Spring cracked open one of her eyes at dawn. She dragged herself out of her dug out den with a stretch then began to head to the Emberwood. She had decided late last night before she feel asleep to go check on it... make sure no pack was still trying to inhabit it.
Spring slipped out of the Maplewood, she decided to just stay an hour or so to check out the Emberwood. As she continued her sprint towards it. She doubted Aaron and his pack would still be at the Emberwood, because that would most likely result in death one way or another... still it was good to go check.
Finally reaching the Emberwood, Spring padded into the dark wood. She slowed her pace to a walk as she padded through the Emberwood, feeling the cold, barren ground shift underneath her paw steps. Her sparkling golden brown eyes surveyed the land around her searching for anything out of order.
Spring slipped out of the Maplewood, she decided to just stay an hour or so to check out the Emberwood. As she continued her sprint towards it. She doubted Aaron and his pack would still be at the Emberwood, because that would most likely result in death one way or another... still it was good to go check.
Finally reaching the Emberwood, Spring padded into the dark wood. She slowed her pace to a walk as she padded through the Emberwood, feeling the cold, barren ground shift underneath her paw steps. Her sparkling golden brown eyes surveyed the land around her searching for anything out of order.
February 28, 2016, 06:43 PM
I hope you don't mind if I use this as a scouting thread!
True to his word, however silent and in his mind, Hush was determined to earn his scouting trade and be of use to his Warrior Queens. The mute wolf decided on an excursion to the valley east of the large mountain range that towers beyond the Sleeping Dragon, and that morning, before the sun even rose and tinted the dark sky pink or purple, Hush slipped out of his pack's territory into the great beyond.
As the sun peeked over the sky, Hush made his way south, giving the Maplewood a wide western berth, walking down the Silver Moraine into Rising Sun Valley. If he knew the name of the valley while he entered its embrace as the sun rose, he would have barked a strange laugh at its irony. But its name would be unknown to him for the moment, and he continued his scouting mission south, passing through the Herbalist's Cache and into the Emberwood.
It was still dark, so Hush was wary. Though it was close to dawn, nocturnal creatures were still out and about finishing the end of their nightly routine. Hush strode through the silent, dark woods without a word, then froze at the sound of movement nearby. His head tilted as he listened, then, as the smell of wolf hit his nose, he chuffed softly, calling the unknown canine to come out and meet him.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
February 28, 2016, 10:18 PM
(This post was last modified: February 29, 2016, 11:03 PM by Spring.)
Of course! Good luck on getting the scouting trade! :)
Spring continued through the Emberwood. She began to feel insecure and unnerved, pretty unsafe to sum it up. She had no idea why Aaron and his wolves had even considered living here. It was way to dark... and so so very eerie... and creepy as the trees waved and darkness stretched all around her.
Spring froze at the sound of a chuff. Her first thought was. Is that one of Aaron’s followers? Or maybe even Aaron himself? Spring pelt bristled at the thought, but slowly she began to calm as she realized that it was someone else... they had a different scent than Aaron and his followers had. Her ears perked up in curiosity... this wolf had the scent of others on him though. He had to be a pack wolf.
Spring turned around and started towards the unidentified male. Curiosity perking in her pelt as she wondered who it was. She padded towards the scent, picking up the figure of a brown male. “Hello.” She called to him with a smile smile, not knowing he could not speak.
February 29, 2016, 10:09 PM
With a few moments of patience, a woman entered his view, hazel and cream with golden eyes that were tinged with anxiety. He didn't blame her. Woods were often spooky at night, not counting those with thick canopies like this forest. With a gentle nod in her direction and a chuff as a response to her greeting, Hush's body relaxed slightly, now knowing what had formerly been unknown. The silence was slowly being penetrated by the soft coos and cries of the morning birds, and Hush walked forward, his eyes flitting around the forest as it slowly began being lit up by the sun. his eyes adjusting to the brightness.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
February 29, 2016, 11:02 PM
Spring decided that this male either could not talk or just simply did not like to talk, as he kept giving her nonworded replies. She regarded Hush with a smile then padded up to a spot a few paces away from the male. Her tongue lolled and she found herself feeling a little more at ease to know that she was not the only one to take on the creepy, cold, dark woods.
Spring felt the rising sun start to warm her pelt ever so slightly more than yesterday. She then noticed with realization that Spring would be around the corner within a few days time. That made her pulse quicken in anticipation wondering what her first Spring in the Teekon Wilds would be like.
Spring felt the rising sun start to warm her pelt ever so slightly more than yesterday. She then noticed with realization that Spring would be around the corner within a few days time. That made her pulse quicken in anticipation wondering what her first Spring in the Teekon Wilds would be like.
March 01, 2016, 07:16 PM
As the woods lit up, Hush began to get a better look at the woods they were in. He didn't know trees by smell, but he knew them by sight. And as the soft glow of sunlight reflected off of the silvery bark of the aspen trees, Hush got the jist of what this wood might be called. Something with fire, most like, given what aspens look like in fall. But already, spring was around the corner. He could feel it in his bones, smell it in the air. The thought of warmth in this land, in his far northern home, excited him. Hush looked at his companion, noticing that same unfocused gaze in his female compatriot. He chuffed to get her attention, the gestured deeper into the woods. They could explore these woods together; better with another than alone, after all.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 01, 2016, 07:41 PM
Spring accepted the brown colored males offer to go exploring, with a nod of her head and taking a few steps closer to the male. Then she started to pad into the woods, letting her tail wag and tongue loll freely, as she was currently at ease, having someone else with her. Her eyes gleamed excitedly, ready for an adventure, as she glanced back at Hush. Let’s go!” They seemed to say.
March 01, 2016, 08:47 PM
Pressing into a light jog, Hush led the female through the silver-treed forest. Part of him wanted to break into a mad dash through the woods and feel the wind through his fur, but in an unfamiliar place such as this, Hush didn't mind easing back. They were exploring after all.
At first there was naught much to look at, but much to hear. The birds of the morning became louder and louder with each passing moment, until a chorus of them chirruped and tweeted above them. Hush looked up at the canopy, appreciating their songs as the two of the passed by under them. Even if they didn't find anything interesting, he was still happy with observing the scenery.
At first there was naught much to look at, but much to hear. The birds of the morning became louder and louder with each passing moment, until a chorus of them chirruped and tweeted above them. Hush looked up at the canopy, appreciating their songs as the two of the passed by under them. Even if they didn't find anything interesting, he was still happy with observing the scenery.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 01, 2016, 08:54 PM
Spring closed her eyes contentedly for a second, still walking side by side with Hush, as she listened to the bird’s rhythmic songs that sounded gorgeously around her. Maybe their were beauties everywhere no matter how creepy and/or eerie... you just had to look for them.
She surveyed the land around them, with the tweeting birds and forest that was slowly starting to brighten as the sun was now beginning to rise. Maybe it was not as bad and spooky her as she had originally thought it was. Maybe this was why Rosing’s had tried to settle here... yet they were gone now and that was good. No more prey blockade. Spring sighed contentedly as the pair continued on, on their morning walk.
She surveyed the land around them, with the tweeting birds and forest that was slowly starting to brighten as the sun was now beginning to rise. Maybe it was not as bad and spooky her as she had originally thought it was. Maybe this was why Rosing’s had tried to settle here... yet they were gone now and that was good. No more prey blockade. Spring sighed contentedly as the pair continued on, on their morning walk.
March 06, 2016, 10:47 AM
Hush, while content in this near-silence, longed for something interesting for him and the young woman to search through. He came down south to explore, not to take a leisurely morning stroll. But it was wishful thinking - Hush liked this departure from constant adventure, if it was only brief. Yes, a brief vacation, that was nice.
But this vacation was brief. Almost immediately, Hush looked to his left, and froze, seeing a pair of pheasants chirruping off in the distance. With a glance and a soft chuff to his companion, he gestured towards them, inviting her to the prospect of breakfast in these woods.
But this vacation was brief. Almost immediately, Hush looked to his left, and froze, seeing a pair of pheasants chirruping off in the distance. With a glance and a soft chuff to his companion, he gestured towards them, inviting her to the prospect of breakfast in these woods.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 06, 2016, 03:59 PM
Spring caught sight of the Pheasants as the brown male softy chuffed to her. Her eyes brightened in anticipation of the hunt. She nodded, understanding the gesture. Then Spring slowly stalked around the Pheasants, so now she and the male were on both sides of them. She then let the brown male make the first move on the prey.
With the female skirting off into the foliage, the trap was set. It was simple, but it would be effective in catching one of both of the feathered creatures before they even had a chance to run off. Hush, with baited breath, waited for a few moments to let the air around them settle. If the birds had caught wind of some of the female's movements before, the sudden stillness was sure to disarm them. Then, with a bark, Hush plunged into the fray, charging towards the pheasants. With an alarmed trill, one of them flew off into the canopy, lost to Hush's view. Whether the other had been successfully caught by his companion, Hush would not know until the dust settled.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 13, 2016, 03:38 PM
Spring heard the males bark and quickly dust went flying everywhere. It was hard to see, but luckily Pheasants happened to be very flashy with their rainbowish colored feathers. She darted forward, her pelt almost blended in with the brown dust cloud perfectly. She leapt into the air, slamming down on the Pheasant, killing it by snapping it’s spine with her weight before it even knew what had hit it.
Spring squinted her eyes, to make sure less dust would enter them. She then scooped up the Pheasant into her maw. It hung limp and dead as a doornail, dangling. She then waited for the male to once more appear once the dust finally settled. Wondering whether he had achieved to catch the other Peasant with luck as she had.
March 16, 2016, 10:40 PM
The dust cleared, revealing the triumph of one hunter and the failure of the other. Hush huffed, slightly annoyed that he had missed, but glad that at least one of them managed to catch breakfast. He sat on his belly, paws adjacent to another as he waited for her to place the meal down inbetween them to share as much as they could this morning. It would be a light snack, but anything was better than nothing.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 17, 2016, 06:53 PM
Spring was slightly surprised to see that the male had not caught anything, but did her best not to show her surprise, not wanting to embarrass him. She placed the Pheasant in between the two of them. She took a piece of meat from the feathery body of the prey, then nudged the Pheasant closer to Hush, allowing him to now take his share from the bird.
March 19, 2016, 01:45 PM
Hush chuffed his thanks to the female for sharing before he tore a leg from the pheasant's body. He ate in silence, the world around them relaxing as birdsong called once more and the subtle sounds of bones crunching served as a percussive bassline to the birds' soprano arias. Hush, finishing his leg, tore another chunk from the carcass and left the rest for her. She worked for it, and therefore she could have as much as she wanted.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 19, 2016, 02:55 PM
Spring eat the rest as the male left it for her, then after gnawing a little bit on the bones to get any reminders of meat, he left the harvested carcass for any lucky scavenger to happened to come along. Her gaze flicked to the male warmly. “That was fun.” She remarked with a small friendly smile. “Maybe we should go on another hunting trip again sometime.” Spring didn’t except the cream male to respond, still she put the offer out there. She enjoyed the company of this wolf. She wondered what Pack he was from, since he did have the scents of other wolves on his pelt. One smelt faintly and vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t place it. Oh well... maybe it’d come to mind later.
March 19, 2016, 05:23 PM
Hush responded to her wish with a smile, then he moved towards her. His nose twitched furiously as he took in her scent, committing it to memory. He hoped she would understand the gesture as he stepped back and nodded, affirming her wish. He looked north, towards the Dragon, then back at her. With a gentle chuff, he loped off towards the Sleeping Dragon, pheasant in his belly and a smile on his face.
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Guardian (0/10) — Ranger (0/10)
Note: Hush cannot form words. He can, however, chuff, snarl, bark, and make a yodel-like howl.
March 19, 2016, 05:32 PM
Spring watched as the male made his leave. She took a deep breath of the air, where he had previously only seconds ago stood. Taking in his scent as he had to her. She locked that scent into her memory. Then started back to Phoenix Maplewood at a swift sprint. One day she would meet up with that wolf again and they could go hunting once more. For now though she just wanted to be home as she made her way back to the lovely Maplewood, the place that no matter where life took her would always be her true home.
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