence as the smell of wolves enveloped him, and turned to glance behind himself for a route of escape. his claws flashed and he aimed a crushing blow against the thin body of the female who clung to him as if she were some giant leech.
there! crouched behind him like some pestilent gift from kali! a child! a wolf-cub! shardul did not dare take another moment; the boy was bounded by a beast of shadow and ice, but the ugly presence did not bar shardul's massive frame from its desperate dash. "if thou givest chase or attack, he shalt die!" shardul shrieked in a rasped and powerful snarl.
with a powerful thrust of his hindquarters, though he knew certainly they would heap their attacks upon him, the muscular cat had leapt toward the cringing whelp, adrenaline drowning back the pain in his neck, and seized the small body between the large yellowed pillars of his teeth in much the same way that his bitch of a mother had once carried him.
should he feel the sting of their teeth, he would hurt the cub dangling from his jaws. the small body was thin and easily subdued, but larger than he had expected, for the child was no nursling. the impetus of his initial leap carried shardul somewhat beyond the stage of their initial attacks, but he was forced to pause and readjust his grip upon the boy's shoulders as he slid into a shambling run.
October 19, 2015, 05:20 PM
It seemed as though there was no need to call, as another wolf came upon the scene. He had only caught glimpses, yet not learnt his name. Soon, the whole pack, or so he thought, was on the scene. He rushed down to join them, taking an angled position towards the front of the beast, releasing a warning growl.
But he did not see what came next. One of Fitz's children was ceased by the puma in it's jaws. One false move, and it would surely die. Perhaps there was no way to fight without loss. But they did have a slight advantage. Zaria had weakened it with a strike to the neck. Chaska took the beast's words to heart. They were true. If they were to attack, Mason would surely die. There had to be another way. And then the beast began to retreat. If they were to do something, it would have to be fast. He looked to Fitz, awaiting an order.
But he did not see what came next. One of Fitz's children was ceased by the puma in it's jaws. One false move, and it would surely die. Perhaps there was no way to fight without loss. But they did have a slight advantage. Zaria had weakened it with a strike to the neck. Chaska took the beast's words to heart. They were true. If they were to attack, Mason would surely die. There had to be another way. And then the beast began to retreat. If they were to do something, it would have to be fast. He looked to Fitz, awaiting an order.
October 19, 2015, 05:45 PM
Everything seemed to happen at once when his brother arrived. Warnings were given, then a flash and Zaria was on the cougar, attacking it. Steady took a few steps forward to help, but the feline grabbed Mason. "No!" he yelled, shortening the distance between himself and the kidnapper. He stopped in his tracks as the intruder threatened his nephew's life. Steady's hackles raised, his teeth bared and he growl deep within his throat.
But, he could do no more. Mason hung between its jaws, and if he attacked, his nephew would surely be killed. Steady looked to Fitz for what to do.
But, he could do no more. Mason hung between its jaws, and if he attacked, his nephew would surely be killed. Steady looked to Fitz for what to do.
October 19, 2015, 06:52 PM
Sorry I'm late to the "party". I hope it's ok for me to pop in here.
Vanora hard begun to grasp the basic layout of the territory, though she had yet to map out shortcuts between landmarks in her mind. This proved to be an issue that would need to be addressed sooner rather than later when a howl rang in her ears. Though she was not yet familiar with each individual's howl, this was one she knew she had to respond to. With a short growl to herself, she sped off toward where the voice rang from.
She silently cursed when she arrived, only to see she was rather late to what was most certainly an important happening. She recognized Fitz, Chaska, and Zaria, though the others who were present had not yet been met. Either way, she knew that this was serious. A puma stood before the canines, a young pup hanging in its jaws. She lowered her head, inwardly cursing herself more for being so late. She had barely heard the feline's threat as she had been approaching, but she knew this cat wasn't playing around. Keeping her eyes locked on the pup, she angled her ears toward her leader, waiting an order.
October 20, 2015, 03:25 AM
One by one his pack, his family, arrived. He called and they came, just as he knew they did. However, Mason also came and instantly FitzDutiful became inwardly flustered. Darn it! Zaria launched herself at the cat, providing him another mini heart-attack before Alastor made it his job to protect Mason. The silver puma had other ideas and with a bound managed to get past both himself and Alastor before picking up Mason in his jaws.
FitzDutiful let out a loud growl of disapproval, aware that at least three members of his pack were looking to him for instruction. He assessed the situation quickly; one trained warrior, one trained warden, four equally capable wolves. Six to the one puma nightmare.
The cat had leapt for Mason, putting itself deeper into pack lands, close to himself and Alastor. Zaria, Chaska and Steady were behind him and Vanora the other side. "Zaria, Steady the other side stop it going further into the pack lands" He wanted to stop it going after June too. He made sure to speak quietly, to stop it from hearing too much. "Chaska, Vanora - the sides. Alastor with me."
His aim was to circle it, trap it in a hexagon of wolves with no retreat. He let it go, it killed Mason; he attacked it, it killed Mason. His only hope was to hope it valued its life more than a meal and dropped Mason to retreat. With a glim grin that showed the extent he was willing to go to, he mused that if it killed Mason now he would have the puma's life as revenge.
FitzDutiful let out a loud growl of disapproval, aware that at least three members of his pack were looking to him for instruction. He assessed the situation quickly; one trained warrior, one trained warden, four equally capable wolves. Six to the one puma nightmare.
The cat had leapt for Mason, putting itself deeper into pack lands, close to himself and Alastor. Zaria, Chaska and Steady were behind him and Vanora the other side. "Zaria, Steady the other side stop it going further into the pack lands" He wanted to stop it going after June too. He made sure to speak quietly, to stop it from hearing too much. "Chaska, Vanora - the sides. Alastor with me."
His aim was to circle it, trap it in a hexagon of wolves with no retreat. He let it go, it killed Mason; he attacked it, it killed Mason. His only hope was to hope it valued its life more than a meal and dropped Mason to retreat. With a glim grin that showed the extent he was willing to go to, he mused that if it killed Mason now he would have the puma's life as revenge.
October 20, 2015, 04:27 AM
Mason heard Alastor come up behind him, and he allowed a soft whimper to escape. Finally, someone was on his side of the battlefield, and Alastor was a much bigger wolf than Mason. The boy debated slinking forward to hide between Alastor’s legs, but he couldn’t will his muscles to move. It occurred to him and that this might not be the best idea. If he could will himself to move, maybe he should run, and let Alastor deal with the fallout. Mason was not a coward, but nor was he stupid, and he knew that even a cougar would balk at attacking a full grown wolf defending a pup.
Unfortunately, more and more wolves were popping up like daisies near Fitz. Zaria appeared and launched herself right at Shardul. Mason’s throat constricted with fear for the slender pretty girl. He closed his eyes in fright, then opened them a slit to see her land her hit and tear at the creature’s neck. Mason’s eyes moved to his Dad, a small portion of him gauging the reaction in a calculating way, beneath the fear – now his Dad had a choice. Who would he save?
Shardul did not let Fitz make that choice. The creature itself HAD no choice, considering the odds. Shardul had a small pup and medium wolf on one side of him; he had six adult wolves on the other, with the smallest already grasping at its neck. The charcoal cougar leapt away from the larger group, bypassing Alastor with a desperate rangy stride that may have landed it another blow or may not. Mason didn’t know.
All the six-month pup could see was a blunt stony face bearing down on him. When it reached out to grasp him, he flinched, but this action merely served to press him closer to the ground. The teeth grasped him in the sweet spot of his scruff – he may have been larger than Shardul expected but he had a slight frame beneath his fluff. Instinct borne into him as a small pup took over, and immediately Mason’s legs curled up into the foetal position and any thrashing movements he might have made were quieted to allow this beast to carry him off with no qualms. Mason’s orange eyes concentrated on the swaying ground ahead as Shardul readjusted him, but the boy made no movement. To do so could mean death or a violent tumble considering the awkward lumbering gait of the creature.
Who would rescue him now? Or was he to be the sacrificial lamb?
Mason heard Alastor come up behind him, and he allowed a soft whimper to escape. Finally, someone was on his side of the battlefield, and Alastor was a much bigger wolf than Mason. The boy debated slinking forward to hide between Alastor’s legs, but he couldn’t will his muscles to move. It occurred to him and that this might not be the best idea. If he could will himself to move, maybe he should run, and let Alastor deal with the fallout. Mason was not a coward, but nor was he stupid, and he knew that even a cougar would balk at attacking a full grown wolf defending a pup.
Unfortunately, more and more wolves were popping up like daisies near Fitz. Zaria appeared and launched herself right at Shardul. Mason’s throat constricted with fear for the slender pretty girl. He closed his eyes in fright, then opened them a slit to see her land her hit and tear at the creature’s neck. Mason’s eyes moved to his Dad, a small portion of him gauging the reaction in a calculating way, beneath the fear – now his Dad had a choice. Who would he save?
Shardul did not let Fitz make that choice. The creature itself HAD no choice, considering the odds. Shardul had a small pup and medium wolf on one side of him; he had six adult wolves on the other, with the smallest already grasping at its neck. The charcoal cougar leapt away from the larger group, bypassing Alastor with a desperate rangy stride that may have landed it another blow or may not. Mason didn’t know.
All the six-month pup could see was a blunt stony face bearing down on him. When it reached out to grasp him, he flinched, but this action merely served to press him closer to the ground. The teeth grasped him in the sweet spot of his scruff – he may have been larger than Shardul expected but he had a slight frame beneath his fluff. Instinct borne into him as a small pup took over, and immediately Mason’s legs curled up into the foetal position and any thrashing movements he might have made were quieted to allow this beast to carry him off with no qualms. Mason’s orange eyes concentrated on the swaying ground ahead as Shardul readjusted him, but the boy made no movement. To do so could mean death or a violent tumble considering the awkward lumbering gait of the creature.
Who would rescue him now? Or was he to be the sacrificial lamb?
October 20, 2015, 10:01 AM
Zaria let out a yelp when the paw collided with her neck and shoulder, carving the claws of the creature into her skin. That was the only thing that made Zaria waver for a moment which allowed the cat to escape and go after Mason. Alastor clearly didn't make a good protector. Zaria fell down to the ground shoulder and neck bleeding form the claw marks. Her shoulder didn't support her weight for a moment. Though the cat taking away Mason gave her enough adrenaline to jump back up again. She rushed forward, howling tot he cat that she wasn't done with her yet.
"Seven Adults! We kill!!," she cried out and went into the direction, actually taking the lead. She was out for blood. She wanted to feast on the flesh of this animal that dared to hurt anyone that was close to her. Mason already had enough to deal with. The woman would make sure that Mason would see that she was still there for him. Her slender figure sped forwards. She let out one of her Dorthran murder cries since it came natural to her. The wound from her neck and shoulder was bleeding quite heavily, staining her agouti colored fur. The young female didn't notice she was running on adrenaline. She had to save Mason, what good of a warrior was she if she couldn't even protect her pack mates.
"Seven Adults! We kill!!," she cried out and went into the direction, actually taking the lead. She was out for blood. She wanted to feast on the flesh of this animal that dared to hurt anyone that was close to her. Mason already had enough to deal with. The woman would make sure that Mason would see that she was still there for him. Her slender figure sped forwards. She let out one of her Dorthran murder cries since it came natural to her. The wound from her neck and shoulder was bleeding quite heavily, staining her agouti colored fur. The young female didn't notice she was running on adrenaline. She had to save Mason, what good of a warrior was she if she couldn't even protect her pack mates.
October 22, 2015, 12:36 AM
The creature had caught him off guard, bounding past him in order to secure the pup between his jaws. Alastor had not been prepared for such an occurrence, having expected the feline to back off once it realized it was outnumbered. Too bad that didn’t happen. Instead of leaving, he’d snatched up Mason, using the child as leverage to secure his own safety. The threat Shardul had hissed out made his intentions clear, and the Greek was not about to test the authenticity of his words. Every part of his brain informed him to take the beast seriously, to heed his warning, and so he did. His paws stayed planted to the ground, but that did not keep a low growl from exiting his throat. He wanted to reach out and take the boy back, but he could not—not within breaking the one rule the feline had laid out for the wolves of the mountain. Unable to figure out a way around it, he looked to the leader, awaiting his instructions. And once they came, he responded right away.
Alastor followed out the order he’d been given and approached Fitz, but his eyes continuously trailed back to the large predator. Having run the words over in his head, he believed himself to have a general idea of what the pale wolf had planned, but he did not voice his theories. He, instead, kept quiet and waited, anxious to see how the scene would play out. That is, until another voice sounded. The argent lupine recognized it as being Zaria, and his icy eyes were drawn to her as she streaked forward. His legs grew stiff as he watched her small frame speed towards the feline, wondering, momentarily, if she had not understood the puma’s words. He couldn’t figure out how things would pan out, not for either of the sides. All he could do was hope that Mason got out of it okay, and that the seemingly impulsive female hadn’t blown the child’s only chance at survival.
Alastor followed out the order he’d been given and approached Fitz, but his eyes continuously trailed back to the large predator. Having run the words over in his head, he believed himself to have a general idea of what the pale wolf had planned, but he did not voice his theories. He, instead, kept quiet and waited, anxious to see how the scene would play out. That is, until another voice sounded. The argent lupine recognized it as being Zaria, and his icy eyes were drawn to her as she streaked forward. His legs grew stiff as he watched her small frame speed towards the feline, wondering, momentarily, if she had not understood the puma’s words. He couldn’t figure out how things would pan out, not for either of the sides. All he could do was hope that Mason got out of it okay, and that the seemingly impulsive female hadn’t blown the child’s only chance at survival.
Come on love me like a Kamekazee
We'll go down in flames together
Thread titles are from Simon Curtis' "Super Psycho Love"
We'll go down in flames together
Thread titles are from Simon Curtis' "Super Psycho Love"
October 26, 2015, 09:51 AM
So much happened within a blink of an eye, Mason had been swooped within the cougars mouth
Zaria is wounded, and everyone seems to be stunned. Scared to do anything in fear of the pups life.
Zaria said to kill , It was obious she was blood thirsty..
"Oh man .." she feels more anxious not knowing hunting skills very well yet, let alone fighting skills.
"L-Let Him GO!" She studded trying to get his attention and distract him while the others possibly were about to attack.
She didnt care if she got hurt she didnt care if she died as long as that pup was out of harms way and safe.
she then gave a snarl and showed her teeth.
October 26, 2015, 10:18 AM
sticking w the posting order referenced in mason's last post! <3
the woman he had wounded bounded toward him, but the others held back, looking to the pale brute for guidance. shardul's lips curled in a smirk around the boy's body; he hefted it higher in his grip and began to search about him for a series of clawholds. the panther would go where the insipid ones could never hope to follow, but for now he braced himself and lifted a broad paw to strike the charging wolfess down, meeting her war-cry with a bubbling growl of his own.
jaws tightened around the pup; his teeth did not break the skin, nor did shardul intend to wound the child, but merely to make him shriek in fear. perhaps the sound of his fear-scream would bind the wolves further to the earth.
October 26, 2015, 05:12 PM
Short one from me
Chaska nodded and began moving to the side, at a slow pace, hoping not to startle the puma. But it may have been too late for that, as Zaria charged towards it. He wanted to shout at her to stop, but couldn't find it in him to do so. He knew she probably wouldn't listen, so continued to circle around.
October 26, 2015, 08:01 PM
With his orders from Fitz, Steady pushed off with his muscular back legs, going up the rock face. His eyes were on the cougar as he made his way above it. It was obvious the pack had the upper paw in knowing the layout of this mountain, and Steady would use his knowledge to his advantage. The squeal of his nephew urged him on until he faced the feline once more, blocking its path as it tried to figure out where to go.
He growled, and in desperation, leaped at the the intruder as it was focused on Zaria, hoping to knock it off balance so the rest of the pack could attack. Steady was a large wolf, and he used every pound of muscle he possessed to attempt to tackle the creature that dared threaten Mason's life.
He growled, and in desperation, leaped at the the intruder as it was focused on Zaria, hoping to knock it off balance so the rest of the pack could attack. Steady was a large wolf, and he used every pound of muscle he possessed to attempt to tackle the creature that dared threaten Mason's life.
November 07, 2015, 02:18 PM
(This post was last modified: November 07, 2015, 02:19 PM by FitzDutiful.)
Really want to keep this moving. I believe someone PMed Vanora but we've got no reply. @Vanora please feel free to just post when you get time! Might be worth making this round based instead of post order when Shardul next posts?
Zaria didn't listen; it must be the difference in their training. He had trained himself to defend and she had trained herself to attack. He thought about it for only the smallest of seconds before he sounded the alarm and launched in for his own attack. He saw Steady began to leap and felt gratitude for having his brother here. The only good thing about this entire situation was his instructions had been followed and the cat should be surrounded.
Now there were attacks coming in from all sides and he hoped the wild animal would decide to drop Mason to save its own life up a tree or something rather than the deadly alternative of kill Mason and flee. He almost wanted Mason to start struggling, to encourage the cat to attack but he was sure that instincts had overridden his only son and that was why he flopped silently. A moment of fear that Mason was already dead flickered to life before dying out. He could afford those thoughts or he would falter.
With his aim for the Shardul's side, FitzDutiful charged.
November 11, 2015, 02:59 AM
He could hear a lot of kerfuffle going on behind him, but it all dimmed to a wash of white noise as his instincts began to shut down his body. It was supposed to be fight or flight, but Mason could do neither, and his brain couldn’t cope. Luckily he did not know how reckless Zaria was being, or he may have thought she was intent on getting rid of him, thanks to his abhorrent reaction to her mateship.
Mason was jiggled when Shardul sent a flailing paw at his attacked – a wolf Mason could not see. Suddenly sharp teeth bit deeper into his flesh than they had previously ventured. It was all that was required to cause a wail of abandon to be unleashed from Mason’s throat. His yelp melded into a cry of horror, a wail of pain and fear. It echoed around him and he closed his eyes tight, desperately hoping someone would rescue him.
Mason was jiggled when Shardul sent a flailing paw at his attacked – a wolf Mason could not see. Suddenly sharp teeth bit deeper into his flesh than they had previously ventured. It was all that was required to cause a wail of abandon to be unleashed from Mason’s throat. His yelp melded into a cry of horror, a wail of pain and fear. It echoed around him and he closed his eyes tight, desperately hoping someone would rescue him.
November 11, 2015, 08:15 AM
Zaria's cry seemed to have initiated the attack of several other wolves. Steady and even Fitz jumped to help her. Zaria was very wary of the claws of that thing. They had to get Mason out. It seemed the cat was surrounded by everyone in the pack now. At least what Zaria could see. She thought she was sticking to Fitz's plan of surrounding him and then attacking. "Let Mason go! Or you will be killed. Seven against One," she called out to the cat.
She wanted to attack and jump to his throat but she had to be sensible too. She couldn't do that otherwise Mason would hurt even more. She couldn't handle that. The cry was already too unbearable to hear.
She wanted to attack and jump to his throat but she had to be sensible too. She couldn't do that otherwise Mason would hurt even more. She couldn't handle that. The cry was already too unbearable to hear.
November 17, 2015, 01:55 PM
going to infer from some more recent threads that characters in this plot escaped relatively unscathed, as will shardul. last post for me! <3
they lunged, and shardul's eyes rolled wildly from the male wolf above him, to the wounded female who had returned to cry havoc toward the creatures of her pack. the child in his grasp wailed piteously, but shardul did not release him -- not yet. there was a small space to flee if he passed closely beside the pale wolf above him, and the puma did not hesitate -- dropping the boy and thrusting him aside, perhaps to fall down the ledge if fate allowed, the cat leapt for the small ridge of space.
teeth scored his flank and he clenched his jaws, but continued upon his headlong trajectory as pain burned along his flesh. droplets of crimson pattered to the stone, but the cougar did not pause, nor look behind him, as he carried his massive frame into the shadows and faded swiftly from sight.
November 17, 2015, 08:33 PM
Last from me
Chaska continued to circle. Watching the puma closely, waiting for a perfect chance. But if given that chance, what would he do? Any fight left in him left him long ago. But he saw that he need not do anything, as Fitz and Zaria charged it. It quickly dropped Fitz son, then ran, but not without getting injured by the wolf alpha.
He ran over with all speed straight to the boy. He may not have been trained in the art of medicine, but he had to know if he was alright.
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