Bazi hadn't crossed Swiftcurrent Creek's border in a long time, and to do so now brought a thrill to an otherwise heavy heart.
Things were not going well.
She had made a serious error of judgement with Danica, but the deed was done now - she could not, would not, reverse her decision. They would question Danica's departure, and Bazi could not force her to lie - it was not by choice that the golden warrior was leaving with the family and never coming back. Even if the truth about the situation never came out, she would still be the Alpha that booted out a loyal, perfectly healthy wolf.
What if they were all a bunch of hippies? Under Fox, it hadn't really been appropriate for Bazi to assert her beliefs.. but she was the leader now, and she was both vehemently anti-gay and anti-religion. Where had Paarthurnax come from, for example? Did she carry some mystical sand-wolf beliefs with her from the beyond? The thought made Bazi scrunch her face into a grimace, but it eased when she dropped into the Vale.
The forest was beautiful - even today, when the sky was unseasonably grey. Bazi wandered quietly through the trees, staring at the canopy above her head. Could she drop everything, and start over?

About two weeks ago, she had given birth to her two beautiful pups. And recently they had opened their eyes. They were still blue for now, but they would change soon. She had a feeling they would either have her eyes or their biological father's. Or maybe one would have hers and the other would have Majesty's. She would have to wait.
Since they had the constant protection of their surrogate father, she left the den for the first time in a while. Her pups squealed in protests, but she quickly quieted them before taking a walk. She travelled outside of the territory, travelling into the forests near the bottom of the mountain to rest a bit before she returned back to the den.
Today, the forest was absolument magnifique. It was even more so after weeks of being inside, constantly berated by the squeals of her pups. The scarred wolfess tilted her head back to look at the canopy, nearly bumping into another female who was walking through the woods as well. "Ah, pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle."
Adair had seen his fair share of wilds, yet this forest held alot more life than more than half that he had previously crossed. He was sure that they held not only many truths, but many secrets as well. Just being in the forrest made the hessian desire to talk to another soul about his problem, but he very well knew he rather exile himself from the land rather than to burden another.
The trees were not soundproofing the area, and after quite a few more steps, he heard a language he had never spoken, himself. It sounded as if it were french, and after hearing the last word of the sentence, Adair judged the voice to belong to a female who knew of the french language, as it had slipped off of her tongue in a manner of familiarity.
He rounded a few more trees, and walked amist the view of the two females, both of contrasting coats, and as he gazed at the both of them with his hazelish amber eyes, he bowed his silked dark brown crown, and lowered his thick tail, to show them proper respect.
"Hello." He said in a humble and smooth voice.
Before she could ask how old they were, a second, male wolf appeared. Bazi bristled instinctively and took a swift step back, looking between Erika and the newest arrival. "Friend of yours?" she asked the other female.

It took a moment for Erika to remember the white furred female she had encountered by the lake. She looked different, more mature than before? But that was what happened as time past by, no? "Oui, I 'ad two." She retailed with pride. Her pups were growing strong, especially her smallest. Erika was worried that her petite Serena would not last the night. But she had, and kept growing ever since.
Another wolf approached then, a dark, unfamiliar male. But the smell was familiar. Erika almost jumped back in fear. Ouroboros. Silvertip. They still had that distinctive stench that made her shiver slightly, even though she was not familiar with the wolf. "Non, I 'ave not met 'im before..." The dark pelt made her think of Kaname or Sitri, but the eyes were reminesit of Majesty, which calmed her. "Bonjour, Monsieur..."
He gazed at them with peace in his hazelized amber orbs.
First he turned to the ivory hellion,
"Hello, and no, we no nothing of eachother. "
Then to to midnight hellion.
" Et Bonjour, Mademoiselle, comment allez-vous?"
Adair spoke the words in a manner of almost perfected fluency. He had had a few lessons from a friend of his he had met along his travels, and intrestingly, it was a frog. He hadnt seen him in a long time, however, so his lessons had been cut short.
"You're making us nervous," she told the dark creature, speaking for both women in words she felt sounded.. diplomatic. "Please go."