Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: here there be potential for love making, watch out for dragons
As it did every year, her cycle returned.
Burning into her veins like a thousand needles, pressing against her sides, her womb, everything. She woke that first morning to blood matting against the inside of her thighs and she sighed out a long breath. Lusine was not a good mother.
It didn’t take long of looking at her children to know that.
No redemption needed. She got up from her place beneath the willow she slept under the past several nights, and set to work on distraction. Clawing the dirt, digging scattered holes and covering them up again, dragging branches to and fro. Anything to keep her mind and body busy.
As it was, she would be digging into the dirt beside where the willows met the mountains when she heard something coming close. She didn’t look up, just scraping idly at the dirt.
March 29, 2023, 11:45 AM
Not long after he'd found the other girl and her companion, the main who was in heat, Callum, still exploring the mountains, seemingly stumbled apon another. He was a kind and gentle man though and wasn't going to force himself in her presence, so he approached slowly and carefully. He didn't hold himself in a particularly dominant way but he did show he wasn't weak.
"Hello." He said with a dip of his head, hoping for a kind response. "I am Callum."
"Hello." He said with a dip of his head, hoping for a kind response. "I am Callum."
March 30, 2023, 09:25 AM
She glanced over her shoulder and immediately stifled a grimace.
He was young, this visitor. Too young. She looked at him and just saw the faces of her children. Her face didn’t show this, just a little raise of a brow.
He was young, this visitor. Too young. She looked at him and just saw the faces of her children. Her face didn’t show this, just a little raise of a brow.
I am old enough to be your mother, young man.Came the assumption, the knowledge that most men who approached her right now were seeking the same thing. She could see it, that youthful look that still graced him where she was becoming stockier in age. But, he had given her a name, so she supposed she should return the favor.
March 30, 2023, 11:49 AM
"True, but I am old enough to be some young pups father, and I'm not old." Callum said in response to her statement. She wasn't too much older than him and he wasn't sure why that would matter. He was pretty sure the girl he'd recently done it with was significantly older than him and she was fine with things.
"Thats a pretty name." He said genuinely. He wouldn't push to do anything if she didn't want anything. He would leave her in control.
"Thats a pretty name." He said genuinely. He wouldn't push to do anything if she didn't want anything. He would leave her in control.
March 30, 2023, 11:56 AM
Her nose wrinkled.
The less she thought about this, the better.
Perhaps for a woman half my age. You are about as old as my eldest.It was her problem, in the end. She picked her head up, slowly starting to turn.
It serves its purpose.Her name was just that, a name. Not a title anymore. It almost saddened her, for just a moment, before she threw her head with a short huff, turning back to her hole to begin scratching at it.
The less she thought about this, the better.
March 30, 2023, 11:58 AM
"Do you need help with anything?" Callum asked causually, unsure why she was digging and also half-asking if she wanted to mate, despite the age. He could sense the feeling she was giving off due to her heat.
March 30, 2023, 12:08 PM
He was persistent, she gave him that.
It rankled at her core, just a bit. The part of her used to being in control. Legionnaire. Commander. Whatever you wanted to call her. She forced down the want to bristle.
She didn’t even know if she wanted another litter. The first had just brought the idea to her head, the second solidified it. Lusine, whoever she had been, was not a great mother.
She hadn’t been good enough alone, and she doubted she’d find anyone to be good with. So, she went back to scraping holes into the dirt.
It rankled at her core, just a bit. The part of her used to being in control. Legionnaire. Commander. Whatever you wanted to call her. She forced down the want to bristle.
I am quite alright. It will pass.
She didn’t even know if she wanted another litter. The first had just brought the idea to her head, the second solidified it. Lusine, whoever she had been, was not a great mother.
She hadn’t been good enough alone, and she doubted she’d find anyone to be good with. So, she went back to scraping holes into the dirt.
March 30, 2023, 04:57 PM
Callum respected her decision. "Right then, I will leave you be. Pleasure to meet you Lusine, perhaps our paths will cross again, at a better time for you." He said politely. He dipped his head in respect, and then headed off.
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